tlill ttestines fer the Recent June ED 2WD Q Is the FIFE ahle tn preside indicatinns and warnings at an attach Fer translate rinse the Center have the ahitity tn detect annmalnns nr patterns in trey r antics that might indicate snrnething is tn happen The ahilit I tn indicatinns and wanting is dependent rst and inter-nest nn its ability In quickly gather in nrrtalinn rent rnnitinle snarees alanut an nngning nr imminent attach whether an intresinn a virus a denial nt scenes at ether ni attack The NEPC dens net encrate ansr detectinn nn any gntentrnent nr civilian systems Titus we an ant get inrlieatines in an aatentated sense any detectinn in this sense raw in the ether wnrid is act I diiterent t'rcrn LEW in the nuclear missile nr certt'entineai weapnns 'w'crlti1 1where radars and ether devices can pres- hie advanced warning nfan attack Rather we get relevant int'nrrnatinn nnt intelligence snurccs criminal int'estigatinns ripen as media and the inlemet and rent and cnntacts We detect activity in key ennrmu'nicatinns tactics nniy if the eweerinperatnr eithat nntie rlcteets it and the HIPS an FBI Field Gitiee nr annther agency nr if we learn criminal itn'cstigetinn nr intelli gence senrces that the ends is hein attached The key tn the ability tn the this is the and ciese interactinn with Defense end intelligence Watch centers FBI Field Of ces nther Law En inrcernent nrganiaatintts anti virus assnciatinn greens prirate and nuhlic' incident Resennse Teams and Centcutcr Emergency Reseense Teams in reign leer agencies and en sate hath individual entnnanies and sharing nrganiratinns Deer the as st sears the limit has made substantial in these rclatinnshins but this is a centinuing taslr and rents remains in he dnnc Chic nt the In airt reasens cur extensive nutreach is in huild trust and willingness en the part ni en's-ate centpanics re rennrt cyher incidents tn as and these eft nrts are heating hair in additinn directs ether federal agencies in rennrt incidents in the NIFC directly Elan agencies are dcing this but there is rentn fer internsernent with nthers tn additinn tn reperts l'rnrn cement-ties and agencicst the HEP-23 Watch actively scans all avaiiahle gnventrnentai and private swine sent-ens fer reperts nr interstatine regarding eyhcr activity and interacts threngh net each day witi'sntlaer watch centers tn share lace er indicatinas l at an attack is received and analyzed the NFC can issue a warning alert nr ad sery sinnernus means depending en the audience TWarnings can he issued tn speci c iargetcd thrnegh FEE Field Of ces nr he the watch directly ether federat agencies can he nnti erl lat r e-rnaiL secure facsimile and tales state and ideal law eet nreernent can he warned by internals r can he warned tinnegh tail-attest secure email and website and athiSEt an e mail system that reaches tens nf ni cnmnanies and the general pahin can he warned via the NEPC nehnage and the Release a Pane ef I news media Mi stiffness mechanisms have heen used nunnirees times as discussed in the answer te the nest questiett Sen ate Kyl s questien gees te the heart in the eyher werld sheuld the hiatlen have the eapahility te detest intrusiees inte getremment er prit'ale seeter systems in an aerentated tashien witheut haying te rely en htenan deteetien and repel-ting 't'l'ie sentres-ers attending the Adetiaistratien's rmeet initiative which is a limited prepesal te plaee autesnated intrusien deteetiea devises en federal ageney netwerts identi ed many ef the prit'aey and enter issues sueh a system weuld raise partieularly it it were extended Ie privately nested netwerlzs- The geyemment s appreaeh at the present time is te eneeutage industry te pretest and reeniter its ewe systems and re repert anetnsleus aetlyity relentaiily The HIPC werlss within that eyerall pelie te private seeter reperting as a eritieal part elits raw Esamples el' this inelede In ti'aGard and the ineident reperting pilet pregtatn we have dereleped with the energy seeter Lhreugh the Nerth euneri ran Eleetn'eal Reliability Ceuneii Q Herr many warnings has the h'lFC issued tt-hieh were det'eIeped tltreugh the Centers's east analysis at tilt the 54 taetieal wanti a preduets disseminated sinee the i i'ti t' was established in Fehreary 1993 all were in whele er in part threagh the Center's ergastie analytieal analysis efaetiyity Seine et these preduets were initiated by the NFC leg the Werut alse l-t'iiettet as the ill l t't'erni l while ethers heih upen hasie analysis initiated elsewhere leg the ls'll C assessments menial ef Sen'iee teels t t'e eaneet put a pneeise tigere en the relative eenteihutiensa else these are all eeuununity- eellaheratiye preduels in perfetrnin analyses and issuing warnings the hill t elesel with ether get- ernnmet agencies pri rate aeeter erganieatiens seeh as CEii'l it-hieh is an Fill eentraeter and the SANS in stitute and aeatlernie in stitutt ens in additien te wanting preduets the Center has predueeri hundreds et nee-wanting intereiatienal preduets Sines 1993 the has predueed Still daily reperts 3t Cyberhietes a summary and analysis ei teehnieal espleits and 51 Cntieal lnliastnteture Develepnients reperts a repeat en resent either related issues and insider-its and ties lP Digests a periediei in-depth analysis eieyher threats and vulnerabilities 1ia ersiens ei' these analytical preduets ge te private industry te the letslligenee Ceeun erety ether federal ages eies installing law eel'ereentent and te erieainai investigaters Q What-editer ageaeles tile yen sea playing a slgel eant rate in the area at eernputer erlrne in restlgatiees'i Cyher er-iree is an issue that eerteerns net justthe Flil and netjust law enfereereent generally hideed eyher arises in itself sheuld he sees as part at a hre ader anay el' eyh er threats including eyher terrerisre eyher espienage and int'ennatiea warfare since all are elesel related and alien ditlieelt te distinguish at the eutset ef an insistent he a result eyher threats are e- arn-I Release a Pass - efgreat ceneern tn nunrereus federal agencies including the efense intelligence and Law Cernreenitiss and te civilian Lead Agencies rurder is state and leeal including law enfereentent andI ef cttatrse1 tn the private easier It is because ef this widerranging interest that the HIPS was established as an interagency center The HIPS pmvides a teens and mechanism fer ceerriinating the expertise and reles efrnany agencies and facilitates inferrnatien sharing and eperatinnal The HELPS werhs elesel an investigative with many law enferecrecnt agencies including the Secret Service Internal Revenue Service IRS Sir Feree ice ef Special Investigatiens Havel Criminal Investigative Service C13 United States Air Feree Gilles ef Special Investigatiens Defense trirninal investigative Service BEES Hadenal Serenautics and Space Administratien Of ce ef Inspecter General WSSA Department ef Energy state and lecal law the intelligence as well as fereign law agencies threuglt Fill Legal Attaches Q Are there reasens ether than funding which have caused ether agencies In pull their persennel ent ef the Fer esanrpledees FBI management at the ltZL'enter recegniae the expertise ef the ether agencies and alien there te fully participate Zine cf the dif culties in attempting te epcrate an interagency Center is ensuring that all relevant agencies participate Agencies have net rcecivcd direct funding In participate in the Center and se must talre detailces tn the lich eut efesistin persennel reseurees ln additien persenncl with cyher expertise are in very supply meaning that agencies must te tel- e scarce resettrces and send them eutside their agencies Despite these impediments nunr ereus agencies have sent detailees in the ineludin g De ferrset fllce ef the Secretary ef Defense Central Intelligence t'tgency hiatienat stir Ferce Office cf Special lnvestigstiens US Haw LES Anny Fests Service Defense Criminal investigative Service General Services hdministratien US Air lnteliigcnce regency Hepartnt ent cf Sentinel-cc and the 'l ttscaieesa1 AL Sheri if efiice 1n additien we have fereign liaisen representatives frets lute allied eeuntries whe assist in ceerdinating intenretienal activities with car ceunterparts A representative Faith is alse scheduled te start at the end efl'une Additienal representative sea Del Sid and are alse slated te arrive in the near future We are alse expecting representatives frern leeat Washinch area peti cc departments en a parivtime haste Sernc agencies were represented earlier but de net currently have representatives Circumstances necessitated the recall ef the rst State Department representative State agreed te tie se and'has tn HIPS that it weeld replace hire with have new representatives DeE's rst representative retated heel a er there than twe years NlPt S s understanding as tn why this representative related heel is that he was fern time and was needed at headquarters ten assist in a DUE reet'grans'aatien Dell has dismantled te replacing that detailee - _Secret Service earlier had twe detailecs te the NIPC hut recalled these detailccs and has 3- I'h'ln- - Sitth'tll Release a Page i will tiss- I I net yet eernrnitted te replacing them Secret Service has net previded any 1written caplet-tatien fer this hut in erai discussiens Secret Service efficials stated that was net getting additiensl fending fer its electrenic crintes eregrarn despite its participatien in the FBI was receiving ntere media attentien in the eyhet crinie area and MP6 had net referred cases In Secret Service fer investigatien NFC effered any sapeert it ceeld give in Secret Service in addressing hedget requests eeted that NFC public statements et'ten referred te partnership with and effered is de rnere te suppert initiatives with public statements and case analyses NLFC alse stated as discussed further helew that its rele is net te create and refef' eases rather cases generatly eriginate in Field f t ieea and Phi and Secret Service field ef ces frequently wetlt cemputer crime eases tegether 14ch fully the value ether agencies hring tn the cyher crime and infrastructure pretectien etissien That is why hiiZPC is an i eterageac Center and has settler managers frent ether agencies in additien te investigaters and i- er instance the NEE Hepnty Directer is freer tite Seetien Chief ef the Aeaiysis and Wane Sectien is frent Gift the Assistant Sectiett Chief ef the Semester Investigatiens and Sectiert is frent Air Fe the Unit Chief ef the Anaiysis and inferniatien Sharing Unit is frenn l'tlSat and the tinit Chief ef the Watch and 1 nifareingr limit is frern the US News Secret Service ferrnally eccepied the pesitien Sectien Chiefef the Training Outreach and Strategy Seetinn ef the need fer ether agency patiidipatiert is else what drives HIPC te centinttally seal-t additiehal representatives frenn ether agencies it is nice re ected in the jeint investigatierts that hileZ and FBI Field Df ces have been int-elved in With ether agatrejcs as diseussed further heiew FEE it ew tnany criminal investigatiees have been referred fretn the ifch in these ether agee cies i' ees the Center have ep crating precede res te refer case te snether agency its a general matter the idlith dees net refer cases Cases are nerntaiiy initiated by a eld et'tiee whether a Field i ce ef the Fill the Secret Service snether federal agency er a state er ideal law ageney HIPC is the integrate manager ef the FEil s eertt intrasien investigative pregrarn and se receives sheet cases directly iient the Fiat Field lDifiees tinder PDD d3 ether agencies are alse skippered te rceett infertnatien aheet eyher incidents in the WIPE Sernetirncs will receive the rst ef a incident here a private eernpaey a getetenteat agency at snether scarce and centaet the apprept'late FBI Field Df ee lfanether agency has ceneatrertt investigative jurisdictiee er seine ether nen investigatitte interest that agency wilI else he either by the FBI Field Cif'fiee ef the MIPS Where jeint erisdictien artists the Hit eld ef ce may werhjeintly with the relevant ether agencies sendisctissed thriller heiew If an in nity determines the cerneiaint deea net fall within the investigative guidelines ef the FBI it may he referred hy the eld effiee tn snether federal agency er te a state er lecal iaw enfereernent agency which has the aatherity te eendnet sech investigatiens field efiiees deveiep iisisen with federal state and least agencies investigating sirnilsr vielatiena 4 5314-111 Release - PageS - in 'i Her under federal or state statutes and are disseminated thro ugh these liaison eontaets- there is no system established to track how many complaints have heen sent hem FBI field o 't see to other law enforcement agencies there have been however several instances in which the HIPC or an FBI field of ce has contacted another to detenttine if that agency- wanted to conduct an investigation either jointly or separately hot that agency declined it eoople otesampics are listed below In his r Edith the Detroit Field flioe referred a eomplaint to the local Secret Service oitt ce regarding a denial ofsetviee attack against NHLeotn going so far as to transfer the call li'om the FBI eld oihee to the Secret Service eld of ce The Secret Sconce told the complainant that no one Was in the et'iiee to receive the complaint doc to a visit of Tesas Got-enter George W Bush to Michigan The complainant then eatiod the FBI again and the Detroit Fieid Dl ee tooir the oompiaint and assigned the matter for investigation r tlso in hing based on Ft3l source information the HLPC notitied the U333 headquarters that there reap he a tvi it the White House 1 nii'ehpage that gave the pahiic access to all the tiles no that server The USES advised that the system administrator may already he aware of this- hieither the liti t not the Pitt's 1Washington Field i ee has heard heel-c horn the 13533 regarding this matter in another instance the FBl's it- iltiamsport Resident ragency part of the Philadelphia Field Of ce opened an investigation into a series of computer intrusion into tit companies resetting in the loss of ashes credit card numbers Darin the initial investigation the FBI discovered that one of the victims located in Buffalo NY had contacted the Secret Service and the USES had opened a case pert atning to the intrusion against the aingie victirn eontpartv hat was not investigating the larger set of the its The FBI contacted the Secret Service Division in Bufi'aioi l r to coordinate the case since USES ahead had a pending investigatie n The FBI was told that due to the Security Detail Duties for the First Lady1 the 15353 Would he enahlc to coordinate at the present time with the FBI on the ease Q In previous testimony before this reheornrnittee Mr 1ir'atis has stated that the NIPC has referred approximately Silt cases for erintinai investigation Harv many of these Etiti cases actuattj' involved a real threat to our nation s critical infrastructure Would you categorise the recent Denial ot'Service attaetts launched last month as an attack on our nation s critical infrastructure In previous testimony before the suhcotnntittee the approximate dill monitor of cases that Mr vans reincaced were not case the RIPE 'tefened hot 1teas the harsher oi computer intrusion denial or virus cases pending in FBI eld of ces at the time of testimony its of Mag 1 with there 1 Itere hm pending investigative eases - I Siidmi uieaseri'ageifl irt 3 51' I y titres-sane a nan a - I The natien s critical are these physical and cyhet hased systems essential tn the epcratieus ef the ecenerny and including energy hashing and nanec transpertaticn water systems and entergcn cy serviees heth gcvernnteutai and private ne at the must dit enh aspects ufcyher investigatietts is that it is net clear at the entset what the extent at the threat er tlte patcntiel damage te nettyeritx _is Each case must he thereughly investigated tn detetmirte the level at threat and centpteruise 1h'hat seems like a relatively ntinnr incident might turn cut tn he very signi cant and 1v'icc versa This means that it is much mere dift ieult the eld investigaters te use nuditicnal investigative thteshelda in determining huvv tn ntitixc scarce researces Mnreevcr enmputer systems and eruptey trusted rciatinnships between edt er eentputer system and netwerlts hascd npen the users privileges if a ccmputer system at netvvetit is rent-level er super user access eernprentiscd the threat putentiai is suhstantial and cenld theerctieall pass a majer threat tn trusted systems This means that critical infrastructure systems are c en cenaeeted with and affected hy systems that are in and et thetusetvcs net critical The existing h li t' database dnes net classify cases by critic at in re at this time Thus nt thesc Lilli cases there is an teethndelegy te- determine which ultimately certstitute a threat tn eur nation's critical tn axtt tlcture llnwever we can cite several examples The Distributed Denial et' Service lit-DDS atta cits launched in Felts-nary at this year are a gend example if the dif culty nt eategen'aing an attach as an inh'astructure attach n sente Iesscr sert nt' attach In a Distributed Denial ef tiers-ices attach net eniy are the victim systeets ail ected hut alsn the thcusantts et centpatet systems and nettvetlts that were unhnett-iugiy in ltrated and need he can-y net the attack and intentct Service Prnvidcrs that were lieaviiy traffieltcd during the attach hi1 et'the centputcr systents and ttettverlts that participated in the sheet were tviereevcr even thengh the effect ed the attache vvas reiativcly ephemeral and ht'ie the hnetvledgc gained hy analyses at th ese attache is critical te ear ahih'ty te pretect against rnnre devastating att ache in the in turn tFthe DDEIS attacks had heen directed against the majer huhs rather than against primarily e-cnnuncree centpauies trail'tc en the Internet cequ have been paralyzed diam pt tag several ef the critical in frastrueturcs that rely en the interest t nr eemnrunicatien Qt Besides Selar Sunrise and Meantight Mane tt'hat ether jnint investigatiens can yau peiat tn that dentan strata successful interageney rattan int-43 the fattening at the till- rt in February 1993 there are numeteus cases which have demenstrated successful intetageney cenperatiun ether than the signi cant Sela Sunrise and Meenh'ght lvtaxe cases The intpertanee at these cases sheeld net he nverlenhed hetvevec Beth represent signi cant milesteues in htriiding awareness at the ey her thrust arneug federal agencies and petitiyraatters denteustrated sigui ticant vulneraht'lities in De r and ether geventment systems and print-aided tn test and impreve the precesses t'et intetagency enerdinatien - t-i- '5 I street Release- Page 3- - i i-e ie its The inllewiug eases represent a smail sampie at these cases which have been success iily werlted with ether a gencies Huntereus Intenret sites have hcen victimized by i313 15 attacks since February 299i These attacks prevented die victims fi'cnr cfl'ering their web sen-ices en the Internettc legitimate users A DECS attach uses cemprernised netwerlrs te ned a victim s with massive antennts ei data which causes the vieti rn's netwerh tn heneme nverwhelmed and tn step nperating The DUDE attack investigatien are investigatiens in seven FBI eld ci ees t'rve Legal i'itta che ef ees ether gcvernrnent agencies such as NASA as wail as the Regal Canadian Ivietinted Peliee Reflecting the estracrdinarp levet ef cncperatien en these investigaticns an April 15 Edith the Canadian arrested ajuveniie charging hint with ene at the attacks Cn radn in March l 29% a camputer hacker nsin the name Curader allegedip multiple wehsites in the Lia Canada 'ihailand Japan and the United and apparently state as many as 23 999 credit card numbers Thensands at credit card narnhers and eepiraticn dates were pasted tc var-inns lnternet websiiea in Masai a Edith internethtews reperted that ureder stated Law tatt'creerneut ennldu't heel their way an ci a wet paper hag li iieir'rc penpie whe get paid In de tic-thing They never actuaiigtr catch After an extensive internatienai investigalien en March 23 2999 the FBI assisted the Dpied ing-rs Felice Service in a search at the residence ni Cumder Curaden age 1 9 was arrested in Lhe aicng with an apparent under the hiisnse r'LCl 199G tinder United Iiingdunr law hath males have been deatt with as adults Less estimates are stiil heing detern rinetfl This case was predicated an the investigative wnri-i hp the hr-ted Service the Federat Bureau at Investigatidnr inter-net securi the Regal Canadian h-tennted Felice and the internatierial banking and credit card industry This case illustrates the bene ts ed law enhancement and pri vate i 11d ustry amend the werid tcgether in partnership an ccenputer crime investigaticns Eggs in August 1993 the FBI initiated an investigatien an an individuai real r as aptden whe certducted numernas tc varicns ccmputer systems causing damages tn wehsites and system les The case was war-lead in cneperatien with the 1ir irginia State Petihe The investigatien identi ed in he Eric terns Washingten in February 1999 fellnwing an executien at a search warrant Bums ceniessed tn the inn-asides In hing - 1999 Burns else gained unauthcriaetl access and defaced the webpege ibr the 1 t hite Iieuse techsite nt that paint the FBI began wanting with the Secret Service an the case In Septemher 1999 Burns pleaded guilty tn nee enunt vielatinn ef i'itlc 13 USC Seetien 11939 Ccmputcr Fraud and Abuse icr cne et the I993 intrusicns In the plea agreement Barns slse admitted his criminal activity intc several ether intrusinns including the White Heuse website In Neventher 1999 Burns was sentenced In 15 in prime 3 years supervised release and 5345 2419 in restituticn and a 9199 line S dt l Release - Pagel IE I -u 355i Tn rara This was watitad jaintIy with tha- Middiatawtt Rhada island Patina Dapat'ttnant tha stats at that Inspactat Canaral Natiattal and Sparta Administratian and that Fit Saar Tn tiara aampramiaad 1stat-iatts damnany and Univtasity camputar systants instituting ayatants maintainad by Harvard University Amharst Caiiaga tats-mat Sciatic-as at Central Ftdtitia Aiiant Taahnaiagias Asatia Siapa Carparatiatt and Eatiaws Cahh Catattatw Ha wattld thasa aampraatisad systams ta establish wah pagas Iii-Mail and 1mm Chat Grattps in the ll kgl ml tj af tha ttiatimfs aampatat- Tri than wattid alsa psat-ida attach with ta thasa aamprataisad systams Eta 1995i 1999 ri fat-a antatad a guilty pitta in tha District af Rhatla island in with this matter Cat 2 931999 Trit ara was saatattaad ta with his guilty piaa ta Etta haunts ai viaiattag TitiatS Unitad Statas Carla Saatian 1939 Ha Was ta lit maaths plus 1 day tajait 53 2 95 9 54 in $5 99 spacial assassinant titrat- seats sapantisad ralaasa ve haats wlt aahmutti try satwia-a far 39 ass at tha intantat but as aantaat with mainlian afatiy haaltittgiaraaitiag gratin a1 awhina I999 hiatiattai tZtsaattia and Atrnaspharia Adtniaistratiaa sa arad sat aral intrasi-ans which wara atsa iiaitad ta intrasians a tin Aarattautias and Space Adntittisttatiatt Thasa sari-tn Lttar intmsians aantinaan tthagh 199 The FBI washed tlta aasa j iililj with NCAA and tlta Canadian antitatitias and idaatii tad tlta sahjaat Jasatt C hiawhiaay who rasidat in Canada Tha an' gian damaga assassmant that had Sat 9 999 In April 1999 Jason Mawhinay was indiatati by Canadian aatitatitias in January 2999 Mawhina plaadati gttiitt tn tE cattan at iatt ttsians whiah inaladad t'iaiatians spatating from May tasa titraagh Aptil 199 at dastt-ayadialtatad data and iatrasiatia with that intant ta damage In the Canadian Sapatiat Caurt afiustiaa ME A hii t jt-r was saatahaad ta ti in jail far aftita ta ran was in Fahmaty t999 tits FBI an ta assist tha ti Ait Paras and LES Natty ragardiag muitipla intrusians Tha cast was warhad jaintiy with that LLB Naval Ctiatiaal Invastigatit-a Sat-visa and Ftaiida Stata Attarn ay'a Gifts in Jaaitsanvitta FL Tits sahjaat was as Jassa La Elisa a stadant at tha Unit-'arsity af'ltiarth Flat'ida Cm Au gust 2 I999 Bliss plaadatl guilty ta faiatw fat t- iU-lttli n atFtarida Stats Statuta 9 I 5 99 antitlad attsas Against Camputat' Lisats in Saptamhar 19 I993 Elisa was santan sad in tht Faurth Judicial Circuit Stata at'Flatida ta sis manths haasa mast t ailawad tittac yaars prahatiati 299 limits at adamantly saniaa and a aaittaa lattar af apatagy ta 91a Cantataadant arf tha Unitad Statas Matias Cat-pa Cl ait gt Una aasa haing watltad by the Haw Hawaii Dittisiah and tha US Saat'at Santiaa rapattad in tha patss daa ta statatnaats made ta rapartat's it r the allagad patpatratar In Daatanhat 19991 tha F i s Haw Ha th Eli't'isian a iata tha iatntsittas inta tha at Cl Unit-rams an tan-tint masia satiat and the limit at sustain ars stadit said nun-than and a raiatatl attampt aftha aradit sat-d aspaat tha FBI tha USES ta ash waatatl ta investigate jaiatiy 'I'ha USES Lt January -3 51 99 Ralaata - Page r-r 1' the New fedt Times rest a rent page sterv sheet the ease based ett between the reperter and the siieged perpetrater StihSequentiv USES eelied the FBI heel and requested to wed-t the ease jeintlv That ease is sti ii pending - Either There are ether investigatiees that are being with ether egeneies hewever details may adversely impaet the investigatiee due te their pending states There are eerreetiv pending investigative eases whieh are being worked jeintiy between the FBI end the multiple entities ef the Department eiDefeese Pee additienai SE eases were investigated jeietiv with ether entities that are new in eiesed status 1 IE1 F - tin-tutti Release - H1 i Under Presidential Ilecisiett Directive 63 53 the is suppesed te take the lead in warning at investigatigt and respendieg te threats te er attachs eu this ennatry's critical it'li t includes representatives treat the FBI and ether law eefereernent agencies Yen testi ed that the NIPC has imprevett the te ght eyhererirne and that the FBI states 911 eyhererime cases in the Fiscal Year 1999 and had 334 pending eyhercrhee cases that year Hetv many at the 9t etesett eases ihvelvett threats te er attache an ear natiens's critical inhastructeres Were these cases reatiy a threat te ear natienal security What ahenr the pending cases iI Hat-v many ieveivett threats te er attacks an ear natien's critical infrastructures The netien s critieat infrastructures are these physical and cyher-hasect systems essential In tlte minimum eperatiens ef the ecenemy and gevernment including catiens energy hanle'ng and nance ureter systems and emergene services heth gevernmentet and private ne at the meat aspects eteyher investigations is that it is net clear at the eutset what the extent at the threat er the enteritis dareage te nettverhs is Each case must he investigated in determine the tevel et threat and eemprernisei 1hihst scents hire a retativcty miner incident might turn eat re he very signE CE-Itt and vice versa This means that it is much mere difficuit t er field investigaters te use traditienat investigative thresheies in determining Inns-- in ntiliee scarce researees h-iereever cetnenter systems and nehverhs emeley trusted reiatienshies hettvcen ether eetneuter system and nettverks hased span the users' privileges It a eemputer system er is teetaEevei er super user access eem premised the threat petentiai is sehstantiai and ceuid thceretically pass a tnajer threat te ether trusted systems This means that critical systems are etien cenneeted with and affected hy systems that are in and ef themselves net eriticai The existing it'iPti' datahase dees net classify cases by critical in astmetere at this time Thus there is en methedelegy te determine which eases uitimateiy censtitute a threat te eur natien s eritieai infrastructure The Distributed Denial ei' Service attache launched in Fehruary et this year are a geed example at the dif culty et eategeriaieg an attack as an in estru tne attack at same lesser serLet' attaelr In a Distributed Denial et' Services attack net eniy are the victim systems else the theusands efeemeutcr systems and netwerlrs that war unhnetvingiy in ltrated and need te carry eat the anaek and internet Service Previders that were heavily tra elred during the atteeir All at the systems and hetweths that participated in the attach Were eempremised hiereever even thengh the effect at the attache was reiatiueiy mhemeral and hric the imewiedge gained by analyses et these attache is eriticai te eer te pretect against mere devastating attache in the future If the DEBS attacks had been directed against the majer Internet hahs rather than against primarily eerapanies Ira ie an era 5534393 Helene - it-it Pa ge it the internet cooid have been paralysed dist-opting several critical in that reit- on the intern at for contamination 2 In testimony last February 16 you said that the FBI ivas prednciog fast-developing leads and that a hreait in the ease vras imminent a contain or weal-rs tater Michael 1 atis director oi'h'Ii'C suggested that in fact agents were moi-tin ston' progress in the case oss would you assess progress in the case new in fact the testimonies ofFBi Etirector and Director Vatis asters entirely consistent Both cited the dif culties in conducting other crime investigations hut heth also expressed optimism ahotit the prospects for a seceess ii resolution of the ease Director Frech s February to testimony for the record contained the t'oiiotvirig remarks about the DUDE investi gati on Do Feh rear I E Eiltit the received reports that i ahoo had experienced a denial oi service attack in a dispiav oi the close cooperative rciatiottship the has developed with the private sector in the days that followed several other companies also reported deniai of service outage s These cernpani cs cooperated 1tvith our Nationai infrastructure Protection and Computer intrusion squads in the FBI iicid of ces and provided critical iogs and other i nforrnation Stiff rite to apprehending the suspects ore In nanny ea ses1 the attackers used spoofed addresses meaning that the address that appeared on the target s io 1tvas not the tree address of the system that sent the messages Tire resources required in these investigations con he already we have ve FBI eld of ces with cases opened hos nogcics San Francisco tittianta Boston and Scattie Each ofthesc ees has victim companies in its jurisdiction in addition so far seven eld of ces are supporting the five of ces that have opened investigations The NIFC is coordinating the nationwide investigative ei'i'ortll performing technical analysi of logs from victims sites and Intentct Service Providers and providing alinsottroe analytics assistance to iieid c ioes -oro these of ces are following on literalh r hundreds of ieads iir hiie the crime may- he high tech investigating it involves a substantial amount citraditionai poiice teeth as well as technical work For example in addition to following up leads HIPS personnei need to review an asnoant of log information received host the victims Much of this analysis needs to he done manaaihr and agents conducting this anaiysis have heart drawn off other case tvorh in the coming years we aspect our case load to substantially increase Emphases added HIPS Director Vstis 29 tcstirnong F for the record contained the fattening statement about the EDD-3 investigation -11- Release - Page Fehrtt aty E mm the HIPC received reparts that Yahee had esperienced a denial at service attack in a display at the class eaaperative relatianship that we have develaped with the private seetas in the days that failawed several ether eampanies including Cahle News Netwarit ean Amandaeem Buys-Jam and alse restarted denial arset viec eutagea ta the NFC er FBI eld af ees These campanim caeperated with as by previding critical legs and edict intern atien Still the castle-ages ta apprehending the suspects are substantial in many cases the attaehm used sheared IP addresses meaning that the address that appeared an the target s in was net the trite address hi the system that sent the messages in additian many victims as net heap campiete netweri-t tags the reraaraes reaahnii is an investigatian leftists ayes are substantial tamper-ties have been vietiatiaed as used as hep sites in nunsereus places aerass the chantry meaning that we must depley special agents natienwide te wart leads We currently have seven FEI eld ai i ices with cases opened and all the remaining are suggesting the at tiees that have anened eases Agents rant these attieea are fallewing Lin iiteratty hands-eds at leads The is eaardinating the nationwide investigative et t'art perfersning 1eehnical analysis at legs ram victims sites and Internet Serviee Peas-idets lSPs and areviding ail- saarcc analytical assistance ta eld a 'tees Mdreaver parts at the evidentiat'y trail have led eves-seas requiring us he warh with en fevei gti caunterparts in several enaatries threagh ear Legal Attaches LEGn l's in US emhassies 1i'Ii'hile the crime may he high tech investigating it invalves a substantial sane eat at traditianal investigative wart as well as highly is clinical wart-t- interviews afnetwerlt eperaters and caniidential saarces can ptavide very ase it infannatien which leads ta still niere inten-iews and leads te fallaw-ap end victim sites and iSPs pravide an enanneas era-aunt at lag infarmatien that needs it he processed and analysed by human Despite these challenges I an alstimistia that the hand with afattr agents hats and aamputer scientists the ascetith chapemtiaa and catiaharatian we have with private indie-test and universities and the team ward we are engaged in with fare-i311 partners in the andprava raecasrfat Emphases added- Indeed the FHl s investigatiea caeducted in ciese caardin atiaa with the Reyai Canadian hteunted Felice very atticch had resulted in the identi catian at ane subject in Canada heeause additienal evidence needed ta line-gathered hy the RCMP in the D si'ease and in anethcr matter that earn in light during the RCMP's investigative the suhjeet eaetd hat he ate arrested and the investigatian's pregress eaatd use he discussed pahiicly Hawever an April 15 the a search warrant and arrested a juvenile charging hits with nae at the attache -12 hill-tit Release - Psi atten- wenid theret'ere assess the pregress in this case as substantisi anti indeed unprecedented in a ease eititis seepe and nature The hteestigatiee eentinues inte the attachs en DUES t- ietints and We believe geed pregress te he made 3 in testimeny 16 1'eu suggested that the resnurees are stretched gap ervthin because at the laeh ethigh-eetiher genrerntneht fercnsic cementer eager-tat ew much has this centn'h ate-ti tn the gnt'ernrneht s in catching the perpct raters at the Fehru are eyher attache sits discussed abetrcr Substantial gregress in fact has been made in the DUDE ineestigetien with ene snhjeet aireacij t identi ed in Canada That said given the expiesive grewth ht crimes ear existing resenrees bath in the Cementh Analysis Reseense Team and in the NFC the related field et ee Hatiena hthastmeture Pretectien and Cempatet Intrusien Pregram ateindeed stretched eager thin The Laher-stety Dieisiea's CART team suggests the investigatien et ah sert et'eti mine ineestigatien in which evidence might be fennd en a cemgetcr such as a drug trai ticher's aecennts by sends-sting i'erensie esatninatiens en seized rnedi a The Lab's tecintfeaiitr trained agents deveiep detain and suppert equipment te neti etrn Title Hi and FiSs't itncrecntien's efdata centre unicatiens en the haternet Staii in bath at these areas ferensies and engineering suppert is estrenteijt stretched because these agents are tasked with previding saepett net nit-h fer eyber crimes but alt traditienat crimes in which digits evidence may be present as date interceptien reg aired The FEi's CART pregram eensistin et agents and anaiysts whe eaatnine digitat media in erdcr te gather evidenee is net abTe te keep 11 with the increasing werhiead The fettee-ing is a summary ei enrrent and trends assuming that the F331 Labet aterjt is ihnded Fer att trending budget requests CART Capacity and ashing Year FTEStaf ng Capacity Esatn Requests Case Backing Bashing Tithe Heaths 1999 _iiS- - tittiti 35th lt i it LI Ettiitl that Sti tt 192i - 16 3 Ettiti 154 seat sees 292i H-4- 2 i 3 42151 35130 424i 11 9 -13- I stasis Retesse- Pee I r it'lladditien the Labersterjr Divisieu eurrently presides suppert net eel r t'er FBI eases hut alse fer the D513 Eefereernertt and the inunigretieu and Hatersiiaatien Sen-rise The RIPE and the eld eliiee NIPCEP squads are respensitale fer eendueting iurtestigatiens el eyher atteeits eerupeler intrusieua viruses and denials et service The N'ch scarredt r has 193 FBI Agents in the eld ef ees investigating tqnarerdrnatelg r 1299 cemented intrusieu anti ether eases Only 15 Field if ees have lli squads ei severr er rnere agents The ether eld ef ees have euijri te 5 agents wire are respensihle t'er net early eyher investigatiees hut else fer industry iiaiseu the lehaGerd Initiative the Key Asset Iuitietire and suppert te ether intrestigatit'e eregrares Further the RIPE la eke su 'teieut eeruputer seieutisE and te suppert the field ef ee investigatietts Fer in starree it has euij netwerit eetrieal engineers te supper-t intrestigatiens sueh es uttseits 'l'he NIPC's and Field liiee reseurees have remained relatively stetie The is'ii Headquarters budget fer sesi years 9991 has been as fellews Hats fear I 1' Biggest Authg g 1999 319 95 1999 included ens-year iu edit it ef 5 ti millien t'er eetuingerteies in Minute Uenersi s ll'jetutterutet retisrt'r Fun-ti EU 19 355 939 E i requested 2 5 396 999 Meanwhile eur pending ease lead has green rapid 13- 3 Ear Eqn inetgase Lead at end et titres treat tees eer test - set as efi'u'iey l tut Clearly thee reseurees have not kept ease with the eriere prehieui 2 Etddenee ametqu fer eernputer intrusieus niandates a greater respense heeause the dig-ital etddeaee treii disappear se quietly The eenapierdty ef deem-renting esendnieg and analysing the trenreedeus anaeuut efird errnatiea that is eelleeted in these types et leases and its tree r nature requires issestigatere examiners and with ex tremei 1r l-l-Ir I atter 'ri a-leru-lmnlarse-ea Retease- Fate If I - speci c skills and datpcriertdc Because at the technical nature it is di icult it net irancssihie te temperarlly assign additienai Special Agents in an investigatien since a specie techrtical shill set is required in investigate such matters Staff sher'tages impede net enly tt-ttr ahility te investigatieas adequately hut aise te nuiehiy ehtain infennatien eenduct analyses and craft and issue apprep ate warnings and alerts 'l'l ris inches the Indicatiens and Warning rnissien much snare ditlicelt te perferni Sense have argued that the high-grants Fehrea ry attache an Yahoo eBay and er an my series 1were just a diversien all-swing the hackers in teens en restrict intrusive attacks en smaller sites Have ynu fnurtd any evidence the this cententinn hie There are individuals and great-ts whe de faces an planning and executing ntere intrusive attache ettcn fer the cake at stealing infennatiea er rneney hut we have net seen any enrrelatien hetween intrusierrs and the Fehruary DEEDS attacks 5 Why dee t yet think industry can selve this prettiern itself The Internet was net designed with security as Lite iercrn est censideratien Interact-er until very recently security was net a majer prierity ef either hardtt'arefse manufacturers er censunters ts a result netwerlrs are sriit rife with telnerahiliries ntprevtag security en the internet is thus first and threaten the rcsnensihility et' industry internment mast pretest its can systems and can assist industry hy previdt'ng interrn atien aheut threats and vulnerahitities that we are aware at and the hilt- C dees that Eat it is industry s resnensihility in secure privatety canted systems Even if systems were rnere secure hev-rever there weuid inevitath he same aatteustt cf cempnter crime eerrnnitted en the Internet incittding net just denials at service and viruses but nice traditiena crimes perpetrated ever the Internet sash as fraud and disseminatien et' child pemegteehy its iertg as crime estate the enhtie will expect law ent ercernent te investigate and apprehend the perpetraters end effective iaw ent'ereernent is a hey element in any strategy te deter criminal activity Thus industry and iatv erd erearnent mast wart-r cieseiy trigetitcr Ea new lit a prehient a this far the rats De yett believe that there areitstpertant eyher attacks that are never investigated by law enforcement because the attached enmitanies refuse te repert th'ernr - H I I Fifi- 29 the that henneate the industry are a big has the FBI and ether tare agencies hecettsc they make it an easy fer crimes te he eernsnitted This aceeaats in -15- arr-I- Misti Helene-rev Page 39 - I ii tie - I Senator Essch 1 fthe edit cases referred for criminal investigation in Flt I999 treat the NIPC what percentage of these cases were referred to other agencies other than the FBI for continued investigation and possible criminal prosecution is a native matter the retro sees not refer cases Cases are nottnaiiy initiated hy a eld of ce whethera Field tittiioe of the FBI the Secret Service another federai agency or a state or local law enforcement agency WIPE is the program manager of the Pitt s computer intrusion investigative program and so receives inferrnatien ahout eases directly orn the FBI Field Eti' ces Under Pith 63 other agencies are also supposed to report information sheet cyher incidents to the RIPE Sometimes HIPS will receive the first report of a cyher incident thorn a private company a government agency or another source and contact the appropriate Fitl Field f ce If another agency has concurrent investigativejansdictien or some other non investigative interest that agency will also he contacted either by the FBI Field Of ce of the jurisdiction exists the FBI eld e i on may vvorit jointly with the relevant other agencies as discussed further below if an inquiry determines the complaint does not felt Wilton the investigative guideliHEs of the it may he referred by the ftcid of ce to another federal agency or to a state or local law enforcement agency which has the authority to cendu ct stich investigations FBI tield of ces develop liaison contacts with federal state and local agencies investigating simiiar violations under federai or state statutes and complaints are disseminated three gh these liaison contacts There is no system established to trash how many complaints have been sent from FEE field offices to other law enforcement agencies There have been however several instances in 1e'hich the Milli or an FBI tield has contacted another agency to determine if that agency wanted to conduct an investigation either jointly or separately hot that agency declined a couple of eaatnples are listed below in May Edda the Detroit Field f cc referred a complaint to the local Secret Service otiiee regarding a denial of service attach against hii tcem going so far as to transfer the call heat the FBI eld office to the Secret Service eld of ce The Secret Service told the complainant that no one was in the of ce to receive the complaint due to a visit of Terran Govenror George W Bush to Michigan The eempiainant then called the FBI again and the Detroit Field Eti cc took the centpiaint and assigned the manor for investigation disc in May based-on FBI scarce information the HIPS noti ed the headquarters that there may he a with the White House Wehpage that gave the public access to all the les on that server The USES advised that the systesn administrator may already he snare of this Neither the hliPE nor the FBI's Washington Field thine has heard haclt item the regarding this matter lei ididd Release - Pants i 'lI-t ti It in anather instanee the FEi's Resident Agency part at the Philadelphia Fieid i ce up case an investigatien true a series efcernputer intrusien turn it ccnipanies resulting in the iess ei' apprerrirnately Iii d credit card numbers During the initial investigatien the FBI discevered that ene ef the victims leeated in Batiste HY had enntaeted the Secret Service and the USES had epeued a ease pertaining tn the intrusion against the single wetitu eetnpanythut was net investigating the larger set ei thetts The FBI centaeted the Secret Service Ditdsidir in Eu 'aie NY te the ease since USES already had a pending investigalien The FBI was teid that due tn the Security Detail Duties fer the First Lady USES weuld he unable tn at the present tires with the FBI en the ease In additien the FBI has werised and eentirnres te werh naany investigati ens jeintiy with ether agencies Twe netabie esarnptes include Selar Sunrise and htaae Beth eases invelved extensive intrusiens inte Department ef Defense and ether gevernrnent agency enrnputer netwertrs The investigatiers invelved an investigatien inveivirrg numereus law critercenrent inteliigencc and defense agencies as well as i'ercigu Iaw enibreern cat a geneies Beyend these esarnples the feilewiug are ether instances ei'jeint in vestigatiens Hunterees Internet ecmrneree sites have been rr'ictirniaed hy DUDE attaei-ts since Februer limit These EDGE attacks prevented the victims ir'ern ei't'ering their web services an the internet te iegitirn ate users it EDGE attach uses eemputer netwcris te ileed a victim's eentputer nerwerls with massive amen eidata which causes the victim s cc inputcr netwerlt te everwhehrted and te step eperating The DE US attack investigatiert ere investigatiens in seven FBI iieid ct'fices ve et-crse as Legal Attache ef ces ether gevenuneut agencies such as NASH as well as the Reyal Can adian ivtnunted Ref wring the ievei en these investigatiens en r lrprii 15 20th the ltil'artadiart ef cials arrested a juvenile charging him with ene at the enact-rs- giuradeg March I REED a eernputer haelrer using the name 1 tZ urader aitegedly eempren sed multiple Ereerrtmeree websites in the US Canada Thailand Japan and the United Kingdern and apparentiy state as many as credit card numbers Theusan ds at credit card numbers and espiratien dates were nested te varieus internet websites March 9 21100 hrtenrethiews taper-ted that Ctuader stated Law enfereentent eeuidrr t hast-r their way cut at a wet paper bag They're peepie whe get paid in de nething They never actually eateh anybedy After an extensive inter-na enai investigatiea ca March 23 the FBI assisted the Dyt'ed Peays Service in a search at the residence ef urartcr thunder age 13 was arrested in the tilt ale-rig with an apparent eceenspirater under the Camputer Misuse ritct 199th Under United Kingdenr law bath males have been dealt with as aduits ass estimates are being This ease was predicated en the investigative'werit by the Dyfed inys Felice Service the Federal Bureau ei investigatien interact sanctity the Reyal Canadian Haunted and the internatienat banking and credit card industry This case iliustrates the bene ts at -13- Said-'91 Release - Page 395 law and private industry amend the aerld wanting tngether in partnership nn ctirnc int'estigatinns gems In August i993 the FBI initiated an int'estigatinn en an individual as zykinn centputer intresinns tn varinns systems cans inn damages tn websites and system files The case was washed in cnnperatinn with the Virginia State Praline The int-testi ech identi ed tn he Erie Earns ct Shereline In February 1995 felinwing an eseeutinn nt a search war-rant Earns eent essed tn the intresinns In May 1999 Barns alsn gained unan inriacd seems and defaced the wehpage int the Wl te I-lnrree website At that paint the FBI began wet-icing with the 15 Secret Sendce en the case in September 1999 Burns pleaded guilt r tn nne t nr 1rinlatinn cf Title l3 USE Sectinn that Fraud and Abuse int nne cf the 1993 in the plea agreement Earns aisn admitted his criminal activity intn several nlher intrusinns including the White I-lne se website in Hes-ember 1999 Burns was sentenced te l5 in prisnnr 3 years snpenised release and senses in reatinrtinn and a it ill tine Trll ern This ineestiga nn was wetlted inintly with the Rhntie island Felice Dcpartntent the state When cf the inspectnr General Natinnal ncmnatrries and Space and the FBI Scan Trifern 1ear-inns cntt'rpangrr and University systems including systems tn nintained in Harvard University Amherst Cnhege internet Services ni' Central Flnrida reliant Mail Reginnai Cerpnratinn and Barrews Cehte Campanj' l-le wntrid utilise these systems tn establish web pages Evh-lail and internet Relay Chat in the at the aletirn s system Tr fern wnuid alsn preside nthers with access tn these systems In Er-it'ern entered a grriltj r plea in the District island in with this matter in 2 31999 Triiern was sentenced in with his guilty plea tn titre cf 1deleting l itlelS United States Cede Sectinn rnsn He was sentenced tn 11 plus 1 tie r in jail hillside-t in restituticn 35th special assessment three years snpersdsed release titre hnersth-t sen-ice fer 35 use at the Internet but nn cnntact with members nt an - haclcingr'etaelting Mewhinexr l i'ild Natinnai Oceanic and adminish atinn suffer-ed several which were else linked tn intrusinns nectar-ring a the Natinnal Aerenaetics and Space Adreinistratinn These centinned 1991 re FBI wed-ted the ease with NORA NASA and the Canadian anther- ies and idEnli ed the subject Jasnn G Mewhiney when resided in Canada The criginal damage assessment that Mewhinep had caused exceeded Edm tl In April 1999 lasen G t'ttlew lainepr was indicted by authentic-s In iantrar r Elltl i'rtiewhinej r pleaded guilty tc 12 enunts nf which included ninlatiens'spanning here Map 1995 April raw nl awnrnia'aen'taa inhusinns with the intent tn damage in the ICanadian Snpericr Ccur t cf Justice MW was sentenced tn ti injail t nr each ef the eennts tn run -19 has 3 Sill-tilt Release - Pane llell-lire i i'Hr' B ggt in February 1993 the FBI epened art investigatien te assist the LLS it Feree and LLB New regarding meitipie intresians The ease was jeintt r with the US Navat Criminal Investigative Serviee and Fieritia State diterney s li iee in I aeltsenvitle FL- The sehjeet was identi ed as Jesse Le tittiesr a student eftiie ei Nerth Flerida in August Ii 1993 Bliss pleaded 1e ene feienir eettnl fer vieleliert ei'Fiet'Ida State Statute 515 05 entitled i'i'ensEs Against Users in September lit 1993 Bliss was senteneeti in the Judicial Cirettit State ei'Fierida in sin menths hetrse arrest felleweti by three years prehati en 29th beers ei eetnsnenity serviee and a written letter ef'tapelegy tn the Cmtl timl ef the United States Marine Ceres liniverse Cine padding ease being wed-ted by the FEt's New l-iaven Divisien and the US Secret Eerviee has been wider reperted in the press this te statements made in reperters by the alleged petpetrater in item the FBPs New Haven Bivisien epeneti a ease inte intresiees inte the een'tptteers efCD Universe at ethine Innate sellerr and the theft at eusternets credit eard numbers and a related eatertiee threat Because at the etedit eard aspeet the FBI eelied the USES te asit wanted in investigatejeintlg The USES destined in January 21360 the New Teri Times ran a treat page stergr aheut the ease hased en eenversatiens hetween the repeater and the ntteged perpee-ater Subsequeetig USES called the FBI heat and requested in wart the ease jeintlp that ease is stilt pending Estes There are etlter investigatiens that are being eentteeted with ether agencies hewever further details may adversely impact the investigatien due in their pending status there are ettrrentty it pending investigative eases witielt are hein weritett jeintty between the Hit anti the multiple entities ei the Departrnent et' Defense An additienal Sh eases were investigated with ether entities that are new in elesed status Il' sense at the referred eases are patentinl vielatiens that are tratiitienattg entereed and in restlgated by ether ageneies please deseriee j' ttr and that aiiew i'er egrher lnvestigatietts in he eendneted in these partieelar law entereetrtent ageneies ether than the The stamte used by the FBI in eentputer intresien investigatiens is Title 13 USC 1935 Under this statute the FBI has bread anti-tester r te investigate aernpeter erinte eii'enses In instanees where the eempnter erime dees net nteet FBIjttrisdietien the neat FBI eld ei ee wit refer the eeniplainaet tn the apprepriate law eniereernenl ageney intern state er leeai whieh has antherin te sentient the investigatiert Ge ether the Flat may aentintte te watts a reatterjeintlfi-r with anether law eni'ereentent ageneg even if the r de net have primer - jurisdietien te previde needed resettmes and technieat expertise FBI eld e ees develep liaisen eentaets with state and leeai ageneies investigating sit-sitar vieiatiens under state statutes and eeraplaints are dissemh'tated threngh these liaisen eerttaets The aheve eited eretiit earti ease is an example ef -se a it s 5924a Release Page its in it - via-n3 a I how the FBI iield o ees make direct contact with their counterpart eld offices such as US Secret Service to coordinate aspects of an investigation 3 Please specificatlg cite the unmher of h tf referred cases that have a direct impact or posed a threat on the nationit critical infrastructures The nation's criti cal infrastructures are these physical and either-eased essential to the minimtan operations of the economy and government including telecommtotications energy banking and finance transportation water systems and emergency services hoth governmental and private Due of the most dif cuit aspects efcvher investigations is that it is not clear at the outset what the extent of the threat or the potential darn age to networks is Each case must he investigated to determine the level of threat and compromise What seems iike a relativer minor incident might turn out to he veryr signiti cunt and vice varsa This means that it is much more dif cult for fluid investigators to use traditiouni investigative threshoids in detennining how to utilise scarce resources Moreover computer systems and networks entitle I trusted relationships between other computer system and networks based upon the users' priviieges ifa computer system or network is rootvievel or super user access compromised the threat potential is substantial and could theoretically pose a major threat to other trusted systems This means that critical infrastructure cuts are often connected with and affected hp systems that are in and of them selves not critical The existing ls ii't datshase does not classify cases by critical infrastructure at this time Thus there is no tt' tctitodoiog1 r to determine which cases ultimately involve a threat to our nation's critical infrastructure The Distributed Denial of Service attacks launched in Fehruarv of this year are a good eamnple of the dif culty of categorizing an attack as mt infrastructure attack or some lesser sort of attack- in a Disttihuted Denial ef ervices attack not only are the victim systems atfeeteti hut also the thousands of computer systems and networks that were urdrnowinglv infiltrated and used to can out the attack and interact Service Providers that were heavily traf cked during the attack All of the computer systems and that pa lcipated in the attach were compromised Moreover even though the effect of the attacks was relativchr ephemeral and brief the knowledge gained by analyses of these attacks is critical to our ability to protect against more devastating attacks in the future lithe EDGE attacks had heen directed against the major Internet hahs rather than against primarily ecomnaerce companies name on the Internet could have heen paraijraed disrupting several of the critical inhastructares that rely on the letemei for communication ti Please ioh description and agency' of an r state and local law enforcement of cials assigned to 411th on a full time heats at FBI Headquarters The FBI coerciitig'has one local law enforcement of cer assimied to He is item the Tuscaloosa County Sheri Department and his principal job is to work on outreach initiatives 11'i hei'r' ii i IteIc asc - t'ane tilt state and least law eefeteeinent as part at the FEi s respettsihilitjv as the Least Ageney te 1went with the Emngenev Law Entereenieat Sentieea Seeter unites P3353 He has alse partieipated in the tielivergii at training te eld investigaters under ear Kev asset Initiative This representative replaeed an earlier representative here the regen State Peliee whe retated haeI-t te his heine agertev The RIPE is alse in eiseessiens with several Washingten DC area peliee depaitaents sheet having ef eere detailed tn the NTPC en a rth er part-time basis 5 Please deset-i he est I private setter represen tatives past er present whe i'etentarilv participate in the 1theater te t'aeititate sharing a inferrnatien hehveert RIPE and the private in esteem and tip errata re The werha en a daily basis with private seeter representatives ta share infennatien This threttgi't seeh initiatives as Inliatl ani whieh pravides infermatien te infrastru etiire earners anti eperaters en a nail r hasis nail the pilet pnij eet fer theieatiens and Warning that the has established with the eleetiieat pewer seeter tender the aaspiees and the Rev hsset Initiative It alse en a ease he ease hasis as we disseminate targeted at genemt alerts er warnings te industry The RIPE atse werhs eleselv with private seeter eentraete rs Witt assist with teehnieal analysis and infennatien sharing- In additien the HIPC is weritirtg with the Infertrintien Teehnelegy hsseeiatieii at ta bring private seeter representatives i ran the teeter fer a eerie-ti et tiate as details-es That is part at a eyhererinte initiative seen-sated hr the IThst-i and the htternev General ti Please deserihe any private seeter representatives that are hired and paid by l'ttPC Teens The has hired eentraetets te suppert ear tverlt its analyzing eyher intrustetta hate the in astrtietut'es as 1tvell as te previde teehttieal Suppett te eur investigatietts In additien a representative 'errt Sent-ha Natienal Laherateries has been washing at the Center The has been reimbursing the Department at Energy antler the lnteiagenev Persenn e1 that far the east ef this detailee s eehlreet T it page that year 1Ii't'ri'iten testimeny yen state the FBI en hehatt ei the taw enfereenient sheutd enhance its teeheieal eapahilities east-spied evideneet all law an tereeinent agencies freer federal in state require this eapahilitj' te the limit misslen - his nets-i1 en page iti et the written testinienv the law eafereensent is extremely eeneeraed 311th the eerietts publie enlist P threat pesed the preliferatien and tree at streeg eeniniereiallvevaiiahle erteqrp en that an net allew fer aw entereeraent te the piainteitt efenes-pptetl evidence ehtaineti threegh eenrt aatherhtett eieetnenie surveillanee andr'er seareh and seizure The petentiai use at sueh enervptien prednets hit a vast array ef etintinats anti terrorists te eeneeal their criminally-related eenttnenieatiens eleetresiieallg r steteti htt'ennatien peses an eaternelv serieus threat tn _2 2 H 5 1% sh-ll inn-4' in -L thigh puhiis saint r and national soonrity in ordor to addross this sot-ions throat and as notod in tho wtitton tastiniony it is imposatiao that law onioraontont tnhanoo it toohnioot oapshititios in tho aros of piaintast to osidonoo its part at tho spprosoh to tho issuo tho Administration has osptossod int and has proposod tho orsstion of a tow oaforootoont Toohnisal Support Costs within tho FBI for thaprsposo of providing tho ontiso law oni'oroornoot oaotninrna't r with urgm y noodott ansoss tonhnisai to fai ii its invosti gatiao rosponsihititios in light fths tn ntiforation of stating ootatnoraiatiynavaiiahio tEIEIj- pii ptodtrots within tho In foot innindod in tho Administration's Eisotrnnit Bassist r not of 1999 whioh was forwaidori to tho Congress last Soptomhor is aprot'ision that anthosisos to ha appropsiatori 539 million to tho PHI for tho oiostion of tho Toohnioai Support Cantor whioh witi sorta as a sonhaliaod toohniooi sosoosoo t'or t'odotsi stats and toast iaw orn'oroontont in rosp onding to tho ovoi- inorsasing aso oftnonrption by sahjoots of criminal oasos Tho TEE is onuisionad as an oapansion oi to FEii s Enginooting Rssaasoit ro tat-to advantan ot' osisting institutional and toohniosl osponisa in this aros This approach oi'i'ootivo nonadnpiioativo and ot'tioiont moans ofproaido ot'otga law onforootnont against r with to toohnioai noodoti to addrass iawfnily soiaod onoqptod ot'idonso and is snpportoti by tho stat-national itssooiation ot Chiofs of Foiiso tho histi onai Sharith and tho National Distriot Attornop Association as woit as tho Infotnaation toohtnnitmgg r industry 3 Ptoaso dostriho which agonoios wars in tho post partioipating in tho NEPC hut aro no Ion gor inotahors Dosoriho tho roasons git-on try thnso agonoios to tho FBI or thoir withdrawal irons partitipatintt Etna of tho dirtioaltios in sttoraptinnpr to potato an intotagonop Raptor is assuring that all toiosrant agonoios pattioipsto Agonoios hat'onot diroot funding to panioipato in tho tZontor and so most tat-to to tho RIPE out oi osisting parsonnot sosotnoos In additionr poisonnoi with oyhos ospoitiso sro in worst short supply moaning that agonoios mast commit to tat-to soars rosonsoos and sand thont outsida lhoir sgonsios Dospito thoso agonoios hosts soot dotailoos to tho RIPE inoInding Daron sot ioo of tho Soot-sissy ot Doi'onso Cannot Ago-no National Soourity snooty an Posts Dt oo oi iaaostigations its Natty LES Anna LLB Postal Santos Dafonso Criminal Introstiaatitro Sonics Gonorai Sowinos Administration US stir tntottigonoo Agonop otoommaos and tho rotations st uf d in addition wo asst foreign iiaison roprosontatitros ns two ailiod oonntrioa who assist in intornstionsi attit'itiss with out A tapt'asontativo from FM is atso sohoduiod to'stan at tho and ot Juno Additional rapist-mantra 'ons non sis and ass ass stat siatoti to not at tho sitar Wt ans also ospooting roprosontatitros from total 1 diashin git-n aros potion dopasnznonts on a part- tisao basis 13 t- it I l 'tuf 'ri - 5 5114th Estes-ts 999 iT-u '5 i is- agcnuics cariicr hut nut cta'irautigir hairs Circunistanccs rccall nt thc rst Stats ruprcsantatiuc Statc tc tic sc and has cctunu' ttctil tu NEPC that it wnulti rcptacc him with new DcEs raprascntaticc rntatcct bani attar than tan Itcars NIPC's undarstantiing as in why this back i3 that ht was at NIPC fur a tang th tint and was at tn asn'st in a DUE margani aatinn has tn rcptacing that dctaiicc Sewinc ca jcr had tart - tictaitccs tn the HIPS but t'ttcatlcd insc tictniitacs anti has tc rcpIacing Sacrat Sarina has pmuirictt an 3' unittcn cspIanaticn fur thit hat in cra discussicns Scat-ct Ecnicc ci ciats statctt that US 33 was nut gctting additicnai funding far its ctimcs pmgrarn acmitc its participation in t nc FBI was mat-c muslin in crimc tuna and HIPS had that cascs tn Santi c t'ct HIFC c 'crcd an r supch it ccutti giuc tn Sacsct Sawicc in hatich rcqucsts mind that public ni'tcn tn with and tn tin tn USES initiativcs with public anti casc NIFC aisc stated as tiiscusscti tI L'ttct' that its mic is nut in cncatc anti cascs rathc r cases gancraity cn'ginatc in Ficitt Ei icca anti FBI and Sacra Scwicc nii'tccs wart cnmputcr crimc cascs NIPC tutti r vatuc cthar agcn cias tuning in cs'iscr crimc and infrastrn ctura pmtactiaa missicn that is why RIPE is an Ccntar anti has scuicr managch tiam ntticr agcnci cs in additicn tc im'cati atcrs anti Far instancc HIPC Dcput is t'rnnt Suctinn Analysis and ug Scctintt is trans CIA the assistant Sactinn Chict' ni thc Ccmputcr Investigaticns anti Dpcratinns Scctiun is from Air iJEt Unit Chict'ct'thc maiysis and in icnuatinn Shaing Unit is truth and Unit Wat-cit anti Wanting Unit is mm the US Haw Sun'icc Furrnatigt' uccupicti pusitiuu nf Assistant Scctinn Chict ut thc Training utraach and Strategy Sucticn Raccgnitinn nt agar-icy t participatinn is atsn what critics tattPt' tn ccntinuaity scat ntitcr agcncics it is aisc in the namcrnus icint that NEPC and FBI Ficlti tiiccs hat'c hccu in with agcncius as discussant fin-that ticinw 3TH I can an attempt tn summit a christian cf 33 H 513 ttEtt a 5J tutti-antit r tic under the attempt pmvisiau fauntt in IS LLB t3 cucn it tha attempt nut in lass of at least 55 059 ut' caust- cf attics rcsuits in 5 It t mitt Tits qucsticn caits t'cr an intciprcting authcrity unticr statutc and as - 92 such is appt't aizit'iat a it pmpnuudcri in nt iuaticc As a gcucrai rutc hcwcucr ttic FBI Undcratands that antics ccttain factual circumstanccs IE 13 5 13 I 3 tftt ttucs altnw fur tisc prusccutinu cf uiclatinns at 13 H 513 if ticcs result in a lass nt at tcast Siti ii what-a ctittancc dcmnuau'atcs n cntil cs s spcci c was tc causc a icss - pitta-tat 44 sit-amt Itslcasc - 4'11 if in excess ef I If an attempt cannet he re preseented wettld amending the statute as that the aggravating facters included in the delinitinn el damage is ill USE lttitti tenants are instead thrived in he elements at the effett se under change that result Tlhlit'tittestien sails fer a hypedtctical at a statutery amendment as applied threttgh the substantive case law et attempt and sheuld he directed tn the Department at Justice fer a mere detailed and de nitive As a general matter hewevcr the dues and understand that elevating the de nitienai elements ef the term damage I te hcceme substantive elements efsectien that et i enses wilt in all circumstances receive the attempted e ense issues generated by the facts cf ruest investigatiens instead the FBI tavern an appre which weuld cemhine a restructuring cf the elements at the de nitien cf damage inte the penalty prev'miens et' sectien with fire creatiett efa iesser ntfense fer these circumstanc as when damages at there carutet he substantiated The FBI heiieves that same unaudteriaed access inte cementers affecting interstate in pretccted semesters are an inherently vielative as re justify Federal criminal sanctiens even where there is as change affecting the integrity er availaeility at data er where the actual damages suffered de net attain the The intentlenal unauthcn'aed cernputer intrusicn inte the priviteged and private medical recerds cf citizens is hut see such csatnpte Such a statutery apprnach as has been suggested by Del's Cementcr Crime and lireperty Sectien weuld create a lesser included tnisdent carter where the $5 130 thresheid is net in fact demenstratcd and weuld previdejurers in cases invelving damages ciesc tn the ttu-csheid a legitimate alternative fer vielative hehavi er 3 If a de nitien at less were added in i 3 fe te de ne less as the rcasenahic cest te any victim at respendieg tn the ellense conducting a damage assessment restering data programs systems er infernratiea te their cenditien prier tn the et'i'euse and any revenue lest er certs incurred by the victim as a result at interruptten wduld the Emli t t thresheid be easier in meet than undercurrent law The FBI fevers any amendments which aliew fer the increased inciusien cf any certs leases er ether expenditures that a victim weeld net have reasnnahly incurred hut fer the vieiatidn regardiess efwhether these teases resulted hem an actual interruptien at service The FBI fevers such a de nitiett which neuld site include if teasenahle the cast et' system recen guratien related tn dates-ting at eliminating similar feture vieiatiens 4 With respect'teviulatiens cf l j iaii fn is it year understanding that each separate enutd farm the heels ef a separate cennti Similarly respect ta vieiatiens ef it it year understanding that each separate intentienal anneal cenltt farm the basis at a separate can at The questien catts fer an interpretatiaa efa statute applying the substantive case law cf 15 dilate Release Page set - 1- I It lin'r r l- - zit-i - 1 what eehstitutes erirninaI episnee and related setteepts at what eenstitntes jeinder er 'seret anee under the Federal RuIes eFCrirninai and sheuid rants he direeted tn the Departrnent ei instiee fer a detailed and de nitive respense As a general rnettn hnweuer the FBI understands that 1ehether a single eempeter transmissien at eerie under seetiea may fenn the basis fer a single eeunt under an indictment with in large measure turn seen the unique faets efangr giren investigatinn Whether a single hansreissien efa sett h'ansrnitting destrnetiae semester virus eenstitutes ene h'anstniss'tnn and terel'e'te ene tenant er theusands ef'traasrnissiens intentinnall r e eetu ated hy eh ain reaetien and therefnre tnesands nt senate res r turn upnn an evaieatine ef numemus teeters net the least at which weuld inelude the ehjeet and intent ef the efienden'traesreitter the design el the cadet the reasenahle et' revh'ansrnissien and as a praetieal matter the anilin' re trash gauge and the Similarly whether in a eernputer netwerh entirenrnent the repeated unauthntieed assessing et a in uielatien et'seetien whieh assessing is temperath' retated will as a ntaetieai matter frequently turn epen the enn gtuntiee ef the netwerh and its setter-it I and hatuter system tn name but a few teeters 5 Are aware at any eases in n'hith the current statetergr maximum terms at impriseerneet under USE 10313 were te effert the are trees called the his the Senteneing Guidelines indenting using the prerisiees nf SELL whieh preside that sentences en Inn - he impesed enaserutireiy tn the extent te prednee a enmhieed equal tn the Intel pa nishtnent railed fer hr the guidelines The referred this an estien tn the Department at instiee Cert-neuter Crimes and Intellectual Sentient fer input The Department repetted that it eeuid resell nn enses in whieh the enrrent statutan maximum terrns et intntisetnnent under 13 USE mitt were insufheient tn el'l eet the sentenee netted Fer hr the Sentencing Guidelines including using the pres-isiens 531 2 E Please update the reasen tn rentinne the endit reatien at the teeth-sharing agreement between the Seeret Sender earl the Federal areau at Ies'estigatten t'ennd in resent Invtithd Cenyess speeitiealh r limited the Seeret Sendee s autherih- te investigate erintes under i3 1930 tn these effenses under suhseetiens and and ajf jt and The Senate the i995 amendment explained that t he use erirnes prepesed in the hill heweuer tie net fall under the Secret Eran-inns hadltienaljntisdietien sehseetien l h faJt'ZHC addresses gaps in 13 ESE 2314 interstate henspertatiett efsteien ere-petty and prepesetl seetien I a fah ir' addresses gaps in IE U313 1951 the Hehhs hat end 315 tterstate threats These statutes are edible the ju sdietien ef the Federal R fast Punt s Bureau at Investigatian wltieh she-aid retain enelusive jurisdietiea aver these types of aiienses even when the I are eamatitted hy eemputer 5 Rep 35 Gangs Ed Bees 13 1995 alias-ant in the 599d changes was the that the statute Was being amended ta raileet the teateetive investigative limits existing at that time It was ales at that time that the jurisdietiea at' the Seatet Set-ties feta-id at 13 1 1 5 0 EDSE did net eneemhass the types at a 'etas dmmihed in Sec-titan l d at Given that there have been an additianal grants sf genteel investigative jusiadietien tn the U353 sinee that amendment it is'nat elear why the insisdietlea aver eenmuter taimes under Seetiea ltt tl shauld he expanded The theft at Staturit r hti ennatian whieh is the urea ei infennatien Bastien Wes intended atitit'ese has never been the auhj eet elf US 33 ju edietin-n additiurt the mass et'etimes eantentplated hv l ldtalt lt l and aft as reenaniaed hy the legislative have traditinnalijr been investigatians in the Israeli-tee and expertise of the FBI The lililti pratdsinn is an esplieit efl ntt hv Generate tn address the criminal eil enses at issue a divisien at lahar primarily determined hy investigative testiemsihilit r and expertise dusty revereihn tn the jurisdietinnal previsinns raises set-inns issues and enaeems sheet the utilisatien al'resaurees and arenas Ceneunent jurisdietien would result in a daplieatiaa at that weald waste resanrees and enaaurage indep investigatinns by separate ageneies at the esp-ease jaint etl'e-rts Ind and given the deeisiea Seatet Sea-viee ta refrain Earn pattieipatiea in the listienal In hasten eture Preteetiea Center hath lay detailing perseanel and praviding investigative in fennatien its eases despite a mandate the President ta da an under Pundit etpanriing egg-her jurisdietien at this tiate weuld result in a tlaeanerl sent-sash in sensitive intrasian investigatieas tnveiving eatnttien and ether setieus matters is The FBI has limited autharity ta issue administrative suhpaenas in eettain eases sueh as federal health ease fraud er sexual explettatiaa et- ether ahuse et ehildren Sin ee eyhererime eases are erimiual in nature is the Fill ahle ta ehtaiu daeumeats relevant in the investigatlun with grand jury su pueaa Te the extent that deeuments ahtalned 1with a - et' Lhedau-etarrafthe Treastay the Saar-st Sen-in is authat iaed ta detest and tl mt'l eaten idea trielaiesew melted 512th till er et Etta title er 1tin-tth respect In the Federal tee-ash carpal-55m Federal steam ats ete aas tas est the ties than ten tatsml af ne in al'th-e United llte rtTalt'na in mint ministerial-tam mm urmmi mam army lmyel liseln-safthe United mhlmilm jmt m md mu damn urdwiE- t Er cpl by this mt lam ht mm whim he 31 I mast - slattel tenets-e- I I i I grand jury suhpoena need to he shared with third-party experts can permission he ohtained to do so under Federal Rule of Criminal li'rocedure titult Generain speaking a governmental entity is authorised under LLSJI hill is to obtain the euntents of an eiectronie mmrnunieatiun in remote storage with prior notice as delimited in in USE ai ih by using an administrative or grand jury subpoena rt governmental entity is also authorized undm 13 11 511 titl tjo i to obtain certain suhsuihm or customer infomtation from a pruvider of electronic communication serviees or remote computing amine by using an administrative grand jury or trial subpoena or as otherwise pemtitted under 13 1 1 3111 Ellie ejijlli h The lileetlunic Cunmtunieations Privacy Act does not itself identify whieh ioderai agencies qualify as government entities authorised to issue administrative subpoenas Currently the FBI is authorised to issue administrative subpoenas in cases involving health care t'raud under 13 USE $4 315 and in cases htvotving child pornography and manual solicitation under 13 USE esessa Unfortunately there do as not currentl exist a statute authorising or designating the FBI as a govenunentat entity authorised to issue administrative subpoenas for violations of IE H 313 or other primes ot 1fraud increasingly oommitted lay or facilitated through the use eta computer The ahseuec of sueh a statute impedes Fill efforts to accelerate an effective response to eyher crime 1 nitrite helpful the use of grand jury suhpo one to acquire minimally intrusive transactional information age sn-ealled 1 header information such as to 1 or i'rom ur suhseriher information n gw the name and address of the owner of an internet screen name is frequently a cumhersotne and time consuming process especiatty in investigations where time is of the essence or where the information sought is from an unusually large number ot providers Some eireumstauces may dietate melting express court authorisation under the provisions of Federal Rule of Criminat Procedure dieliitlitil for disclosure to noungovemntent esperts who may not qualify as personnel assisthig the attorney for the government in the investigation het ore the grand jury in many cases the praetteat eoneerns of delay and eoordination with other ageneies and eourts thither stymies government's to provide a timely response to inuninent criminal behavior The FBI supports an eapansi on of its statutory authority to issue administrative under the Electronic l flunun uni nations Privaey rst for any violation of law within the FEI's existing erirninal investigative jurisdietion The experience to date in the issuance of administrative suhp arena in the areas at health care fraud and ehild exploitation crimes demoustiates that it can responsibly limit and control the eaetuise of this authority E llenial in service attaehs are increasing enpon entially noenrding to the FBI these attacks involve the placement of tools such as Trinou Tribal Flood net TENIK or Steehenldraht on unwitting victim systems which then send messages upon remote command to a targeted computer system until that system is overuhel med and essentially shnt s titt tt tt In order to document in real time the remote command being given and the triggering of the message flood to the target system is law enforcement currently required to obtain a wiretap order stone the unwitting victim system is not a party to the communication an thoriaed to grant JE- Srl-ii'tll Release Page Is that It 0 eensent te eleetrenie surveillanee l Weuld an ereeptlen tn the wiretap aw te allew the unwitting 1Irietim system eperater te grant te eieetrenie sun eillauee be helpful te law en in tenement The questiea calls far as interpretatien er a statute whieh weuld mere appteptiateiy be direeted tn the Depathnent eflustiee fer a mere detailed and definitive respense ts a general ant-slim hewerer theFEI understands that l the prettisiens at I 3 l i Ri e pmhihit all unless unseemly autherized elsewhere in the that 2 the prettisiens et IE H 512 2511 2Ha3 i autheriae a preside at wire er eleetrenle eemrnurueatien set-tribes te intereept en their system net heeause they are parties te these eemmunleatietts but as is a iaeident te the renditien ei that serviee er te the preteetien ef the rights at preperty et the 3 many preriders espeeially start up intranet sem'ees may net have the tuels er expertise te adequater trash deeurnent er halt an intruder in their and mere perhaps mere signiti eantly he pt'tl n iti l'h have eernpulsery pres ass in t'aeilitate diselesure ef transaetiee and subseti her infermatien lien-i ether preuiders whieh is te identify the seuree ef an attaelt d 13 U 5 C 25l deer net permit law en f ereement te eenduet an intereeptlea witheut a chart erder even apen a presider s express request when the Fret-rider's system has been invaded er trespassed upen by a hashes and 5 as a result ef' this quandary and in erder te ensure that eridenee ebtained will subsequently he held admissible law eal ereernent is required te ehtain a eeurt erder in erder te enable it in aetiyely wetir in eenjunetien with the pretrider Given the high level DUI appreral that is required ler Title llI Intereeptien applieatiens the necessary generatien el papent'erk and the time needed hy the reviewing eeult signi eant delay ean hefere law entbreentent ean preside an elTeetiue respense te a hast-rat er EDGE event This anern in the law ereates an untenable situatien whereby pret'idets are sum ethnes t ereed te sit idly by as they witness haelrers enter and in same sitaatiensr destrey er damage their systems and ttetwetits while law enfereement begins the detailed et'seeiring eeurt anther-tastiest te assist them in the real werld the situatien is akin re a hemeewnet heirr thread te helplesst wateh a burglar er ran dai while peliee seal a marsh warrant te enter the dwelling Fer these reasens the layers enactment ef a statutery eaeeptien under 13 USE hill 1 whieh weuld expressly autheriae law enfereement te assist sueh presiders by intereeptieg the et a eentputer userinaspasser the nartsaiissieas te and freer the usert'tl'espesser ill lth upen the uelnntazy mitten densest et'a sentiee pmarider alter that prerider has made an initial determinatien that the nastinespasseris in that net autheriaed te be en the system at netwerlr Sueh an eaeeptien tn the general hatereeptlen prehibitiea weuld eapeneatiaiiy law enfereenteet s ability te respend te sueh hhelrer ineldeatts and weuid be a signi eant step teward ensuring the security and integrity ef the Netien a eritieal in astrueture - - - Is law enfereemaer currently res-strait re ehtata wiretap in larder re destinies-tr te reels time the remain summer-Ids hang given its a target system 19 23 31 a i' it - Release Page-rill Tush-i - - petentiai eaccptinn te this would be certain pen register-based apprentices cmpicyed by service psevidcts in switch-tinted sninticnsI where pust-cutdhmugh dialing incinding titrnugtt signaling may net ice presided tn law enforcement This circumstance is currently a subject at review by the FCC under melting impicntceting CALEA and regssding which We anticipate a tcsciutien in the near future The distinctien transect a pen register device an a activists and a sinus pager er pager is that a pen register is eneplnyed tn capture dialed numbers winch are used tn setup a call Hence in the nvmheiming majeritjir nfittstances where pen registers are used the caanred is silent signaling tet'ernts nn used In set an a call pager intercepticns ens te capture the intennatien reached by a pager which in at instances censtitntc the ccntent er message at tits call Censsquentig the law has histcricaily distinguished the iegsi precesscs required fer these types cfacqnisitinns in pan register antherity vs Title 111 respectively - Pen register efforts in the data nee-acre aces wet di erentig The mast basic seasen far this is because tits sen-ices ting email web-based maii 1trcice and applicatinns egg Intemet Chat Fiic Transfer transmitted ever data nctwerics are different Scene at these services and appiit'tdinns lend themselves te precise ways at capturing tic tecnrdingja cal id cntifying and signaling carin white ctitcrs maize ef differentiating signeiing Lnt cnnaticn tent caii tncre Fi Secticn Billie cf titie IE United States Cede requires gm et'ttment agencies snthericed te nse pee registers In use technetegy restricts the recnrdieg er deceding et' eiectrneic er ether impulses tn the dialing and signaling infertentien in call processing Piesse d trihe the and methedniegy currently mini-eyed tc ccmpiy with this requirement Fen Register devices en tcicpiteny services cnntinnc tn cperate as they have far decades Stated differently since the enactment cf there has been as change in tccintciegy DT can register equipment t cr that wentd better restrict the recerding er deceding cf er ether intpnises tn the dialing and signaling utilised in csii precessing sits stated abuse pen register effects in the data netwcric area wnrit differently and there where that restricts the rec'erding nr deceding cf n1- ethcr tn the diaiing and signaiing infertnaticn is avaiiahic it is cmpieyedc Fr esantple the F31 empicys pen register de cits tn capture interact Preteen addresses Since data typically use wellestahiishcd injected FBI are capable cf restricting the intent atien captutcd tn the It Secticn 311ml et'titie 13 United States tradet requires a esnrt te anthertse the use cf a gen register it the cenrt nds that the get-created atterney ties certi ed that the intermsticn likely tn he ehtatnedt by such use is relevant te an engetng criminal The certi catien by the attumey Ls i turnI made under eat and penalty diperjury db df ll Retease PHT d ma under suctieu 3112 A is the gesture reent attern ev required in deserihe te th register the factual hasis fer the atteru cy s certi catiuu crimiuai investigatieus As a matter-at regnlar practiee de geveranteet atternevs er State law en t ereernent er investigative e ieers matting appiica tines i'er pea registers describe fer the eeurt the factual basis fer the that such use is relevant re an engequ eriminai in vesti gatien er dues this practice vary 1What precedures inciuding audits er internai reviews statute-13' standard and have the necessary is etnst basis fer making in these districts ere the practice in applying fer pen register erders is net te deserihe ier the cenrt th t'aetu at basis 1 er e Sheuld the eeurt rather than gevernrnental atterners er State investigative ei eers he given the autherity te mat-re the t aetuei nding that in t ermatiee titter pen register is relevant in an engeiag criminal te he ehtained hrsurh instaliatien and use at a investigatien and it'net please erpiain u'hv Several et the euestieas call far at impiieete an interpretatien et' statute which weuid mere et instice t' er a mere detailed and data nitive respense tts appreptiatclv he directed tn the Department a generai titattcr heetrevcr1 the Fiti understands the Eu picnic lli'eurt has installatien at a pen register net a search tvithie the meaning et theretere its use decs net vieiate the Censtitutien eentent inferrnatien garnered titreugh the use et'pcn safeguard against the purer tandem use at 4G2 Cir Pen Register certi catiens ht gevetruneat attereeys are drafted and ied by atterneys cf the ieve1 hv Stteciai agents ef the FBI Questierts vreuId mere apprepriateiv directed in the Department at Department at iustiee and net at the Federal regarding the at such eeriitieatieea Justice fer a inure de nitive respense As a general matter hewevea it the degree in which heed register applicatiea tn the Eden diseieses the the atteruey s eerti catien turns in iarge t'eeasurcr ripen the nature ef the statuterjr effense which is the feces cf the investigatien Whereas seetien 3 reunites sustain a statement at the edema in which the infermatiea lihehir tn he nhteined hr the pen register 31' mid dWi - t it t'eiietvs that the applicatien reunited 32- eceert in the applicatien fer a pen that such use is relevant in an engeiag are in piece te ensure that geverentent atternej's and State law eniereetnent er investigative etiieers centuh r with the t ith v hiarvlan #42 U3 T35 745-46 '99 Salt 25 33 Given the last at an expectatien etprivacy at stahe in the tirnited uen registers the Centre have held that the limited judicial review reie dciineated 13 ESE 3121 street is Caustitutienal and is intended te pen register devices hr ensuring eempliancc with the statuter requirements estahiished Cengress See United States v Humane-h til 1 F 2d 312 1 tidi- the applicatiee enterecnteat er 3P1 expressly ruied that he the hearth Amendment and is the FBi s experience that underi ng factual basis the that all pen register erders by seetieu 3 illfhi eentain dildr tit Release Paar HT amass-I ligl' I such a statcru ent within the attemcy s ecniftcatien and it is the cemmeuly the case Depending unert the na underlying basis fer the certi catien can telemarketing fraud hirestigatiens tlte chute telephcue te selicit victims Sitrularly'in reliable and sense inference is cl the pesseasien disbu hntiea and sale at an States Elude Even in investigatiena int-relating an and Abuse Act 13 1 15 5 1 et seq underlying basis the the request The FBI elite undulatantis that the criminal investigatien by gen crating reliable urinal certi es such an has rte tr int'catigatien- Frequently inferrnatien rc investigative infennatiea and is submitted in an as seareh warrant applicatieus er wiretap geretnuteet were in submit a false cedi catieu tn the ceurl the lush cf any neaus between the named and the attemey's that the ini cnnati relevant te an engcing criminal iut'estigatien we subsequent applicatiens te the Centt fer search presecutien The dearth efsuch empirical er eetti catien efapplicaticns by atterneys er 1 ehh'gatieu is censcienticusly ful lled i 1 caused the must create financial teases fact yeti have identi ed critical challengers facing the Fill and challenge I have urged that the Cuttgress be careful in censitiertn il'id The Eieetrenic Sig estates in censuurers are adequately pretected in at Representatives and is currently the - The restrain easiest trauma the bill s prerisiens permittig stecage erighrats area ehere the law utherwise strung potential te negatively imnaet Ia and ifaet please espiaiu why a ill 1 I tiresm alien Furthetruere art atteruey se falsely ay ef latewing the subsequent ceursc and eaten The hat-e testified that iafermatiea theft as use at the Internet fer fraudulent nu cancel cnce that this is lute ef the described in the certificaticn the in meat instances will he readily apparent Thus in us and erlying basis is that the e euders are using the rcetics and censpiracy te centusit narectics uielaticus the early that teleceirlntueicatiees are being used tc facilitate nttelled substantiate in triela en efTitlc 21 cf the United reenter hacking in eielatieu cf the Cementer Fraud it requires little theught er iraaginatieu te understand the ER 113 it selc basis fer ebtainia a per register crdec is te further a sai hie evidence he attentey whe falsely as at histher the ef te 'cm a Jhen register is censciidatecl with ether bsequcrtt inure detailed applicatierts te the Ceurt such applicaticns in the unlit- er scent that an atterney fer the in suppert efa pen register applicatien 1restigatieu the statement cf the eficu se en likely in he ebtainecl item the detrise s use is aid in tnaay instances reveal itself either in u'atrtutts er wiretaps er in discerety incident te aneecletal eel-deuce demenstratiug inapprentiatc er false he getternnteut deitiensh'ates that the cei yeti subjects cf the in at nancial fraud perpetrated enliue have put at $63 tnillieu and 556 respectltely Iu muses as cue ef the must late in general Appreciating this legislatien such as HJL lube and blatieu at Centmeree Act in ensure that the ea reacucuL This hill has passed the Heuse subject at a sea fercnce with the Senate eys General has cerutaeuted ea Hit 1 tie stating that at synapses ei' ducu'uieuts that aecu rately re ect requires retentieu eferigiual decu meats has the er eater-saute ut discerery efducurueat De yeu agree I iss- Eli-it'll Release a Page r 'et r' Hue- Hit i'iitt wenld require that state enaetments ei' the Unifnrm Eieetrenie Transaetiens rtet he eensistent with the Heese hitt resulting in i'ederai preemptien nt' any state erernptieh fresh the presumptien ef iIralidity nt eieetrnaie signatures and transnatinns that is net authnriaed in the Hearse hill The Natienat nssnetatien et ntterneys Genemi has epined that this bread t'ederal preemptien weniti unduly hinrier the ahitity nf the states tn pretest their citizens against eensu trier fraud It States are hindered in ennih atin ennsemer fraud wenld the FHPs jeh in protecting the pehiie rent traudnient nniine praetiees he made mere slittieult i in its face the pret'isiens et' H 131 i'i'lat which aiinw fer the nieettenie sterage nf eentraets agreements and are unreiateti tn earlier pinyisiens ei the hit delineating what types nf iegai deeunients may he hy eieetrnnie signature Tn the eatent that Susanne He enuid he interpreted as alien-ring fer the imaging and stnrage as an eieetrenie ei' written er agreement the tangthe eriginais nt which weuhi ntherwise he required hy Iaw tn he maintained in tangihie term then there eeuiti esist the pntential tn negatiyeiy impaet eeitain iaw investigatinna relating tn sneh dneuments At a minim net the supplanting n1 tangihie erig-inals nth erwise iegaii required tn he maintained in tangihie term - with eieetrnnie images depieting the erig'tnais when een pied with destrnetien et the nt'igitials wenlt i etimiriate er entnpiieate handwritten signahtre-anaiysis and render nail the fingerprints er ether tra an evidence the thirteen nt nriginals By the same tehen the preyisinns ntseetinn iIIZti eit whieii exempt hem retentien data relating tn the semen uni eatien er pt et' any eentraet agreement er rennrded eeuid in the snnteat nt esii nae nted eentraets nenipiieate er eliminate law entereement eanrts in treating the seuree nt transmissinn et tmtisaetinns er the ineatien and identity GFEDaC EpimitJ-rh er ei-en ether trietims The enntinuen trend inward eteetrnnie paper-tess et' enmmereiai hansaetiens witieh is adntitteety an eritieai tn the eentinueri eyeintien and eat ansien ef the internetj when neupieri with ilihe grnwin ability at eriminais tn enen ptien tn restrict law entemeinent s tn ineetpatnty Evidence and it the ahsenae et any preeminent puhiie trey er private signature yen tieatinn entity ns prneednre eernplieates the efferts et thn FBI and state iaw enfnreeinent tn pretest the puhiie hem en iine fraud I synapses natty terrier-irritants arrir negnth'ety r rnpnet inn erferreirtent The review ef enmpiete and aeearate resents is et'ten in law entereem ent's ett nrt tn heip investigate erime All reenrds management and retentinn therefere can he said tn have-an effect en law ent'ernement and these whieh dn net require that hit ennatinn he maintained at least in thenry1 can negatively impaet inw enfereernertt's disenyeiy et' that ini nrrnatinn It retirees ere-hindered The FBI helieyes that sinee States are the primary tn erime in ear enentry if the States are hindered in eemhating eensnmer hand then the 531's jeh in preteetin the puhiie t mrn 'aednient enline praetiees weid he made mere ditheult -34 Biz-$192 Release - Page til I 'I'I'x'lt'n'v-ar
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