SF-1075-SUR 8-2005 SANDIA REPORT SAND2005-2846P Unlimited Release Printed March 2005 Penetration Testing of Industrial Control Systems David P Duggan Prepared by Sandia National Laboratories Albuquerque New Mexico 87185 and Livermore California 94550 Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation a Lockheed Martin Company for the United States Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 Approved for public release further dissemination unlimited Issued by Sandia National Laboratories operated for the United States Department of Energy by Sandia Corporation NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof nor any of their employees nor any of their contractors subcontractors or their employees make any warranty express or implied or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy 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the public from U S Department of Commerce National Technical Information Service 5285 Port Royal Rd Springfield VA 22161 Telephone Facsimile E-Mail Online order 800 553-6847 703 605-6900 orders@ntis fedworld gov http www ntis gov help ordermethods asp loc 7-4-0#online Penetration Testing of Industrial Control Systems David P Duggan Michael Berg John Dillinger Jason Stamp March 7 2005 Copyright © 2005 Sandia National Laboratories Page intentionally left blank INTRODUCTION Performing network penetration testing on Industrial Control Systems ICS should not be taken lightly There are many things that can go wrong These systems were designed and built to control and automate some real world process or equipment Given the wrong instructions they could perform an incorrect action causing waste equipment damage injury or even deaths These types of systems include systems also known as Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition SCADA systems Electric Management Systems EMS Distribution Control Systems DCS or Process Control Systems PCS The next three paragraphs provide real examples of the danger While a ping sweep was being performed on an active SCADA network that controlled 9-foot robotic arms it was noticed that one arm became active and swung around 180 degrees The controller for the arm was in standby mode before the ping sweep was initiated Luckily the person in the room was outside the reach of the arm On a PCS network a ping sweep was being performed to identify all hosts that were attached to the network for inventory purposes and it caused a system controlling the creation of integrated circuits in the fabrication plant to hang The outcome was the destruction of $50K worth of wafers A gas utility hired an IT security consulting company to conduct penetration testing on their corporate IT network and carelessly ventured into a part of the network that was directly connected to the SCADA system The penetration test locked up the SCADA system and the utility was not able to send gas through its pipelines for four hours The outcome was the loss of service to its customer base for those four hours Identifying the vulnerabilities within a SCADA system requires a different approach than in a normal IT network In most cases systems on an IT network can be rebooted restored or replaced with little interruption of service to their customers Their world is mostly virtualbased connecting only peripherally to the physical world SCADA systems control physical processes and therefore have real world consequences associated with their actions Some actions are time critical while others have a more relaxed timeframe One shouldn’t connect a test machine to the network and perform scans of a SCADA system without understanding the possible consequences of this testing APPROACH The first question to ask is “Why is penetration testing necessary for this system ” First identify the threats of concern Is the threat from people rogue hosts or something else Is it malicious or accidental Would this penetration test likely identify vulnerabilities that can be exploited by the threats of concern When performing a penetration test of an IT system there are several steps that are generally used Depending upon the tools used one or more of these steps may be integrated together They are 1 Identify hosts nodes and networks 2 Identify services available on items from #1 above 3 Identify possible vulnerabilities for items found in #2 above There are usual actions associated with each step above In the table below we provide the usual list of actions along with other actions that may be taken instead making the outcomes of any testing safer These new techniques may make the job a little harder but are intended to mitigate problems associated with active penetration testing Activity Identification of hosts nodes and networks Usual Actions for IT Ping Sweep e g nmap 1 2 3 4 Identification of services Port Scan e g nmap 1 2 Identification of vulnerabilities within a service Vulnerability Scan e g nessus ISS etc… 1 2 Preferred Actions for SCADA Examine CAM tables on switches Examine router config files or route tables Physical verification chasing wires Passive listening or IDS e g snort on network Local port verification e g netstat Port scan of a duplicate development or test system Local banner grabbing with version lookup in CVE Scan of duplicate development or test system The common theme of all the preferred actions is that there is no active component to put traffic on an operational network or against an operational system The activities involved in an IT penetration test are only one way to obtain the information of interest There are other less intrusive ways to gather most if not all of the same information These other methods will allow collection of the information necessary for understanding the vulnerability of the SCADA system without the risk of causing a failure while testing While any assessment of the SCADA system is being performed SCADA operations personnel must be aware that testing is occurring and be prepared to immediately address any problems that arise If manual control of the system is possible personnel capable of performing manual control must be present during the security testing Some of the factors to consider when choosing active vs passive testing of SCADA systems is that these systems have very limited resources as compared to normal IT systems Since these systems have longevity much greater than their IT counterparts the CPU’s are typically generations behind the state-of-the-art and can be easily overtaxed They usually are run on legacy networks at slow speeds which can be overwhelmed by the volume of traffic generated during active testing Since they are special purpose sloppy programming may go unnoticed through regular use and only be identified when scanned over a wide range of use as IT scanning tools provide Network stacks on most SCADA systems fall into this category While these flaws need to be identified and addressed this should be done on test equipment and not on operational systems controlling critical processes Because of the limitations of these systems to defend themselves against attacks there must be design considerations used to protect them from outside influences Complete separation of the SCADA system from other IT systems and networks is the best method for accomplishing the protection However this is unpractical in a great number of cases since data from the SCADA system is used to provide input to business decisions and is needed on an almost instantaneous basis Development of secure data exchange methods between components of the SCADA system and the IT system is required with the goal of preventing any direct connection from the IT system to any SCADA system components A security examination of a SCADA system should not cause more problems for the operation of the system than absolutely necessary Since these systems are different than regular IT systems they require special handling when security or any other testing is performed There isn’t a security tester that wants to be known as the person that turned out the lights in a city flooded a valley or released a toxic cloud of chemicals into the air SCADA systems are in transition as legacy systems are replaced with more modern systems vulnerability and risk assessment methods may need to change However with the diverse installations that currently exist vigilance is required on the part of the auditor The auditor needs to understand the SCADA system under test the risk involved with the test and the consequences associated with unintentional stimulus or denial of service to the SCADA system
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