1 wr' AF 0893 343% OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER A i POLICE HEADQUARTERS ti STREET TRINIDAD w I 7 27th October 1976 r OSCAR KING STATES 3 I em a Corporal No 6823 a the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service attached to Police Headquarters Pcrt-cf Spein 5 I am also a Spanish Interpreter with the Police Service SQ On Thursday 7th Butcher 1976 about 7 h5 I was eummcned to the Office of ASSISTANT BOMMISSIONER BURROUGHS at the Criminal Inveetigetion Department Police Headquarters Port-cF-Spein On my arrival there ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER BURRDUBHS me eomething end ushered me into the room I eaw two men in the said roam end as result cf whet ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER BURRDUBHS me I spoke to the men in Spenieh and told them that they were detained ea it was believed that they were able to the Trinidad Police with their investigatione into the surrounding the crash of Bubene 'plene on the efternoen ef Wedneedey 6th October 1976 of the north coast of Bhrhedoe One of the two men was White and the other Negrcid I first spoke to the Negrc chap who-told me that hie name ie FREBDY LUGO end that he 15 Venezuelan national I than asked him for his 'luggage and he said that he did not know I then spoke wit the white man and he told me that his name 13 JOE UASQUEZ GARCIA and that he is elec Venezuelan national I asked him for hie luggage and he said that he and hie friend were robbed of their luggage the day before in Barbados I then enqdired of hid whether he had reported the matter to the Police and he said that he had not done so beccuee the people in Barbados could not understand Spenieh end he could not underetend Ehglieh I then communicated whet wee told to me by both men to ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER BURROUGHS About 8 00 p m on Friday 8th October 1976 I was summoned to the Office of DEPUTY COMMISSIONER HANDMAR In the Deputy Office were JOSE UASOUEZ GARCIA SENIOR SUPEHINTENDENT NATERMAN SUPERINTENDENT GORDON and MISS JOY HELBHALL I wee instructed by DEFUTY COMMISSIONER RAMBMAH ta easiet in interpreting whilst he interrogated JOSE UASOUEZ BARBIA- The Deputy GARCIA who he wee and gave GARCIA the for hie detention He recueeted of GARCIA anv'informetion that he could give in connection with the creeh of the Cohene Aircraft DU #55 up the afternoon of WednEEdey 6th October 1976 cause UASQUEZ BARGIA then said he would speak eheut hie vieit from Cerecee to Trinidad vie Berbedoe MISS JOY HELSHALL reoerded in writing in Spanish whet GARCIA eeid said that hie correct namaprihftgee I '3 51 is HERMAN RICARDO LozAgo end that the passport tngeged in f had in the name of SOS UASQUEZ GARCIA wee ea Leter tr 5 2 000355 Later that night I was praannt when FREDDY LUGEI was Draught to the Deputy Office and in the w SENIOR EUPERINTENDENT MATERHAN SUPERINTENDENT BURDEN and MISS HELSHALL Luau gaua a atatamant which mat rauardad in uniting-by MISS HELBHALL abdut his flight hatwaan Caracaa -d Trinidad and Barbadoa I i On Sunday 10th atubnr 1976 LDZANU gava anuthar statement This was $130 redundad by MISS HELSHALL in tha prmaanca af SENIDR SUPERINTEWDENT NATERMAN SBPERINTENDENT BURDEN ABSIETANT SUPERINTENBENT KERR and SENIBR SUPERINTENDENT DURANT a the Barbadds Police Dn Hunday 11th Uutnhar 1925 I was B180 when LUBE gave a atatamant to SENIDR SUPERINTENDENT NATERMAN in the praadnca u SUPERINTENDENT BURDEN and SENIOR SUPERINTENDENT DURRWT of the Barbadoa Feline 221 j3yirajx31Q On Tuesday 12th October 1976 I remardad a atatamant From FREDDY LUBE in-thd of SENIGR SUPERINTENDENT HATERMAN SENIDR SUPERINTENDENT DURANT and DEPUTY CUMMISBIBNEH RAHDMAR an Friday 15th Dutmhar 1976 I was whan LUBE made annthar atatamant to Deputy Bummiasinnar RAMDMAR in tha prmaanua n SENIGR SUPEHINTENBENT NATERHRN ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT KERR and BERGERNT ANTHONY JABH This atatemant was racnrdad in Spanish by MISS JDY On Saturday 15th Untuhar 1976 FREDDY LUED requested tn ma I want to affiua whare he was detained LUBE told-ma that ha wna than prepared tn say what ha knam ahaut the crash and that he mantad tu tea the I later Badampaniad him to tha Office of tha Daput and in the praaenca u SENIQR SUPE INTENDENT MATERMAN and BERBEANT JACK ha regarded a umutionary atatamant in writing which wad racardad in Spanish by Miaa JOY HELBHALL Amung the thinga LUBU aaid in this atatament mad that on their may BEPEGEB tn Trinidad HERMAN LUZAND tuld him that ha waa travnlling an a falaa Ha Elan said that LUZRNU told him that ha was gaing tn-bldw up a Cubana Ha further said that he uhaarved LUZANB'adnwling at certain Cubans who were on the amid Flight from Barthes tn Trinidad Ha El n said that Laznmn again him that hdmantad to travel on a Euhana plana becausa he was gning to blum it up This informatinn man given him whilst they mama an thtir may ta Piarnu tn traval tn Barbadda Ha than want an tn give detaile of tha-flight Pram Trinidad tn Baxbadnu and what took in Earhadnt an their arrival there This was 3130 ranurdad in the cautionary atntamant On Sunday ITth utnber 1975 LDZAND requested tn me I want and ha tuld ma that he wished tn apudk mith DEPUTY EDMMISSIDWER RAMBMAR I- ater tank him to DEPUTY COMMISSIENER foi a and in the n BENIDR SUPERINTENDENT INSPEGTDR HEADLEV SERGEANT JACK and 'u - M155 HELSHALL he DEPUTY COMMISSIONER he wished to Spank with in in tha graateat confidence and asked that SENIDR SUFERINTENDENT 0 MATERMAN INBFEGTUR HERDLEV and SERGEANT JACH leave the office This was ddna Ha innintg t ' that I remain LDZANB then told DEPUTY cu #tstxuman RAMBMAR that he was a member a the CIA Intelliganua Agency graded 1 that he aqga A t 5 5th E L pez Fm ifs frenruite ghy ah - f 1300355 recruited by the CIA in Venezuela between 197D and 1971 and received his training in Intelligence and Counter-' Intelligence and the use and handling of bombs arms and photographic equipment in Venezuela and Panama_and was given the option of using either a code name or number and he selected the name He also said that since his training he travelled to several countrise including Chile Nicaragua washington Trinidad and Tobago Barbados Mexico Santo Domingo Guyana and Panama He also said that he recruited FREDDY LOGO about two years ago and that he LOGO was graded D received his salary from LOZANO and was assigned to him He also said that he LOZANO was associated with EL OONDOR which is a Front for a group called EL OOROU He then made several disclosures about the operations of the CIA He went on to give a detailed account as to how the bomb was placed at I0 00 a m on let September 1976 at the Office of the Guyanese Consulate in Port oF Spsin by OLEO OUITON RODRIGUEZ DE LA SIERRA TRATAIHOEF and another member of the Organisations He went on to say that one pound of Oh was used to do the job and that that was brought into the country in a suitcase specially made in Virginia U S A He also said that the black belt which he was found wearing at the Holiday Inn on Thursday 7th October 1976 is used by him to carry secret transmitters He further said that the Head of EL OOROU ia ORLANDO BOSCH who is also known as HR ORLANDO or ORLANDO PANYAGOA and that LUIS POSADA is base at 181 CINUESTIOATORS AND INDUSTRIAL OONSULTERS LOZANO also stated that he use in possession of three passports a U S A official passport a forged Venezuelan passport and a genuine Venezuelan passport 3 On Monday 18th October 1976 HERNAN RICARDO LOZANU sent for me and requested to see DEPUTY COMMISSIONER RAMOOAR I then escorted him to DEPUTY COMMISSIONER Office where he was served a copy of statement He read it and said nothing On Tuesday 19th October 1976 FREDDY LOGO sent For me and requested to see DEPUTY COMMISSIONER RAMDOAR I escorted him to DEPUTY COMMISSIONER RAMDOAR's Office and there he told DEPUTY COMMISSIONER in the presence of SENIOR SUPERINTENDENT OATERMAN SERSEANT JACK and MISS RELSHALL that he had Forgotten some details and weold like to make a further statement DEPUTY COMMISSIONER RAHDOAR than cautioned him and MISS HELSHALL recorded what he said in writing In that statement LOGO related that while he and LOZANO were at Pierce awaiting a Cubans aircraft out of Trinidad on 6th October 1976 they want to the Restaurant to have something to drink He said that at a certain time he want to the bathroom and on his return he met LOZRNO kneading a handful at something looking like dough and as he touched him on the shoulder we e ai i - ideeM a LOZANO Jumped placed the substance in hiag Hath jacket pocket and a tube of Colgate tootgjadte 9 2 whigh he had into the bosom of his shirt He also made mention of the details which he redfmgared n M fiesta is a Rbout on gaeg em m Maya ka a 4 000357 Abaut 8 38 p m on 19th Butcher 1975 HERMAN RICARDO LOZANO maa Bacartad by me to DEPUTY COMMISSIONER a mem'a Of f iua where SENIOR SUPERINTENDENT MATERMAN i was preaent He reminded DEPUTY COMMISSIONER RAHDOAH i that ha_uaa apaaking to him in tha graataat confidence a He than told DEPUTY COMMISSIONER that LOGO 3 carried two cameras tn Barbadua and atrung aruund fafw the hack and the uthar in his shouldar bag which he h tack abuard the Cuhdna aircraft an 6th October 1975 r He said that he LOZANO uhackad hia luggage into the hold of the 'plane and that while they ware at the ticket nuuntmr at Piarna hafnra hoarding th Ouhaha aircraft an ampluyaa a the airline LUOO to r uhack in his shoulder bag but he inniatud on taking it with him LOZANO than infurmed DEPUTY Fe COMMISSIONER RAMDNAH that he knew mha Ohm up the 'pianu and that persona were Vanazualana and p3 were at in Trinidad At that stage I the fullnwin uautinn fur him which 3 mad administered by DEFU COMMISSIONER HAHDNAH You are nut ubligad tn anything but anything ynu say may be given in evidence LOZANO than hesitated For a while and aked DEPUTY COMMISSIONER to use his halide training ta find nut Ohm bombed tha 'plana DEPUTY COMMISSIONER NAMDNAR pauaad for a whila than LOZANO that ha haliavad he knew who numbed tha 'plana LOZANO again heaitated For a whila and than he ramindad DEPUTY COMMISSIONER RAMDNAR that he mad saying in the graateat sunfidencm that Cubana 'plana waa bombed by himself and LOGO LOZANO 3150 said that same time after he arrivad in Barbadua ha mada aevaral calla ta Uanazumla and swung the pnraana called wad BOSCH and he told him what had happened and BOSCH replied Friend we have prObleH in Baradan Vnu never blew up a 'plana in the air Ha said ha alum triad ta aontaat LUIS POSADA but 93 he was out of affine ha apmka with Saurathry OELSA TOLEDO Fur thraa minutes Ha than rdquaatad a aheat cf paper and draw a skatnh mm ta haw tha Ch plastic bomb in datnnatad DEPUTY COMMISSIONER RAMDNAR than requastad LOZANO to put what ha had tuld him in writing but LOZANO aaid that ha mnuld consider it during the night and would him the falldming day At l0 00 a m on Ontuhar 1976 LOZANO requested ma td inform DEPUTY COMMISSIONER RAMDNAR that-ha wag daairaua uf apaaking with him At 11 10 a m an that day I him to DEPUTY BOMMISOIONER Of ina In the prdaanna a SENIOR-SUPEHINTENDENT NATESHAN and H185 HELSHALL LOZANO DEPUTY COMMISSIONER that ha had thought the matter tha night bafnra and mad num prepared to maha a written statement and that ha mimhdd MISS HELSHALL ta record that atatemant DEPUTY COMMISSIONER ROMDNAR thruugh an intarprater then administered the nautiun with the Judges' Hulda d Trinidad and Tubagn after which LOZAND made a statement which maa raddrdad in writing Among the thinga hm said in that wag that FREDDY LOGO huardad the 'plma with tgg h and on hiB arrival in Barbados ha hadg hiy una and ha LOZANO was sure that the numb mi inaida tha damara He Blah said that aware that LOGO had a axpluaivaa Ng orE L pazhi Album than pig My 5 000358 About p m on tho ooid day I saw DEPUTY CDMHISSIDNER escorting DR CARLUS IRAZABAL tho Venezuelan to Trinidad and Tobago and another man to his affine DEPUTY CUMMISSIUNER RAHDHAR than instructed me to fetch and of tho I FREDDY LUBD to DEPUTY COMMISSIONER foioo Un arrival tharo DR IRAZABAL greeted LUGD and introduood tho othor gontlomon to him on tho Rating Attornoy Gonoroi of Venezuoia Tho Acting Attornoy Gonorol than enquired o LUGD whether he woo tortured or illtrootod in on may and LUGD told him no I then LUBU out tho room and book to whore ho was dotainod and than osoortod LDZANU to tho ooid offing and tho some quoationo moro asked by tho Acting Attorney General Hio roply woo oloo in thh'nogotiva I then LDZAND book to whoro he was hoing hold J 2-1 Some timo oftor 10 00 p m tho said night I woo summoned to tho Port of Epoin Bonarol Hospital Trinidad where I now HERMAN RICARDO LDZANU modiool ottontion from a group of dootoro I also sou a wound on hio loft ford arm about four inches from his wrist I opoko to him and onquirod of him what had hopponod Ho told mo that after tho Acting Attorney Eonorol had coma to too him ho vory norvouo and had sant for no about four times and woo ouon ooro worried and dooidod to kill himoolf ho know that his and won near an in Uonozuola tho Attornoy Gonorol'o uioit uouolly death Ho also said that tho Acting Attorney General had told him thot_hio otoy in Trinidad would be short no ho moo toh-ng_him book to Venezuela vary A3 a rooult of this ho dooidod to kill himoolf before another pardon had tho opportunity to take his lifo in Vonozuolo LUZANA moo dioohorgod from the hospital the said night and I escorted him book to Police Headquarters After him to his room I wont to look for FREDDY LUBE and ho told no that ho was very happy to know that ho woo going hook to Uonozuolo Ho said that hit noting Attorney Gonorol told him thot the Publio Miniotry was very concerned about their oofoty and he was going to take them book with him He oaid that ho Just wanted to hio mothery his oiotor CARMEN and hid daughters oopooially HEIDI On 25th Uotohor 1976 I wont to 999 HERNRN RICARDO LDZANU at his inotonoo During nor oonvarootion ho told no that they were paid U S $25 000 80 for tho Job Ho U S $15 080 88 and LUED U S Tho othor U 3 $1 000 00 was uood do oponding monox Ho oloo said that his earnings who tho monoy ho room-odd from tho CIA and that ho uood this to Finance his oiotor'o otudioo at tho University a Coronas Sho io oxpootod to groduoto in 1976 33 modiool doctor LDZAND further told no that his mothor was wholly maintained by him with tho oxtro mommy ho from hio Job with 181 Ho said that ho had money in a bank in Santa Domingo Un tho morning of 26th Outdoor 1976 Iwodf %%o n ogoomponiod tho Ohio Immigration 0ffioor tog h roomdwf o whore ouopoot was dotoinod and I road Deportation Order to than LUGU ooid thotiho woo glad that ho was going book homo but if hoai rhot H stor E Lot oated 3 9 I fl- 1 ix 4 3J3 7 1 ya 5 - CIA and or Anti Castro groupa would kill him He would like to go to Chile Uruguay or Bantu Domingo as he had lots of friends thorn He also naked mhathar it was poaaihla for him to ba aunt to the United Status of Amariua but on ramambaring that him U 5 poaapurt was in Uenmzuala ha dauidad to abandon tho idea HERMAN RICARDD LUZANQ and FREDDY LUBD left at 1 20 p m the said day by LAU Flight 225 for Venezuula 4W 557 No 5823 Police Borporal I EUAH FOCH HAIG NUNEZ Permanent Secretary Ministry of National Security in the country of Trinidad and Tobago do hereby certify that the signature Oscar King appearing above is that of KING No 6823 Police Corporal in the said country of Trinidad and Tobago it Dated of October 19 76 I E mhmi Permanent Secretar Ministry of National Sg rrity I won wrco 375% I HI AHAND Chief of Protocol Ministry of Exte in the country of Trinidad nnu Tobago do hereby certify that 18 signature E F H Nunez appearing above is that of FOCH HAIG Eunent negretary Ministry of National Security in the said country To ago - Dated this 053 of October 192w 13 - Wm mmi 5% a REFUELJCA UE VENEEUELA eruun n so ret ot - g1 um 3 tg am a In Plug- 113 imam 1 feral 'il $ 3gga IE to upwind m Huu m a 5 Jam warm off Lewd J drama I 53 _an - I I L'l CD uww-- Pazo ZWanf EL CUMSUL 252%- v omghc z tuoo I r do Lawi fif wantad in-Venazuela he would like to ba sent to Santo Domingo I LUZAND said that ha did not want to raturn to Uanazuala as th a no cunt 4 if 53L Affairs 739355
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