A ALL FD-302 Rey 106-95 PEFEEH Ifi DATE - 1 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date of transcription 0 9 l4 9 8 I IDOBI I SSANI I I Itelephonezl Iwas advised of the identity of the interviewing Agents and the purpose of the interview furnished the following information recalled that ago she received a telephone call on a Monday from CORP inquiring whether or not she was logged on to their system at 3 00 A M in the morning responded negatively and from that moment forward they realized that an unknown individual utilized her username and password to break into the CORP computers and then into Wright Patterson Air Force Base WPAFB Dayton Ohio had an account at for about three years to transfer files and slides relating to the Rapid Prototyping of Application Specific Signal Processing RASSP program She stated that she no longer holds this account since this incident occurred The account was shut down She claims that none of this information was classified or sensitive Her job requires that she review material to ensure that it is cleared for public domain The information was publicly released releasable she maintains accounts on elhp and Fleetwood a er office She also has root password with her system administrator Imaintains a flyer net account and a sabre account at the University of Dayton UD She had an account at the Air Force Institute of Technology AFIT but believes it is no longer valid had a temporary account at the University of CinCinnati UC for a three day course she attended at UC She held one other account at a company called RTI but believes it is no lenger open that her account was mainly used for uca ion modules and to transfer files FTP She occasionally remote shelled to that account recalled that a week prior to this incident she logged onto the machine to FTP some files She believes she logged on from elhp Investigation on 9 11 9 8 at Dayton Ohio File# -CI-68562 Datedictated 09 14 AFOSI 29 U9 zeal This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency b7C 2136 3375 Rev 10-6-95 r 288-CI-68562 Continuation of FD-302 Page 2 She information from her PC on other occasions affirmed that she has never given out any of her asswords with the exception of her root password on elhp which I Ihas access to as revealed that her passwordl lat was a combination of upper and lower case le ers an symbols which would have been difficult to decipher Ichanged her password the request of that the subject probably could have gotten away with it if they wouldn% have logged in at 3 00 A M on a Sunday morning I Iwas born inl Ithe daughter of a I She has one brother who resides in with their mother Her father is deceased arrived in the U S finish high school in er previously resided She returned to to visit her parents and taught English grammar at for three months during the summer previously married to an a duty U S military serviceman She has been divorced for ears She is a U S c' through her previous marriage to a U S citizen occasionally vs overseas to visit he family Her last tripl was approximately affirmed she has never ecurity er 11 the U S or years ago limited contact with friends and family overseas via e-mail clearance e1
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