nu Will Ill Ill Till in nu I - nI-u- Irv-Ina e HATIUHAL hum neural SECRET 1 133v MEMORANDUM EBIGNIEH than IHTELLIGEHCE l SUBJECT Evening Rupert Dai1 _hctivitiEE Spent the day aerting threugh my paperverki else met with cue en the budget The President s Review is tentatively set for December 3 I am preparing a meme fer yen en this subject 51 September 12 ghter Flash I received a report today from DIA cnncerning the unenp eined vela detection en September 1979 The repert indicate that an abnormally high level of Iodine 131r a short-lived iectepe that eecure an reenlt at a nuclear event hae been found in the er eheep in Helbcurne Australia The aheep were slaughtered in the Octcher timefreme and grazed in an area that had D3 received rein between September 26 and Circumstantial evidence pcinte to the fact that the chine eeuid have resulted item tadie activity urigineting ever the Enuthern Atlantic BIA ie eentinuing tc inventiqate the pceeibilitv that the iodine night else be from industrial er pharma ceutical causes instead cf a pctential nuclear event Frees Centecte Hone SECRET an December 1 EDGE hv h rrerzn ki Heaenn EEK Ifi- FLI-I MLC-1 -32 4idf -
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