UNCLASSIFIED THE UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE WASHINGTON 2030 JAN 3 boa In Reply Refer To 1-21224 82 MEMORANDUM FOR THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE THROUGH DEPUTY SECRETARY cs DEFENSE 70 3 FEB UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE FOR poucv 1932 SUBJECT Exercise IVY LEAGUE U - On January 22 you asked the Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff to specify when your participation in Exercise IVY LEAGUE would be most useful Tab E The Chairman responded on January 26th recommendino specific dates and times for your participation Tab D In that response the Chairman also recommended that vou invite the President and the Vice President to observe certain IVY LEAGUE activities This memorandum outlines and discusses the chairman s response and recommends specific actions for your approval The Chairman has provided an extensive menu of exercise activities for your consideration - The best time for your participation in IVY LEAGUE is from 13397__ _Hn March 4th to observe the exercise - - It is suggested that vou attend th seminar from 0930-1230 preparation for the exerc se You already have conditionally accepted this invitation - The Chairman also recommends that you receive a decision briefino on a selective release early in the exercise This will probably take place on the evenina of March lst You have indi cated you will take part - Your schedule permittinq you are invited to a senior players briefinq at either 1100 or 1600 hours on February 24th - A daily 10 minute update briefina will be available durinq the peak days of the exercise With reoard to the NCA White House and NSC play the Ch 1rman recommends that 3'32 45355-15 Classifiedmby DhSEtEl rw Declassify on 29 January 1 89 El-ta MT process on March 4th _The_vice President also participate by ixaii Jae aerate The NBC and White House participate in the exercise decision process from their actual locations and - The President support the exercise by ensurino appropriate level surrooates play throuqhout the exercise - I believe it woul d-he bQFh PEDEfiqia1 and appropriate far you to attend the - - Er'j - osi i' as argon March 4th the Hsm_ta on March lst and as much of the PETITE exercise as our schedule will allow It would be desirable but not essentialthe senior players' briefinq on February 24th A briefinq can be arranqed for you at any time on The participation of the President and Vice President a is not essential to the conduct of the exercise It would however add emphasis and realism to the exercisel and would further educate the RCA in potential crisis roles For these reasons I believe we should support the Chairman's recommendations U I understand that the President already has made several commitments to this exercise These have been oral however and it would be appropriate to make our invitations matters of record Therefore we have prepared letters to the President and Vice President and a memorandum to the Chairman which reflect the foregoino discussion These are attached at Tabs A B and C respectively U I recommend that you approve and siun the letters and the memorandum at Tabs A thru C Richarhermgtilwell General USA Ret Deputy Attachments a s one missus
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