Resource Document Framework and Terminology for Understanding Cyber-Enabled Economic Warfare Samantha F Ravich Ph D Principal Investigator Annie Fixler Policy Analyst February 22 2017 Foreword The world is witnessing a new kind of war fought not with bullets but with banknotes and bytes Although the use of economic aggression against an adversary traces nearly as far back as the creation of economic systems - economic success can breed economic competition which in turn can become intertwined with adversarial relations - over time economic warfare tactics have evolved Today the arsenal consists of many long-established techniques as well as new innovative tools some legal and some not reflective of our modern economic and financial systems But now the battleground is shifting faster The expanding digital landscape is changing the nature of economic warfare Something new is developing cyber attacks and cyber-enabled attacks can now cause economic harm disproportionate to the size or resources of the attacker While traditional economic warfare and cyber warfare have both been extensively studied the intersection between these two subjects has not received the consideration it warrants Greater focus comprehensive study and policy attention is needed to understand the evolution of economic warfare within the new realities of cyber space With the rise of the global networked economy and the integration and interdependence of its constituent parts nation states and criminal organizations alike are expanding opportunities to develop new methods and strategies of economic warfare Both states and non-state actors are increasingly able to contemplate and deploy pernicious cyber attacks against the critical economic assets and systems of their adversaries targeting their national security and military capabilities This new class of threats is cyber-enabled economic warfare CEEW The United States needs new doctrines analytic and collection tools and strategies to ensure we can advance our national security interests in this changing landscape But before these can be produced we must first develop a common language to understand the nature of the cyber threats the United States and its allies face Too often ambiguity disagreement or a lack of clarity over terminology hinders Washington's ability to work with its allies engage the private sector and communicate with the American people about challenges and opportunities in cyber space This paper and the broader project that underlies it aims to address this shortcoming by offering a coherent set of definitions of different types of cyber attacks It also serves as the beginning of a conversation about how we understand the myriad threats we face so that we can develop effective policies to defend against them Framework and Terminology for Understanding Cyber-Enabled Economic Warfare 1 To supplement and add texture to the definitions this paper also provides examples of various types of cyber attacks that have occurred over the past decade These classifications illuminate how government officials and private sector practitioners can better understand the intentions of their adversaries Cyber-enabled economic warfare may pose one of the most significant and misunderstood threats to U S national interests over the next decade It is critical that policymakers across the political spectrum begin a robust effort to comprehend this evolving battle space so as to prevail within it We are pleased to serve as advisors to the Cyber-Enabled Economic Warfare project at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies' Center on Sanctions and Illicit Finance 1 Stewart Baker John P Carlin Steven Chabinsky Frank Cilluffo Rajesh De Mark Dubowitz Karen Evans Nick Fishwick CMG Gen Michael V Hayden Todd Hinnen Michael Hsieh Jamil Jaffer Jeffrey Johnson Herbert Lin Chip Poncy David Shedd Rhea Siers Matthew Spence V S Subrahmanian Mark Weatherford Juan C Zarate Introduction There is no common lexicon within the U S government between the public and private sector and among Washington and its allies to describe cyber incidents - be they cyber espionage cyber sabotage or cyber warfare The NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence for example lists 15 different definitions from member and non-member countries for the term cyber attack and 11 definitions for the term cyber terrorism 2 A lack of common language impedes a government's ability to communicate with its citizens and to craft timely cohesive policies especially when confronted with an attack 3 FDD's Cyber-Enabled Economic Warfare project was established to put an analytic and policy framework around a specific type of malicious cyber activity that is occurring but is going relatively unnoticed These are attacks against a nation wielding cyber technology with the specific intent to weaken its economy and thereby undermine its political and military power The key is recognizing the adversarial strategy that underpins it Through such a framework seemingly unconnected hostile cyber actions e g cyber crime cyber espionage or cyber terrorism can be better understood giving insight into the broader campaign plan and suggesting means to thwart defend against or ultimately deter it To aid in this endeavor this project has researched existing understandings and 1 For more information on the project's senior advisory group visit http www defenddemocracy org ceew-advisory-members 2 NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence Resources Cyber Definitions accessed October 17 2016 https ccdcoe org cyber-definitions html 3 For example after the Australian Bureau of Statistics ABS suffered a DDoS distributed denial of service attack in 2016 media reports initially called the incident a hack ABS head statistician David Kalisch then clarified that it was not a hack but rather an attack because hacks are attempts to steal information and this attack only took down the census website Appearing alongside Kalisch however MP and Small Business Minister Michael McCormack denied that the incident was either a hack or an attack but rather an attempt to frustrate the collection of data Special Advisor to the Prime Minister on Cyber Security Alastair MacGibbon also called the incident an attack but tweeted that it was not a hack a breach or a compromise it's an inconvenience These competing statements focus the debate on definitions rather than appropriate responses and more importantly do not address the potential long-term effect of the incident the loss of public trust in government institutions 2 Framework and Terminology for Understanding Cyber-Enabled Economic Warfare selected the following terms and definitions in order to create a unified understanding of the framework in which states and non-state actors operate We recognize that these terms and definitions may need to be revised over time as both our understanding and the environment itself likely will change We recommend that the U S government consider adopting these definitions Definitions Cyber-enabled economic warfare CEEW Refers to a hostile strategy involving attack s against a nation using cyber technology with the intent to weaken its economy and thereby reduce its political and military power 4 The term cyber-enabled economic warfare identifies the evolving dynamic in which technological developments are facilitating state and non-state actors' ability to engage in new economic warfare strategies To determine if an attack is part of a CEEW campaign it is necessary to understand the strategic intent of the attacker While an individual attack might be classified as cyber crime or cyber espionage the broader context and strategy of the attacker must be understood in order to craft appropriate counter-strategies An attack or collection of attacks constitutes CEEW if it meets the following four requirements 1 2 3 4 It must be cyber-enabled It must cause or be intended to cause economic harm The economic damage must be significant enough to potentially degrade national security capabilities The attack s must be motivated by the strategic intent to erode national security capabilities A subcategory of CEEW is cyber financial warfare These attacks are purposely intended to degrade compromise or undermine the infrastructure data functioning and faith in the financial system and its relevant institutions as a means to degrade the political and military power of an adversary 5 4 Samantha Ravich Cyber Enabled Economic Warfare An Evolving Challenge Vol 2 The Hudson Institute November 2015 page 29 https s3 amazonaws com media hudson org files publications 20151117RavichCyberEnabledEconomicWarfareAnEvolvingChallengeVol2 pdf 5 Juan Zarate The Cyber Financial Wars on the Horizon The Convergence of Financial and Cyber Warfare and the Need for a 21st Century National Security Response Foundation for Defense of Democracies June 2015 http www defenddemocracy org content uploads publications Cyber_Financial_Wars pdf Framework and Terminology for Understanding Cyber-Enabled Economic Warfare 3 Cyber crime Involves 1 the unauthorized access of a network in order to steal destroy or otherwise alter information commit fraud or extortion or damage property physically or virtually or 2 the denial of access to a network by rightful users 6 When employed in service of achieving the broader strategic goal of undermining the economic viability of a nation state in order to damage its national security capacity the cyber crime itself becomes a tactic within a cyber-enabled economic war plan Cyber crime is a broad category that includes activities that can also be classified as cyber espionage or cyber terrorism The primary difference between a cyber attack to commit a crime or to launch a terrorist attack or to wage a cyber-enabled economic warfare campaign is found in the intent of the attacker 7 Law enforcement agencies have no universal definition of cyber crime 8 The Budapest Convention on Cybercrime of 2001 ratified by 49 nations 9 does not include a singular definition of cyber crime but rather outlines a series of actions that nation states should take to protect against certain types of criminal activity 10 Under our definition the global cost of cyber crime has expanded exponentially over the past five years and may reach as high at $2 trillion annually by 2019 according to some experts 11 6 This definition is based on the statute on fraud and related activity in connection with computers 18 U S C 1030 Fraud and related activity in connection with computers https www law cornell edu uscode text 18 1030 7 Clay Wilson Botnets Cybercrime and Cyberterrorism Vulnerabilities and Policy Issues for Congress Congressional Research Service January 29 2008 http www fas org sgp crs terror RL32114 pdf 8 Interpol Cybercrime accessed October 19 2016 https www interpol int Crime-areas Cybercrime Cybercrime For a list of definitions see NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence Resources Cyber Definitions accessed October 17 2016 https ccdcoe org cyber-definitions html 9 Council of Europe Chart of signatures and ratifications of Treaty 185 October 19 2016 https www coe int en web conventions full-list - conventions treaty 185 signatures 10 Council of Europe's Convention on Cybercrime Budapest November 23 2001 http www coe int en web conventions full-list - conventions rms 0900001680081561 11 Cybercrime Will Cost Businesses Over $2 Trillion by 2019 Juniper Research May 12 2015 https www juniperresearch com press press-releases cybercrime-cost-businesses-over-2trillion 4 Framework and Terminology for Understanding Cyber-Enabled Economic Warfare Cyber deterrence Is the manipulation of an adversary's cost benefit analysis of a given cyber activity 12 A nation can convince its adversary to avoid taking a specific action by reducing the prospective benefits and or increasing the prospective costs 13 According to the U S Department of Defense cyber deterrence is built from a combination of declaratory policy substantial indications and warning capabilities defensive posture effective response procedures and the overall resiliency of U S networks and systems 14 Deterrence works by convincing an adversary that its actions will not succeed and that it will suffer significant consequences 15 Unlike the nuclear era it is now possible to defend or mitigate the effects of a cyber attack However deterrence will need to focus on shaping targeted actors' behavior and deterring actions individually or as part of a larger campaign above a certain threshold rather than preventing all forms of cyber attacks which is impossible Given the challenges of attribution inherent in cyber space it is particularly important in cyber deterrence for targeted adversaries and third-parties to recognize when a counter-action to dissuade mitigate combat or punish an action has been taken However an effective counter-measure to a cyber attack may not necessarily require a parallel cyber action in return There is also much discussion about how models of deterrence might be applied in a battle space where states do not hold a monopoly of power The private sector plays a large role in cyber defense - again unlike during the nuclear era - and yet there remain significant legal questions about what private companies are permitted to do especially with regards to active defense 16 A cyber privateering model may also provide an innovative way to create deterrence by leveraging a broad array of actors 17 As policymakers craft strategies of cyber deterrence robust engagement with the private sector is critical 12 Critical Terminology Foundations 2 Russia-U S Bilateral on Cybersecurity Eds James B Godwin III Andrey Kulpin Karl Frederick Rauscher and Valery Yaschenko East-West Institute February 2014 page 51 https dl dropboxusercontent com u 164629289 terminology2 pdf 13 The definition of deterrence is adapted from Austin Long Deterrence From Cold War to Long War RAND Corporation 2008 page 7 http www rand org content dam rand pubs monographs 2008 RAND_MG636 pdf 14 Consistent with the Pentagon's usage we define cyber deterrence as the deterrence of cyber activities According to the Defense Department a comprehensive cyber deterrence strategy deter s key state and non-state actors from conducting cyber attacks against U S interests In contrast we define the term cyber-enabled deterrence to mean the use of cyber means to deter a range of adversarial activities including but not limited to cyber-enabled economic warfare Cyber-enabled deterrence is the exclusive use of cyber means to deter an enemy's action inside or out of the cyber realm U S Department of Defense The Department of Defense Cyber Strategy April 2015 pages 10-11 http www defense gov Portals 1 features 2015 0415_cyber-strategy Final_2015_DoD_CYBER_STRATEGY_for_web pdf 15 Ibid 16 Into the Gray Zone The Private Sector and Active Defense Against Cyber Threats Center for Cyber and Homeland Security The George Washington University October 2016 https cchs gwu edu sites cchs gwu edu files downloads CCHS-ActiveDefenseReportFINAL pdf 17 Juan Zarate The Cyber Financial Wars on the Horizon The Convergence of Financial and Cyber Warfare and the Need for a 21st Century National Security Response Foundation for Defense of Democracies June 2015 pages 20-27 http www defenddemocracy org content uploads publications Cyber_Financial_Wars pdf Framework and Terminology for Understanding Cyber-Enabled Economic Warfare 5 Cyber espionage Refers to the gathering and or transmitting of information relevant to national security the gathering or delivering of national security information to aid foreign governments and the disclosure or communication of classified information using or facilitated by a cyber operation 18 Cyber espionage includes attacks against both governments and private companies When employed in service of achieving the broader strategic goal of undermining the economic viability of a nation state to damage its national security capacity cyber espionage itself becomes a tactic within a cyber-enabled economic war plan This definition departs from the more traditional definition of espionage which differentiates between national security and commercial interests Through the wider lens of CEEW and recognizing that U S adversaries do not draw such a distinction the understanding of cyber espionage must be modified Technological advancements have changed the methods but not the intentions behind nation-state espionage and the relevant national and international laws are well established According to the Department of Justice existing espionage laws provide solid grounds for prosecution Additionally the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act provides additional authorities if a person without authorization or in excess of authorized access deliberately accesses a computer obtains national security information and seeks to transmit or communicate that information to any prohibited person 19 U S adversaries and competitors use cyber espionage to steal intellectual property and undermine the global competitiveness of U S companies 20 The intention of a cyber attack against a commercial interest may be solely to gain market share however it may also be to undermine the nation's economic foundation and erode national security capabilities Indeed cyber espionage against commercial interests can affect not only the economic performance of a country but also its ability to defend itself and project power 18 This definition is adapted from the U S legal code's definition of espionage Espionage and Censorship 18 U S C 791-799 https www law cornell edu uscode text 18 part-I chapter-37 as well as At the Nexus of Cybersecurity and Public Policy Some Basic Concepts and Issues Eds David Clark Thomas Berson and Herbert S Lin Washington DC The National Academies Press 2014 Chapter 1 page 14 http docs house gov meetings IF IF02 20150303 103079 HHRG-114-IF02-20150303-SD006 pdf For alternative definitions see NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence Resources Cyber Definitions accessed October 17 2016 https ccdcoe org cyber-definitions html Cyber Espionage Financial Times Lexicon UK accessed October 19 2016 http lexicon ft com Term term cyber-espionage 19 U S Department of Justice Office of Legal Education Prosecuting Computer Crimes January 14 2015 page 15 https www justice gov sites default files criminal-ccips legacy 2015 01 14 ccmanual pdf 20 America's Cyber Future Security and Prosperity in the Information Age Eds Kristin M Lord and Travis Sharp Center for a New American Security June 2011 page 13 https s3 amazonaws com files cnas org documents CNAS_Cyber_Volume-I_0 pdf 6 Framework and Terminology for Understanding Cyber-Enabled Economic Warfare Cyber sabotage Is a deliberate malicious cyber-enabled act that disrupts normal network processes or functions or that destroys or damages equipment or information 21 When employed in service of achieving the broader strategic goal of undermining the economic viability of a nation state to damage its national security capacity cyber sabotage itself becomes a tactic within a cyber-enabled economic war plan Cyber sabotage motivated by financial interests is a form of cyber crime while attacks intended to affect government decisions should be classified as cyber terrorism Cyber sabotage describes the type of damage resulting from an attack as well as the means for it rather than the motivation behind the incident Cyber terrorism Is the criminal use of information technology to cause severe disruption or harm in order to influence the conduct of a government or private institution by intimidation or coercion or to retaliate against government conduct 22 When employed in service of achieving the broader strategic goal of undermining the economic viability of a nation state in order to damage its national security capacity cyber terrorism becomes a tactic within a cyber-enabled economic war plan Under U S law the prevailing definition of terrorism is an act that is calculated to influence or affect the conduct of government by intimidation or coercion or to retaliate against government conduct and violates one or more of a series of laws including those related to destruction of aircraft weapons of mass destruction arson and destruction of property hostage taking destruction of communication systems among many others 23 In 2001 Congress used the USA PATRIOT Act to expand the definition of terrorism to include crimes related to computers under 18 U S Code 1030 24 In short violations of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act can be defined as cyber espionage but if those activities are for the purpose of affecting government policy they can also be defined as terrorism 21 Definition adapted from Kevin Coleman Cyber Sabotage DefenseTech February 6 2008 http www defensetech org 2008 02 06 cyber-sabotage 22 This definition is adapted from the U S legal code's definition of terrorism and from the Oxford English Dictionary The politically motivated use of computers or information technology to cause severe disruption or widespread fear Cyberterrorism English Oxford Living Dictionaries accessed February 16 2017 https en oxforddictionaries com definition cyberterrorism 23 Federal Bureau of Investigation What We Investigate Terrorism accessed December 21 2016 https www fbi gov investigate terrorism 24 U S Department of Justice Office of Legal Education Prosecuting Computer Crimes January 14 2015 page 15 https www justice gov sites default files criminal-ccips legacy 2015 01 14 ccmanual pdf 18 U S C 1030 Fraud and related activity in connection with computers https www law cornell edu uscode text 18 1030 18 U S C 2332b Acts of terrorism transcending national boundaries https www law cornell edu uscode text 18 2332b Framework and Terminology for Understanding Cyber-Enabled Economic Warfare 7 Terrorist groups increasingly use cutting-edge technology to recruit fundraise distribute propaganda and conduct attacks These groups understand that Western economic cultural and political dependence on cyber space presents a vulnerability that can be exploited 25 Cyber terrorism is most often defined as an unlawful attack s or threat s of an attack against computers networks and the information stored therein when done to intimidate or coerce a government or its people in furtherance of political or social objectives 26 However we believe that it is more useful for national security purposes to look at the tools and techniques of the attacker cyber means rather than the target attacked cyber domain Cyber warfare Is a conflict conducted by cyber means in whole or in part Acts of cyber warfare are aimed at degrading an adversary's military capabilities or denying an adversary the effective use of its cyber systems and weapons 27 Cyber warfare is distinct from cyber-enabled economic warfare because the former is focused on directly degrading military capabilities while the latter is intended to cause economic harm as a way to indirectly degrade national security capabilities Definitions of cyber warfare are often so broad as to encompass everything from cyber terrorism to cyberenabled economic warfare 28 FDD's Cyber-Enabled Economic Warfare project uses the term as defined above by the Joint Chiefs of Staff 25 Canada's Cyber Security Strategy For A Stronger and More Prosperous Canada 2010 page 5 as quoted in Tim Maurer and Robert Morgus Compilation of Existing Cybersecurity and Information Security Related Definitions New America October 2014 page 59 http giplatform org sites default files Compilation%20of%20Existing%20Cybersecurity%20and%20Information%20Security%20 Related%20Definition pdf 26 Dorothy E Denning Cyberterrorism Testimony before the House Armed Services Committee Special Oversight Panel on Terrorism May 23 2000 page 1 http www stealth-iss com documents pdf CYBERTERRORISM pdf Similarly the Federal Emergency Management Agency defines cyber terrorism as Unlawful attacks and threats of attack against computers networks and the information stored therein when done to intimidate or coerce a government or its people in furtherance of political or social objectives as quoted in Clay Wilson Botnets Cybercrime and Cyberterrorism Vulnerabilities and Policy Issues for Congress Congressional Research Service January 29 2008 page 4 http www fas org sgp crs terror RL32114 pdf 27 This definition is adapted from that of the Joint Chiefs of Staff as outlined in Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joint Terminology for Cyberspace Operations Memorandum for Chiefs of the Military Services Commanders of the Combatant Commands and Directors of the Joint Staff Directorates November 2010 page 8 http www nsci-va org CyberReferenceLib 201011-joint%20Terminology%20for%20Cyberspace%20Operations pdf For a list of alternative definitions see NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence Resources Cyber Definitions accessed October 17 2016 https ccdcoe org cyberdefinitions html 28 Cyber Warfare RAND Corporation accessed October 20 2016 http www rand org topics cyber-warfare html 8 Framework and Terminology for Understanding Cyber-Enabled Economic Warfare Economic warfare Entails the use of non-kinetic actions against an adversary's vital economic targets to weaken it economically and thereby reduce its political and military power 29 It implies a substantial disturbance of the target's economy Economic warfare has been a part of societal conflict for millennia and has in the past included everything from sanctions and blockades to voluntary boycotts by citizens against another state 30 Over the past decade and a half the U S Department of the Treasury has been at the forefront of developing new financial tools to undermine the economies of adversaries and rogue actors These new smart sanctions are structured to affect the leadership of a country or the individuals and companies involved in illicit activity and cause less collateral damage than trade embargos and blockades While the U S government regularly and aggressively uses these tools it shies away from the term economic warfare Economic warfare is distinct from traditional warfare although it may be part of a larger military campaign because it uses non-kinetic methods to target an adversary's economic resources rather than its military resources 31 Cyber-enabled economic warfare is merely a new form of economic warfare facilitated by emerging technology Cyber-enabled information warfare Uses cyber means to influence the decisions or actions of a foreign nation by affecting the opinions emotions or attitudes of its citizens 32 When employed in service of achieving the broader strategic goal of undermining a nation state to damage its national security capacity cyber-enabled information warfare itself becomes a tactic within the execution of a larger war plan The term information warfare has been used in common parlance to describe non-kinetic attacks using information systems 33 but the term cyber warfare has become more popular as an all-encompassing term Similarly the term 29 This is based on the definition of economic warfare from George Shambaugh Economic warfare Encyclopedia Britannica accessed November 3 2016 https www britannica com topic economic-warfare 30 Vaughan Lowe and Antonios Tzanakopoulos Economic Warfare Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law Ed Rudiger Wolfrum Oxford University Press 2012 https papers ssrn com sol3 papers cfm abstract_id 1701590 31 Tor Egil Forland The History of Economic Warfare International Law Effectiveness Strategies Journal of Peace Research May 1993 page 151 https www jstor org stable 425196 seq 1#page_scan_tab_contents 32 This definition is adapted from the Joint Chief's definition of military information support operations U S Joint Chiefs of Staff Military Information Support Operations January 7 2010 incorporating change 1 December 20 2011 page vii http www bits de NRANEU others jp-doctrine JP3-13 2C1 11 pdf 33 NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence Resources Cyber Definitions accessed October 17 2016 https ccdcoe org cyber-definitions html Tim Maurer and Robert Morgus Compilation of Existing Cybersecurity and Information Security Related Definitions New America October 2014 pages 63-64 http giplatform org sites default files Compilation%20of%20Existing%20 Cybersecurity%20and%20Information%20Security%20Related%20Definition pdf Framework and Terminology for Understanding Cyber-Enabled Economic Warfare 9 electronic warfare commonly refers to the use of radio signals or other electromagnetic signals to degrade an adversary's military capabilities A more precise definition of information warfare as outlined above is based on the defense community's definition of military information support operations psychological operations or influence operations 34 More than two decades ago scholar Martin Libicki observed that there are seven distinct forms of information warfare 1 command-and-control warfare 2 intelligence-based warfare 3 electronic warfare 4 psychological operations 5 hacker warfare attacks on computer systems 6 economic information warfare using information to pursue economic dominance and 7 cyber warfare futuristic scenarios 35 Information warfare can defeat or neutralize hostile military units by distorting degrading or capturing the adversary's battlefield knowledge infrastructure 36 It can also be used to undermine another state's political and social systems or to psychologically manipulate an adversary's civilian population in order to sway a populace in a desired political direction 37 Real World Examples of CEEW and other Types of Cyber Attacks An attack or collection of attacks constitutes cyber-enabled economic warfare CEEW if it meets the following four requirements o It must be cyber-enabled o It must cause or be intended to cause economic harm o The economic damage must be substantial - significant enough to potentially degrade national security capabilities o The attack or series of attacks must be motivated by strategic intent to erode national security capabilities and reduce national political and military power The following examples outline attacks that are instances of 1 cyber-enabled economic warfare 2 cyber attacks that do not fit the CEEW criteria and 3 attacks that may be part of a cyber-enabled economic warfare campaign but more information is needed to make a determination I CEEW Attacks Chinese theft of intellectual property Beginning as early as the 1970s China has been engaged in a massive prolonged campaign of intellectual property theft against U S firms 38 Over time China has increasingly conducted these campaigns via cyber-enabled technologies targeting nearly every sector of the U S economy 34 The RAND Corporation uses a similar definition of an influence operation see Eric V Larson et al Foundations of Effective Influence Operations A Framework for Enhancing Army Capabilities RAND Corporation 2009 page 2 http www rand org content dam rand pubs monographs 2009 RAND_MG654 pdf 35 Martin C Libicki What is Information Warfare Washington DC Center for Advanced Concepts and Technology National Defense University 1995 page x 36 Richard B Gasparre The Israeli 'E-tack' on Syria - Part I Airforce-Technology com March 10 2008 http www airforcetechnology com features feature1625 37 Russian Submission to the United Nations General Assembly Resolution A 54 213 10 as quoted in Tim Maurer and Robert Morgus Compilation of Existing Cybersecurity and Information Security Related Definitions New America October 2014 page 63 http giplatform org sites default files Compilation%20of%20Existing%20Cybersecurity%20and%20Information%20Security%20Related%20 Definition pdf 38 Christopher Cox Report of the Select Committee on U S National Security and Military Commercial Concerns with the People's Republic of China U S House of Representatives May 1999 https www congress gov 105 crpt hrpt851 CRPT-105hrpt851 pdf 10 Framework and Terminology for Understanding Cyber-Enabled Economic Warfare and annually costing U S companies hundreds of billions of dollars and more than two million jobs 39 China's intellectual property theft campaign constitutes a large if not the largest part of Beijing's overall CEEW strategy against the U S and the West Washington and its allies have been slow to comprehend the threat primarily because they view each attack individually as a separate incident instead of collectively as elements in an overall coordinated campaign For example in May 2014 the Department of Justice charged five Chinese hackers who targeted American companies in the nuclear power metals and solar industries with only computer crimes and espionage 40 Similarly accusations against China for theft of U S Steel's proprietary information only claim that Beijing is focused on market share 41 without understanding how this fits a larger pattern Russian attacks on Estonia In the spring of 2007 Russia sponsored and likely orchestrated concentrated cyber attacks primarily distributed denial of service attacks against Estonia 42 The attacks took down government websites and hampered the ability of the government to communicate with its citizens News organizations were affected and finally the attacks forced Hansabank Estonia's largest bank to cease all operations temporarily nearly bringing the financial system to collapse While ostensibly the catalyst was Russian anger over the Estonian government's relocation of a World War II memorial Russia's true intent seems to have been to weaken the Estonian government and affect its policy decisions - a textbook case of cyber-enabled economic warfare Saudi Aramco attack In mid-2012 Iran conducted a large-scale cyber attack against Saudi Aramco that destroyed 35 000 three-quarters of its computers and forced the company to revert to analog systems to communicate and manage contracts and supplies 43 The massive cyber effort was part of a long-standing rivalry between the two countries and likely had multiple intended outcomes These include not only damaging a major global oil competitor and driving up oil prices but also harming Saudi Arabia's economy in order to erode Saudi support for economic sanctions against Iran for its illicit nuclear program This cyber-enabled economic warfare campaign may also have been retaliation for an attempted attack on Iran's oil production systems in early 2012 44 In recent years Iran's cyber capabilities and willingness to cause physical damage appears to have expanded greatly with some experts saying that Tehran has joined the cyber superpower club 45 39 Lesley Stahl The Great Brain Robbery 60 Minutes CBS News January 17 2016 http www cbsnews com news 60-minutes-greatbrain-robbery-china-cyber-espionage The IP Commission Report The Report of the Commission on the Theft of American Intellectual Property The National Bureau of Asian Research 2013 http www ipcommission org report ip_commission_report_052213 pdf 40 U S Department of Justice Press Release U S Charges Five Chinese Military Hackers for Cyber Espionage Against U S Corporations and a Labor Organization for Commercial Advantage May 19 2014 https www justice gov opa pr us-charges-fivechinese-military-hackers-cyber-espionage-against-us-corporations-and-labor 41 John W Miller U S Steel Accuses China of Hacking The Wall Street Journal April 28 2016 http www wsj com articles u-ssteel-accuses-china-of-hacking-1461859201 42 Ian Traynor Russia accused of unleashing cyberwar to disable Estonia The Guardian UK May 16 2007 https www theguardian com world 2007 may 17 topstories3 russia 43 Nicole Perlroth In Cyberattack on Saudi Firm U S Sees Iran Firing Back The New York Times October 23 2012 http www nytimes com 2012 10 24 business global cyberattack-on-saudi-oil-firm-disquiets-us html _r 0 Jose Pagliery The inside story of the biggest hack in history CNN August 5 2015 http money cnn com 2015 08 05 technology aramco-hack 44 Thomas Erdbrink Facing Cyberattack Iranian Officials Disconnect Some Oil Terminals From Internet The New York Times April 23 2012 http www nytimes com 2012 04 24 world middleeast iranian-oil-sites-go-offline-amid-cyberattack html Jen Alic Attack on Iran's Oil Industry Ups Cyber Warfare Stakes Oilprice com May 1 2012 http oilprice com Energy Crude-Oil Attack-on-IransOil-Industry-Ups-Cyber-Warfare-Stakes html 45 Sam Jones Cyber warfare Iran opens a new front The Financial Times UK April 26 2016 https www ft com content 15e1acf00a47-11e6-b0f1-61f222853ff3 Framework and Terminology for Understanding Cyber-Enabled Economic Warfare 11 North Korean attacks on South Korea For at least four years Pyongyang has been conducting diversified cyber attacks on many parts of South Korea's infrastructure and economy In March 2013 North Korean hackers attacked South Korean banks and media companies using malware dubbed DarkSeoul destroying tens of thousands of computers deleting data from hard drives overwriting bank records and rendering many banking services inoperable 46 Experts warn that North Korea may have learned the tactics and methodology from earlier attacks on Iran's nuclear and oil infrastructure apparently by the U S and Israel 47 North Korea's intentions in the March 2013 attacks were not purely economic or commercial - that is Pyongyang was not interested in advantaging its own media companies and financial institutions within the South Korean market by taking out their competitors Rather North Korea has engaged in a campaign of attacks designed to disrupt elements of the South Korean economy and to improve its own attack capabilities in order to develop the ability eventually to undercut South Korea's defense capabilities U S SWIFT-enabled sanctions regime on Iran Beginning in 2006 U S financial sanctions on Iran for its illicit nuclear program and support for terrorism took on new dimensions and escalated dramatically until negotiations commenced between Iran and the international community in 2013 The U S sanctions regime took on a cyber-enabled element in early 2012 when Congress launched efforts to remove Iranian banks from the SWIFT international financial messaging network which is a cyber-enabled system that serves as the backbone of the global financial system The removal of Iranian banks was intended both to prevent illicit financial activities and to cause substantial harm to Iran's economy and thereby pressure Iran to either change its policies or suffer degradation of funding for its military capabilities and support for terrorism 48 Accordingly although a somewhat unconventional case the U S sanctions regime constitutes an example of CEEW II Non-CEEW Attacks The following examples are organized by category e g cyber crime cyber espionage cyber-enabled information war cyber sabotage and cyber terrorism Cyber Crime GameOver Zeus botnet In June 2014 the FBI and Department of Justice announced that a multinational effort disrupted a sophisticated malware known as the GameOver Zeus botnet 49 The malware reportedly caused the theft of millions of dollars from U S and global companies and consumers by stealing user banking credentials and then initiating wire transfers to accounts controlled by the criminals The Department of Justice indicted Russian citizen Evgeniy Bogachev as the head of the criminal gang responsible for the cyber crime operation 46 Choe Sang-Hun Computer Networks in South Korea Are Paralyzed in Cyberattacks The New York Times March 20 2013 http www nytimes com 2013 03 21 world asia south-korea-computer-network-crashes html K J Kwon Smoking gun South Korea uncovers northern rival's hacking codes CNN April 22 2015 http www cnn com 2015 04 22 asia koreas-cyber-hacking Four Years of DarkSeoul Cyberattacks Against South Korea Continue on Anniversary of Korean War Semantec Security Response June 26 2013 https www symantec com connect blogs four-years-darkseoul-cyberattacks-against-south-korea-continue-anniversary-korean-war 47 Kim Zetter The NSA Acknowledges What We All Feared Iran Learns from US Cyberattacks Wired February 10 2015 https www wired com 2015 02 nsa-acknowledges-feared-iran-learns-us-cyberattacks 48 Mark Dubowitz and Annie Fixler 'SWIFT' Warfare Power Blowback and Hardening American Defenses Foundation for Defense of Democracies July 2015 http www defenddemocracy org content uploads publications Cyber_Enabled_Swift pdf 49 Federal Bureau of Investigation GameOver Zeus Botnet Disrupted June 2 2014 https www fbi gov news stories gameover-zeusbotnet-disrupted 12 Framework and Terminology for Understanding Cyber-Enabled Economic Warfare Bangladesh central bank heist Over one weekend in February 2016 criminals sent a series of fraudulent requests to the New York Federal Reserve to transfer $1 billion from an account belonging to Bangladesh to private accounts in Sri Lanka and the Philippines The thieves infiltrated the Bangladeshi central bank's SWIFT electronic messaging system and were able to walk away with $81 million before systems in New York flagged the transfers 50 Like innumerable hacks involving credit card fraud and identity theft this attack was an instance of cyber theft motivated by an intent to steal money not harm the security capabilities of Bangladesh Yahoo breach In the fall 2016 Yahoo Inc disclosed that in separate attacks during 2013 and 2014 as many as 1 5 billion user accounts were compromised The attackers stole user information passwords and answers to security questions 51 While the hackers did not acquire credit card information answers to security questions would make it easier for hackers to gain access to users' accounts on other sites that might contain banking or credit card information Law enforcement officials said the 2014 breach was probably the work of Russian hackers 52 Yahoo claimed that a state-sponsored actor was responsible but this has not been independently verified 53 Cyber Espionage OPM hack In April 2015 the Office of Personnel Management detected that its systems had been breached and that hackers had been siphoning data for at least one year The U S government attributed the hack to China and reported that more than 20 million records with background checks and personal information were stolen 54 Former and current intelligence officials have called the operation cyber espionage and have cautioned against calling for retaliation because the United States engages in similar activities 55 Russian hacks of the USG In spring 2015 news reports revealed that Russian hackers had compromised the unclassified email systems of the State Department and White House 56 While the hackers did not gain access to classified information they were able to access sensitive data including the president's non-public schedule and emails to and from the president At the time the State Department breach was considered the worst ever cyber intrusion of a federal agency 57 It appears that espionage was the motivation 50 Krishna N Das and Jonathan Spicer How the New York Fed fumbled over the Bangladesh Bank cyber-heist Reuters July 21 2016 http www reuters com investigates special-report cyber-heist-federal Syed Zain Al-Mahmood Bangladesh Central Bank Found $100 Million Missing After a Weekend Break The Wall Street Journal March 10 2016 http www wsj com articles bangladesh-centralbank-found-100-million-missing-after-a-weekend-break-1457653764 51 Vindu Goel and Nicole Perlroth Yahoo Says 1 Billion User Accounts Were Hacked The New York Times December 14 2016 https www nytimes com 2016 12 14 technology yahoo-hack html 52 Craig Timberg and Hayley Tsukayama Yahoo says 1 billion user accounts were hacked The Washington Post December 14 2016 https www washingtonpost com business economy yahoo-says-1-billion-user-accounts-hacked 2016 12 14 a301a7d8-b986-42819b13-1561231417c0_story html utm_term a81b20bad786 53 Alyssa Newcomb Yahoo Says 'State-Sponsored Actor' Hacked 500M Accounts NBC News September 22 2016 http www nbcnews com tech tech-news your-yahoo-account-was-probably-hacked-company-set-confirm-massive-n652586 54 David E Sanger U S Decides to Retaliate Against China's Hacking The New York Times July 31 2015 https www nytimes com 2015 08 01 world asia us-decides-to-retaliate-against-chinas-hacking html Brendan I Koerner Inside the Cyberattack That Shocked the US Government Wired October 23 2016 https www wired com 2016 10 inside-cyberattack-shocked-us-government 55 Damian Paletta U S Intelligence Chief James Clapper Suggests China Behind OPM Breach The Wall Street Journal June 25 2015 http www wsj com articles SB10007111583511843695404581069863170899504 56 Evan Perez and Shimon Prokupecz How the U S thinks Russians hacked the White House CNN April 8 2015 http www cnn com 2015 04 07 politics how-russians-hacked-the-wh Michael S Schmidt and David E Sanger Russian Hackers Read Obama's Unclassified Emails Officials Say The New York Times April 25 2015 https www nytimes com 2015 04 26 us russian-hackers-readobamas-unclassified-emails-officials-say html 57 Evan Perez and Shimon Prokupecz Sources State Dept hack the 'worst ever ' CNN March 10 2015 http www cnn com 2015 03 10 politics state-department-hack-worst-ever index html Framework and Terminology for Understanding Cyber-Enabled Economic Warfare 13 Chinese systems compromise U S military supply chain In September 2016 the Pentagon's Joint Staff intelligence directorate issued an internal report warning that Chinese-produced Lenovo computers and devices might pose cyber espionage risks The report claimed that the products might compromise Defense Department supply chains Other Lenovo products were found to communicate information covertly back to Chinese intelligence agencies 58 How China intended to use information gathered through these devices is unclear but it appears unlikely that this cyber espionage is an example of cyber-enabled economic warfare since it was not intended to affect the economic underpinning of the defense sector but rather directly harm military supplies Cyber-Enabled Information War Russia promotes fake story to incite Germans against immigrants In early 2016 a young Russian girl went missing in Germany for 30 hours When she returned to her family she alleged that she had been kidnapped and raped by a group of Middle Eastern immigrants Investigators quickly revealed flaws in her story and she recanted but Moscow charged that the German government covered up the crime and its news outlets promoted the false story The allegations circulated widely on Russian-language outlets especially within the Russian community in Germany who protested the government's willingness to accept Syrian and other Middle Eastern refugees 59 The purpose of Russia's campaign appears to have been to undermine the government of Chancellor Angela Merkel German intelligence chief Hans-Georg Maassen has since claimed that Russia tried to manipulate public opinion 60 The information warfare was cyber-enabled because Russia used social media and internet news to drive the story Russian election interference During the 2016 election elements of the Russian intelligence and security services conducted spear phishing and malware attacks against U S political parties and presidential campaigns In October the U S intelligence community and Department of Homeland Security publicly accused Russia of conducting these cyber attacks 61 In December the administration announced a series of measures aimed at punishing those responsible 62 The intelligence agencies generally agree that Russia's goal was to undermine confidence in U S democracy63 and help President-elect Trump's election chances when possible by discrediting Secretary Clinton and publicly contrasting her unfavorably to him In January the intelligence community released an unclassified 58 Bill Gertz Military Warns Chinese Computer Gear Poses Cyber Spy Threat Washington Free Beacon October 24 2016 http freebeacon com national-security military-warns-chinese-computer-gear-poses-cyber-spy-threat 59 Tim Hume and Carolin Schmid Russia cries cover-up in alleged migrant rape of 13-year-old in Germany CNN January 27 2016 http www cnn com 2016 01 27 europe russia-germany-berlin-rape Adam Taylor An alleged rape sparked tensions between Russia and Germany Now police say it was fabricated The Washington Post January 29 2016 https www washingtonpost com news worldviews wp 2016 01 29 an-alleged-rape-sparked-tensions-between-russia-and-germany-now-police-say-it-was-fabricated utm_ term 34934a9d299d 60 Andreas Rinke and Andrea Shalal Germany alarmed about potential Russian interference in election spy chief Reuters November 16 2016 http www reuters com article us-germany-election-russia-idUSKBN13B14O 61 U S Department of Homeland Security Joint Statement from the Department Of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security October 7 2016 https www dhs gov news 2016 10 07 joint-statement-departmenthomeland-security-and-office-director-national 62 Department of Homeland Security and Federal Bureau of Investigation GRIZZLY STEPPE - Russian Malicious Cyber Activity Joint Analysis Report December 29 2016 https www us-cert gov sites default files publications JAR_16-20296A_GRIZZLY%20 STEPPE-2016-1229 pdf 63 Adam Entous and Ellen Nakashima FBI in agreement with CIA that Russia aimed to help Trump win White House The Washington Post December 16 2016 https www washingtonpost com politics clinton-blames-putins-personal-grudge-against-her-for-electioninterference 2016 12 16 12f36250-c3be-11e6-8422-eac61c0ef74d_story html utm_term 0e440bfd69b2 14 Framework and Terminology for Understanding Cyber-Enabled Economic Warfare report on the interference concluding Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the influence operation 64 The operation was a classic case of cyber-enabled information warfare Governments in Western Europe have expressed heightened concern that Moscow may try to repeat these activities during their upcoming elections Cyber Sabotage Stuxnet virus Beginning in 2008 a complex virus now known as Stuxnet infiltrated the control systems at an Iranian nuclear facility in Natanz The virus operating covertly for two years altered the rotation speed of nuclear centrifuges causing them to malfunction and self-destruct 65 Although never publicly confirmed by Washington the virus is believed to have been created by the United States and Israel possibly in cooperation with other nations The attack's intention was not to affect the Iranian economy - although it coincided with efforts to enhance unilateral and multilateral sanctions against Tehran - but rather directly to degrade Iran's military capabilities in this case its military-nuclear capabilities It may be premature to classify the Stuxnet effort as cyber warfare However as the terms of reference of cyber war and its components evolve historians may determine that the Stuxnet campaign reflected one of the most successful examples of this new type of warfare Cyber Terrorism Iran's attack against the Sands Casino In February 2014 Iranian government hackers conducted a massive attack against the Las Vegas Sands Corporation causing $40 million in damage and destroying as much as threequarters of the company's computer servers 66 The cyber attack was reportedly a retaliation for comments CEO and majority owner Sheldon Adelson made about bombing Iran over its illicit nuclear program The hackers had no intention of damaging the broader U S economy or national security but rather wanted to cause damage to a single company and thereby send a message to its adversaries This attack was an act of cyber terrorism because it caused severe disruption and harm was pursued as retaliation and was intended to create fear among those who might speak aggressively against Iran or attempt to thwart its nuclear ambitions North Korea's attack on Sony Pictures In late 2014 hackers under orders from the North Korean government infiltrated Sony Pictures' network stealing deleting and later publishing large amounts of company data 67 The attackers threatened terrorist attacks if the company released The Interview a comedic film about an assassination plot against the North Korean leader The threat apparently succeeded as the studio pulled the movie from large theaters - although it later released copies for digital streaming and the movie received a limited theatrical release in the United States and a broader release overseas The attack appeared to have had limited if any effect on U S policy or on the U S economy and seems to have been a cyber terrorist attack on an individual company with an 64 Office of the Director of National Intelligence Background to 'Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections' The Analytic Process and Cyber Incident Attribution January 6 2017 https www dni gov files documents ICA_2017_01 pdf 65 David E Sanger Obama Order Sped Up Wave of Cyberattacks Against Iran The New York Times June 1 2012 http www nytimes com 2012 06 01 world middleeast obama-ordered-wave-of-cyberattacks-against-iran html Kim Zetter An Unprecedented Look at Stuxnet the World's First Digital Weapon Wired November 3 2014 https www wired com 2014 11 countdown-to-zeroday-stuxnet 66 Jose Pagliery Iran hacked an American casino U S says CNN February 27 2015 http money cnn com 2015 02 27 technology security iran-hack-casino Benjamin Elgin and Michael Riley Now at the Sands Casino An Iranian Hacker in Every Server Bloomberg December 12 2014 https www bloomberg com news articles 2014-12-11 iranian-hackers-hit-sheldon-adelsonssands-casino-in-las-vegas 67 Peter Elkind Inside the Hack of the Century Fortune June 25 2015 http fortune com sony-hack-part-1 David E Sanger and Nicole Perlroth U S Said to Find North Korea Ordered Cyberattack on Sony The New York Times December 17 2014 https www nytimes com 2014 12 18 world asia us-links-north-korea-to-sony-hacking html Framework and Terminology for Understanding Cyber-Enabled Economic Warfare 15 implied threat to others who might voice similar criticism of North Korea's head of state In the aftermath of this attack the U S publicly stated that the state-sponsored attack was a violation of U S sovereignty 'coupled with an attempt to interfere with freedom of expression ' 68 On January 2 2015 the U S Treasury Department released a statement sanctioning three North Korean entities and ten individuals involved in the attack 69 III Possible CEEW Attacks More Information Needed Russian sabotage of the BTC pipeline In August 2008 hackers sabotaged the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline causing physical damage and lost revenues estimated at more than one billion dollars 70 While at the time Turkey blamed Kurdish separatists for the attack U S intelligence officials now believe it was perpetrated by Russia 71 Russia long opposed the creation of the BTC pipeline and other efforts to bring Caspian and other oil and gas to the market bypassing Russia however it is unclear what Russia's motives were for sabotaging the pipeline It is possible that the attack was intended as terrorism rather than economic warfare The question is further complicated by the fact that three days later the Russia-Georgia War began Iranian attacks against U S banks Beginning in 2011 and continuing through 2013 Iranian hackers linked to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps IRGC conducted numerous distributed denial of service attacks against at least 46 U S banks and financial services companies including JP Morgan Bank of America Citigroup Wells Fargo U S Bancorp Fidelity Capital One American Express and BB T 72 The U S Department of Justice indicted the Iranians responsible for these cyber attacks as well as the hacker responsible for separately penetrating the control system of the Bowman Dam in Rye New York 73 Iran's intention behind these attacks is unclear Was Iran simply retaliating for economic sanctions and or the recently discovered Stuxnet cyber attacks on its nuclear weapons program Or did the Iranian government hope that by harming U S financial institutions it could threaten the U S economy and convince lawmakers to change U S policies towards Iran Greater information and analysis is necessary to determine if these attacks were part of a cyber-enabled economic warfare campaign or intended for other purposes Cyber sabotage attacks on Iran's energy sector Iran's Oil Ministry and its affiliates were targeted in early 2012 in a series of cyber sabotage attacks including attempts to destroy hard drives and data by insemination of the wiper computer virus 74 Mohammad Reza Sabzalipour president of the Tehran World Trade Center argued that the purpose of the attacks was to increase pressure so that Iran will compromise in the upcoming nuclear talks 68 Ellen Nakashima Why the Sony hack drew an unprecedented U S response against North Korea The Washington Post January 15 2015 https www washingtonpost com world national-security why-the-sony-hack-drew-an-unprecedented-us-response-against-northkorea 2015 01 14 679185d4-9a63-11e4-96cc-e858eba91ced_story html utm_term f5981a9b3bd5 69 The U S Department of the Treasury Press Release Treasury Imposes Sanctions Against the Government of The Democratic People's Republic Of Korea January 2 2015 https www treasury gov press-center press-releases Pages jl9733 aspx 70 Jordan Robertson and Michael Riley Mysterious '08 Turkey Pipeline Blast Opened New Cyberwar Bloomberg December 10 2014 https www bloomberg com news articles 2014-12-10 mysterious-08-turkey-pipeline-blast-opened-new-cyberwar 71 Ibid 72 Dustin Volz and Jim Finkle U S indicts Iranians for hacking dozens of banks New York dam Reuters March 25 2016 http www reuters com article us-usa-iran-cyber-idUSKCN0WQ1JF 73 U S Department of Justice Southern District of New York Manhattan U S Attorney Announces Charges Against Seven Iranians For Conducting Coordinated Campaign Of Cyber Attacks Against U S Financial Sector On Behalf of Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Sponsored Entities March 24 2016 https www justice gov usao-sdny pr manhattan-us-attorney-announces-charges-againstseven-iranians-conducting-coordinated 74 Saeed Kamali Dehghan Iranian oil ministry hit by cyber-attack The Guardian UK April 23 2012 https www theguardian com world 2012 apr 23 iranian-oil-ministry-cyber-attack 16 Framework and Terminology for Understanding Cyber-Enabled Economic Warfare We are in a bloodless war If the talks fail Iran can expect much more of this he said 75 Nonetheless more needs to be discovered about the identity and motivation of the attacker before these attacks can be determined to be an example of CEEW Russian back doors In addition to cyber crime for financial gain perpetrated by criminals 76 Russia's operations in cyber space are characterized by deep penetration into public and private sector systems to explore map systems and establish future access points 77 For example former executives alleged in a suit against a company supplying fingerprint technology to the Pentagon that Russia may have installed back doors into the company's system 78 As with most instances of Russian penetration into government and private systems further investigation is needed to determine Russia's plans and intentions as well as what linkages exist between specific incidents and Russia's long-standing support of the cyber crime networks that operate there 79 CyberBerkut hacks Polish websites Pro-Russia Ukrainian hackers known as CyberBerkut attacked nearly 40 Polish government websites and the Warsaw Stock Exchange in August 2014 reportedly in retaliation for Poland's involvement in NATO and support for the Ukrainian government The hackers took down the websites and replaced them with graphic images of the Holocaust 80 Reportedly the hackers stole and published client login information from the Warsaw Stock Exchange creating additional challenges and rattling the public's confidence in the Exchange 81 However it is unclear if the hackers specifically targeted the stock exchange to cause economic damage if the purpose was to influence government policies through cyber terrorism or if the website was merely one of many targets of opportunity Chinese theft of Australian data Since late 2014 trade between China and Australia has skyrocketed At the same time however Australian mining and natural resource firms as well as law firms involved in mergers and acquisitions have experienced an unprecedented level of cyber attacks and intrusions 82 The incidents appear to follow the same pattern of cyber espionage and intellectual property theft that China has conducted against U S companies indicating that these incidents are likely part of a cyber-enabled economic warfare campaign against Australia but additional study of the context and strategic intentions is necessary to make a conclusive judgment 75 Thomas Erdbrink Facing Cyberattacks Iranian Officials Disconnect Some Oil Terminals From Internet The New York Times April 23 2012 http www nytimes com 2012 04 24 world middleeast iranian-oil-sites-go-offline-amid-cyberattack html 76 Jack Marshall Russian Hackers Stole Millions From Video Advertisers Ad Fraud Company Says The Wall Street Journal December 21 2016 http www wsj com articles russian-hackers-stole-millions-from-video-advertisers-ad-fraud-company-says-1482272717 Russians Busted on Hacking Charges ABC News April 24 2016 http abcnews go com Technology story id 98625 page 1 Ilya Khrennikov New Russian Hacker Cell Hit 13 Banks Since August Group-IB Says Bloomberg March 17 2016 https www bloomberg com news articles 2016-03-17 new-russian-hacker-cell-hit-13-banks-since-august-group-ib-says 77 Sam Jones Cyber warfare Iran opens a new front The Financial Times UK April 26 2016 https www ft com content 15e1acf00a47-11e6-b0f1-61f222853ff3 78 Bob Egelko Suit warns of Russian 'back door' into U S fingerprint systems SFGate August 14 2016 http www sfgate com nation article Suit-warns-of-Russian-back-door-into-U-S-9140446 php 79 Brian Whidmore Organized crime is Now a major element of Russia statecraft Business Insider October 27 2015 http www businessinsider com organized-crime-is-now-a-major-element-of-russia-statecraft-2015-10 80 Zach Wener-Fligner Pro-Russia Ukrainian hackers just replaced Polish sites with images from a Holocaust slaughter Quartz August 14 2014 https qz com 249860 pro-russia-ukrainian-hackers-cyberberkut-just-replaced-37-polish-sites-with-images-from-aholocaust-slaughter Ukrainian hackers claim attack on Polish websites Agence France-Presse August 14 2014 https www yahoo com news ukrainian-hackers-claim-attack-polish-websites-193806386 html ref gs 81 Michael Riley and Jordan Robertson Cyberspace Becomes Second Front in Russia's Clash With NATO Bloomberg October 14 2015 https www bloomberg com news articles 2015-10-14 cyberspace-becomes-second-front-in-russia-s-clash-with-nato 82 Double-Edged Sword Australia Economic Partnerships Under Attack From China FireEye October 13 2014 https www fireeye com blog threat-research 2014 10 double-edged-sword-australia html Framework and Terminology for Understanding Cyber-Enabled Economic Warfare 17 Possible Russian infrastructure sabotage In December 2015 Russia allegedly orchestrated a cyber attack on Ukraine's electric grid causing widespread temporary blackouts 83 However further investigation is needed to determine whether the Kremlin authorized the attacks and if so whether it principally intended to cause serious economic harm or if this attack would be better characterized as cyber terrorism Cyber sabotage against Venezuelan banks In December 2016 Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro accused rightwing forces of attempting to destabilise his government through financial 'cyber sabotage ' Payment terminals and electronic banking platforms throughout the country went down leading to a spike in the black market value of the dollar In the wake of large public protests from citizens unable to make Christmas purchases Maduro denounced the economic monetary coup d'etat by international financial sectors and some national financial sectors 84 Intelligence services arrested the leadership of a financial transaction company for alleged involvement and openly accused members of the opposition party 85 It is unclear however if the allegation are based on evidence or part of the authoritarian government's attempt blame others for the ongoing massive economic crisis Conclusion The language to describe cyber attacks has not kept up with technological innovations State and non-state actors alike are engaging in malicious cyber activities but Washington its allies and the private sector lack a common language to describe the battle in cyber space As a result cooperation between the public and private sector as well as between and amongst governments and government agencies is hampered The U S government should work with its allies and the private sector to create a unified understanding of the key concepts broadly related to cyber attacks and more specifically related to cyber-enabled economic warfare Understanding not only the terminology but also the tactics strategies and intentions of nation states non-state actors and criminal organizations is critical for crafting effective counter-measures and proactive policies 83 Kim Zetter Inside the Cunning Unprecedented Hack of Ukraine's Power Grid Wired March 3 2016 https www wired com 2016 03 inside-cunning-unprecedented-hack-ukraines-power-grid Jose Pagliery Scary questions in Ukraine energy grid hack CNN January 18 2016 http money cnn com 2016 01 18 technology ukraine-hack-russia 84 Rachel Boothroyd-Rojas Venezuelan President Reports 'Cyber Sabotage' against Banking System Venezuelanalysis com December 2 2016 https venezuelanalysis com news 12819 85 Rachel Boothroyd-Rojas Venezuelan Intelligence Services Arrest Credicard Directors Venezuelanalysis com December 5 2016 https venezuelanalysis com news 12820 18 Framework and Terminology for Understanding Cyber-Enabled Economic Warfare National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994‐7000 Fax 202 994‐7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu
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