NSA-SEC-14-000357 Muiti-Pag J CIUQUITA BRANDS INTERNATIONAL Page 141 Page 143 guerrilla pa 'DICDts were legal during this moetiug1 A No nOt that I can recall They seemed to be j interested in ddamining more facts And this was a sctious mocti ng This was Dot a - this was yay serious conversation Nocooc1usious bad been drawn wbcthc r it was was POt an FCPA issue bl1t it was a potential and it was treated with wba t I believed was the prop cdnten st and impOrtance But were at that point I ng a lot of facts Q W Wbat WiI$ lhe Dext thing that happened with I 'j I I ' '- -- --' ' 4 00 I TIlE WITNESS Yes We had a convasation - and 1 again rhis is again very cOOlidcotiai iJifOrmatioo that JJ1 about to shan with you said we made payments to tho guarll1as We did The company dld I didn't The company did Th n 'WaS also an mganiZltion called Coovivil' and J ConViwwas not a guerrilla organilatioo it wasan ' I mt-guariUa organization The company had made payments to Coavivir with the idea that Convivir was an organ tion n 1 govc rnmc nt entity but an organization that tried to search 1 j DIVERSIRED REPORTING SERVIC INC 202 296-2929 Page 142 1 lUi where die guerrillas were They would inform the nilitiuy so t the military could then go ana the j ucmJI l b 35 co oan ve mone to Conyiyjr o X7 XC j egaIty 0 nVlVIr 'i tid lbc answa 1 fClS no irwas i J' 1 o _ ov BY b 7XC 'Q How was b 7 C nsulted WjlS it over tho bonc1 Was be cal into the office j A It SICCI1l$ as - and again we had a number 1 f subjects 'Now I believe onoc he was'called on the phone nd On lbX7 C lleft the room and cune back 1 Q With him A And I don't know wlJCthc r it was dwing the - j It guc niUa payments I al in Colombia wflich the'attOrneY tablishcd they were Whether it was the Convivir legali ly uc stio n or wbetbeT it had to dO with this particular ansaction being I just doO't1 ow t here was nv tion believe on two betwecnE 'A j 0Y110X7 C I Q Who raised the issue - did you discuss whether the DIVERSIFIED REPORTING SERVICES INC 202 296-2929 y bX7 C o r us ed the issue with regatd to the J3 'l11CUts to ' Copvivir7 A i raised lbcissuc to validate number OOC hat the payments Vt'a'C diminishing roc tfv guerrillas and they Wac incrc asing to Convivir Nwnbc r one to establish was that whatthc division's the subsidiary'splan Was TIle answer was yes y to revalidate lh3t Convivir was not a government agenCy or entity thereby is not reportable DIVERSlAED REPORTING SEllVICES INC 202 296 -29 29 Page 144 the quarterly report Q Who made the representation that Convivir was Dola b 7XC Wa bX7XC Id o H egave that to is not a government ennty OX7 C he told me Q Did aoyoQC follow-up on lbut to easure that Convivir docs DOt have government employees A I can't IIl$WCr dlatquestion don't-knOw Q At the aid9f thk lCtiag did you UDda'staod that Y 1 hadllDY cOu uiog responsibility wilh rqard to the issue of this p roblcmatic - now prob CDl3ticpafmcnl7 A Y s ' Q' O y What your uadastaoding of your roDtinulag rcspons bility7 A M Undc rstandin was tJkI1 needed to go back and inform bX7 C o to Ole as a po cntial FCPA transaction bX7 C was contacted be was b 7XC ouldbe- 01 owing-up on o was tltis but O 7XC and always of pratticer -_ _--- B'V1 b 7XC Q Did you call him A No waited until - I got on the plane the next DIVERSlAED REPORTING SERvicES INC 202 296-2929 CBI-V1-001-003818 tge 141 - Page 144 Q Was Ib2lt issue discussed at thcmoetiDg A Yes lind theanswer was CS lhcy an legal Q Who raised that issue A I raised the issue Q 'And who provided the answer1 A I don't recati exactly beliGVl it lawyer gOVctlJJnCllt IS ng as It a government tity not So lhcn fore it's not rtable as it relates to payrnatts to a X3SIOOS A 1 asked the questions - a series of questions that 1 asked ODe of lJc iD was it is our un ding in Cincinnati t bat payments to theguerrillas arc legal And it's Our undCr tanding hat there is a ruling by the Supreme Court in Colombia and there is an outSidcattomc y's opinion lh3t lIJcse are I at Q UIldtr Iocal law and IcgalWlda I CPA1 - National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994‐7000 Fax 202 994‐7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu