THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 9 1993 We ran into a screw-up with the Vice President's office who doesn't want us to do Bottom Up Review numbers because the Vice President is out on the road and the President is on the road selling the National Performance Review It's absurd because there's no chance that they can keep that story going for three days in Washington when the President is out doing some speech· in some part of the country on this topic But anyway we've decided to pull back anyhow What we needed was something to fill the news hole because we didn't want the press to pick up on the snafu over the Sarajevo visit we didn't want to have them asking questions about why aren't you going to Sarajevo So what we did was move up and put into the news hole the SDI testing issue I gave a statement and John Deutch did a backgrounder on it but it caused us enormous consternation by messing around at the last minute changing things but we got it out It got pretty good coverage in spite of the fact that everything broke on the PLO-Israeli story this week which drowned out the National Performance Review and everything else Tremendous coverage in the papers about what's happening with the PLO so it's a wonder we got anything in at all but there was a descent story by R Jeffrey Smith in the Post and good placement inside the paper and an even better story surprise surprise by the New York Times that had a stake in the reverse story this one by Eric Schmidt not by Thn Wiener the guy who did the original story claiming that the tests were rigged the Eric Schmidt story was a good story it was on the inside of the paper second section not very good placement but a very good story So on the whole we came out ofit okay maybe we didn't have to go with something to drown out the Sarajevo story but we needed something and better safe than sorry Grachev is off on the wake of the west coast and Graham Allison called back and has a problem with Arnold Schwarzneger the problem is that Grachev wanted to meet Schwarzneger we got a heads up of that before he arrived we didn't take it all that seriously we tried to find out whether it was possible found out that Schwarzneger was off out of Los Angeles on location and that wasn't going to be possible So we ignored it Graham called back from the plane saying this was very very important and we found out that Schwarzneger was off on location in Newport Beach which isn't all that far we could get him a helicopter to get him over there but we can't get through his cordon of security folks to get to him Found out that Colin Powell knows him Colin Powell put in a call and Colin Powell got Arnold Schwarzneger and he flew up and had a chance to meet with Grachev From the Nunn-Lugar collection of the National Security Archive Was going to play tennis but canceled because Grachev wanted to have another meeting and so we met with him and some key advisors for a few hours that morning and then he went over to an NDU speech then on to a lunch at the Russian Embassy and on to Omaha Disneyland and points west Morning meeting was good we went through each of the working groups got a report back I think we can move that whole agenda and I do think it's worth doing
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