i RELEASED IN FULL UNCLASSIFIED 50 10 TELECON Amb Dobrynin The Secretary December 10 1975 Time 10 15 am K On the Embassy signal it is still coming in very strong and from several directions _ which has a ricocheting effecr It will be a major problem to us D There is no change K No change D The only thing I will promise you is I will send one more telegram · K ·And Eagleburger will deal with you while I am aw y · · the only man who knows it in detaiL He is G3x in touch with you D I will receive a reply and K Secondly on Angola We cannot think-of any other solution except to ask outside countries to promfse not to send more arms in If you are worried about the border in Zaire t 'l e are willing to consider a UN force there We promise you Ve would exercise restraint _on our part and to get all _foreign forces ouc D You are asking us to put this on the same level politically I XNX 'OOtX see no problem with this kind of thing I already reported what the President mentioned yesterday What you are saying I am going to add The question really is in this case not very easy to control It is in the capital of the country and no one knows where they are K But look it will be easily known if something comes in or nor If we don't keep our wor_d that will affect our relationship D Do you have any ideas if Africa could do something It is their business It is not natural for us really · No but the way we could do it is to have the Organization of African Unity· ask all outside powers you see and then we would both have an excuse to do it K D Ask whom I Ask ali outside powers to stop supplying arms UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF STATE · REVIEW AUTHORITY ROBERT H MILLER DATE CASE ID 07 AUG 2006 200102979 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED -2D K OK I will pass this on A public statement from both sides Who is going to control it · We would be prepared Unity control ir co have the Organization of African D Who is going to control South Africa K We have nothing to do directly with South Africa but we would bring major pressure on them D But if they continue '111-t K Look we are trying to -win out of it We are trying to get everybody t- D I really don't have _ _ _ to do this for the time being I would like some political solution but to stop something very difficult to control K The political solution- why not let th3 ·IPA talk to the othi r un irn D You mean they should appeal or we should appeal to them to sit down and talk K We should all appeal to them to sit down and talk D You have more information K We would be prepared co urge them all to sit down and ralk D Appeal to them· to sit down and talk from the two of us or a member of the Security Council What do you think is I have very little information ·better K D It could be an appeal from the Organization of African Unity which the two of us supporr In this way and as a second part of the deal maybe not as a first one politically I am sure he would understand 1 But there has to be an end of suppHes This has to be part of Ir I think it would make a good impression here UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED -3D The question is themselves Whether they are going to take this from us K I think 1f the two of us agree we can _get them to agree D I wUl send this to Moscow and see K Arid you will let me know of the yisit D He is now in Warsa K Ho_w do you interpret his speech I haven't seen it D He is a bitxx ootmx cr'itical on how the West handled it and picked up rivo or three issues on the West But he didn't say anything about the whole He was making the speech specifically on this item You la ve n't seen it because very few Wester'n countries publish but we published 11 million copies Not a single paper - published it here · in the UK West Germany France except the communise pHper and Italy Said something about the press publishing -all the what their reaction is unpleasant things K I am against Basket III because I am afraid I would have to prac ice it in the State-Department D They have the same problem That is why he put it t is way He is trying to find a solution on the SALT talk He is still hoping he can sit down K I had a talk with the President I think we will find a solution D In three or four weeks time K It would have been a disaster if we had come Actually it wouldntt have been so good in Moscow either You wouldn1 t have had a chance to stud ' it We will settle it I have never lost an internal fight over an extended p'eriod D You will reach a compromise UNCLASSIFIED • UNCLASSIFIED -4K I am very-confidenr I hfld a talk with Hyland this_ morning to go over what we can do and we can do Ir D You know as well · K You have to make concessions on your own but they dont t all have to come from you · D So when you this I believe you We will work in that direction maybe beginning January Make it the middle I hope 'this time it is acceptable to Brezhnev K This is important We ·will not change the time I I will probably have something for you by the 10th of January D When will you be back K By the 17th in the evening D of He will be back in Moscow in 3 or 4 days a week to answer UNCLASSIFIED · · It will tak nro md
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