TELEGR Foreign Service of the United States of America 0 UT GOING American Embassy ROME Thia document consiata of 5 page• _ _ _SECRE _ - T'--_ _ _ _ _ Number ot 5 copies '3ei Je• A Charge Control Classification 219 January 17 1963 Date 2 03 PM DIST ACTION Sec state WASHINGTOO IUI X® J ·n NIA CT INFO Amembasay PARIS 'IDPOL Amembassy ANKARA LIMIT DIS'IRIBUTION I 1411 't I I 37 68 s s RU- •2-_ - AMB DC t Paris Pass Finletter and CINCEUR Reference Oeptel 1247 • 5 Henry Kissinger this morning gave us highlights his impressions as result conversations last three days on Nassau Jupiter withdrawal and related matters with Segni Fanfani Andreotti La Malfa Cattani Nenni and Lombardi He will also see Malagodi and Moro before leaving for Washington today and we may have more to report Doubtless because Kissinger is not r epeat not US Government official and yet is close to Administration and is highly informed expert on these matters Italians evidently expressed their views more frankly and freely than they have to us and it seems clear hie visit at this time provided sort of lightning rod to attract somewhat emotional Italian reactions Regarding Jupiter withdrawal which he did not raise with them Kissinger felt that all with wham he spoke accepted US reasons for withdrawal 1'intellectua • and nobody thinking of Itacy actually opposing withdrawal but they were concemec would lose c1 9mcatio11 OFFICIAL FILE COPY RE P DUCTION FR PR DECLASSIFIED Authority ND q sCf 2-1D I TELEGR Forei gn Service of the United St ates of America OUTGOING SECRET Classification Charge -2- Control 219 Date its currentlll one-up11 position among non-nuclear alliance members PSI leaders Nenni and Lolnbard i 1nade clear removal of missiles would be welcome President Segni was much concerned about domestic political implications and neutralist trend of Fanfani Government covering same ground he had with Ambassador January 13 Embtel 1367 andJ in addition expressing pique that US decision on withdrawal had apparently been ma de during Cuban crisis and Italy only informed three months later In most conversations Kissinger found similar reaction tha It is faced more or less with fait accompli which though technically justified ignored local political repercussions This ascribed widely to technical approach McNamara letter to and tone 11 of Andreotti Almost everyone according to Kissinger suspected that withdrawal might be result of US agreement with Russians eame pointing to April 1 date as evidence Fanfani Andreotti and Cattani emphasized importance of aome counterpart such as putting Polarie on Garibaldi as solution to political problem As regards MLF Kissinger found wiaespread support f or concept but little consideration of possible means for implementation beyond apparent desire that it be seaborne and skepticism especially by Andreotti and Cattani of feasibility multinational manning approach According tJeattani Fanfani had conmented privately l SECRET Class if i ca ti o 11 OFFICIAL FILE COPY r _ lfPIODUCTION FROM THIS COPY IS DECLASSIFIED Autbority Nb C 1 2 j D Foreign Service of the United States of America OUTGOI N G SECRET Class i fi cation Charge Control 219 Date - 3- US would merely allow Italy provide the cooks11 but that he Fanfani saw little Italy could do but try to upgrade its participation to extent feasibleo Nenni and Lombardi eJ plicitly supported Italian participation in a broad MLF effort as an approach offering opportunity to contain proliferation of national nuclear capabilities with possibility of ultimately absorbing present French as well as British national effort They also stressed their pro-US orientation generally and Nenni listed at length his 11 errors11 over past decade Cattani was least enthusiastic over MLF admitting nevertheless he was unaware of any more attractive alternative He reportedly thought De Gaulle' s general attitude toward US both understandable and reasonabl e noting that De Gaulle alone rad the stuff to tell US what it needs to be told Cattani said he found unimpressive the technical suggestions presented by the Smith-Lee Team having obviously miswlderstood our intention that these briefings be eJCploratory question-and- answer sessions rather than US salesmanship • Both Andreotti and Cattani made clear strong preference for nationally-manned surface ships such as Garibaldi equipped with Pola ris missiles 14 Malfa was reportedly almost incoherent in his antagonism to De Gaulle 1 s attitude toward Nassau and ffl Cl a stlCa ti O 11 OFFICIAL FILE COPY REPRODUCTION FROM THIS COPY IS PR DECLASSIFIED Autbority ND rs9 2- u I TELEGR Foreign Service of the United States of America OUTGOING SECRET Charge Control Cl assi icatio n 219 Date - 4UK entry into EEC In sharp contrast to Italian reactions Kissinger said he found French officials whom he met in Paris last week were furious with Nassau Agreement Specifically by reaching accord with US Britain had demonstrated conclusively its nonContinental orientation on top of which it had joined US in trying to encircle11 France through consultations with various Alliance members If it i eally had European outlook UK would have discussed problem first with France would never get into Connnon Market As result Britain As regards our Polaris offer in addition to other- oveITidi ng considerations French regard nuclear missile submarine as essentially feasible only for a rich nation In response our question regarding Italian views on strategic concepts Kissinger said he found no support at all for US view advanced at recent NATO Ministerial meeting that NATO partners together have potential capacity with conventional a nns to restrain Soviet forces Conrnent Kissinger said he mostly listened but his report may of course be somewhat colored by his own views Some reactions e g Segni 1 s reported pique doubtless also colored - REPRODUWON FROM nus cc»y IS Cl aSffflff at i o 11 OFFICIAL FILE COPY DECLASSIFIED Authority NND q s9 2- D lm J I ELEGR Foreign Service of the United States of America OUTGOING SECRET Charge Classification -5- Control 219 Date by domestic political interests and lack of participation owing to manner in which Andreotti and Fanfani have kept matter to themselves AINS CdiA HG MDA IDannett ms 1 17 63 SECRET Classi icatiou ---DEcusm •s CORY •s Authority OFFICIAL FILE COPY NND qs1 2 ID P