DECLASSIFIED PA HO Department of State E O 12958 as amended June 22 2004 lii'RANDUM THE WHITE HOU SE 00367 WASIIINOTON 88ItPt00IHPb¼ f I MEMORANDUM OR THE PRESIDENT FROM HENRY A KISSINGER RUSS ELL TRAIN - r--1 1 -vt Y SUBJECT United States International Environmental Initiative At Tab A is a pa ·kage from Secretary Rogers recommending that you take the initiativ to p qopose creation of a United Nations Fund on the Environment The proposal has1been given an intense Executive Office review The consensus with t hich we agree includes the following elements -- An initicltive 'tjy you proposing the creation of a voluntary UN fund on the envir nmerJ t would be desirable internationally and domestically -- The US hould be prepared to commit $50 million over 5 years starting in FY 19V4 pl1ovided our contributions are matched equally over the whole period y th rest of the world in effect a $100 million fund and provided acc ptabl projects can be mutually agreed on -- The full iUS cqntribution should be in cash rather than a portion tied to US goods nd s d rvices - - We shou d not rule out additional contributions if the fund proves successful -- Substant ve p11ogrcss on global environmental iBsues not just creation of a fonq is our ultimate goal Hence this initiative should be coupled with vigo ·rous efforts to develop a so und analytical and coordinating cap bility for environmental affairs in the UN and to assure that so lid progra s arb developed IS @@HPf OHTl Uis oisSIFIED Au hority J Sy fte fOS I DECLASSIFIED PA HO Department of State E O 12958 as amended June 22 2004 wODIFIDJiiitHiSI O I 2 -- Your 19 f 2 environmental message is the logical vehicle for announcing this i i tiaitive which would also be mentioned in the Annual Foreign Policy cpo tt The following points were considered in the Executive Office review I -- You are1already on record as supporting international environmental activity -- Domest cally the proposed initiative would help pre - empt the field from wouldtbe critics who might wish to argue that the Administration was not doing en ugh in this field -- The am Unt - a $100 million fund - is l arge enough to provide psychological imtpetus It cannot be attacked for being too small since we would clearlyj state it to be a starter and would consider more money if justified On the 01th er hand we protect ourselves against charges that it might be t o large by requiring that mutually acceptabl e programs be ag r ec d on - - A full c$ sh contribution is preferable to tying a portion to US goods and servicje s because we should not contradict our more general policy of untying US development loans Furthermore tied contr ibutions would restrict the FU1nd 1 s freedom of operation detract from its inter national charact r nd inhibit contributions from others -- Our reqjuirement that our contributions be matched by the rest of the worl d shoy ld make the program more sal able in the Congress It is also consisten witih the Nixon Doctrine by encouraging others to shoulder part of lt he burden After 5 years we might wish to reduce our percentage contr i butiion -- This in tiativ e would give the Stockholm Conference the chance to produce a subst ntiv international program Conference Secretary General Strong i himself conte1nplating snch a proposal At th is point th ere rc rnains a idanMcr that t he Conference 1nigh t suffer from a Soviet boycott hccaus c l East Gcrn-iany will ·not partic-i pat e on a n equal footing with th e Federal Rcpulblic or even be postponed However even should this happen - - Ol ' the conference generally fail we think the p1opose-d initiative would tcmain a strong plus for you I l l®IH H3LJG I JHL DECLASSIFIED PA HO Department of State E O 12958 as amended June 22 2004 fPIDBUTh'eL 3 - - The initi4 tive would provide a fo cus for international acti ity in the environment l fie ld This would be useful in protecting the e vironment and good fr r th e UN It would also be consistent with you position that the UN $hould addre s s the new tasks for diplo macy The only is sue i ove1r the terms of US matching George Shultz Whitaker and thel Tre a sury Department believe our contribution not exceed 40% 1' vhiClh has been a more traditional level for maj tary contributionf to international organizations On this basis our contribution wou d be $40 million over 5 years However we pr1 fer t he 50 50 formula for several reason s It ill be more likely to st mula te the kind of program we want and to dra atize US leadership f 4 0 60 basis sounds more permanent whereas we would plan to lower ou peric entage after the 5 year interim period 50 50 is not unprecedente as a start-up contribution We were prepared to contribute up to I 00 o of the seed money for the narcotics and popula ion funds RECOMMENDATjION$ 1 That you j agree to propose a voluntary UN environmental fund of at lea st $ 10 0 miliion over the next 5 years Ag tjee - - - - - Disagree ----- 2 That the US offer to contribute on a 50 50 matching basis $50 million over 5 y ars 1starting in FY 1974 provided m-qtually accePrtable programs c_an be l agre ed on If the fund were successful we wo ld consider providhjig more Agi ee _ _ _ __ __ ___ US t houild offer $40 million op 40 60 matching basi as Shurt z Whitaker and Treasury recommend ___ _ Oth r - -- - - 3 That lan ua g e to this effect be included in your 1972 En1 ronm e n tal Me s sage and a r feren ce made in the 1972 Annua l Fore ign Polic yt Report Ag1 ee ------ Disagree ----- Ed David concur ' with this memo So do George Shultz and John Whitaker e x cept for reconi m e nidation f 2 This proposal is also accepta ble to State DEq ASSIFIED @il@HFH HilU'ifO J AulhorityA IJ f f05I BY
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