_ I I 'I This docc ient cc 1s i - 3 - - - t«e 1 umber L of ···•• d• 1c- plc • 5'-'L ies t1 - --- r • '- C l T c 'DT NE E FMDickman bw 4 17 63 OF STA TE Mem DATE April 9 1963 ·SUBJECT Near East Working PARTICIPANTS NEA - James P Grant ACDA ACDA INR S P - CIA - Ambassador Byroade William Maddox Robert Elwood William Polk ----- - - OIA b 3 - 50 USC 3507 - CIA Declassified Case NW# 57160 Date 09- 18-2023 NE - Robert C Strong NE E - Francois M Dickman DISTRIBUTION Original 'and 4 copies to NE E - 3 r The meeting opened with the distribution of a on List replacing the - Work List which was discussed during the third and eting assigning responsi- L-- bility to members of the Working Group for papers o be pre ared relating to the Arms Control project J Mr Polk said the Working Group should make on the question of organizing a small staff in view of budgetary s believed an emissary would need a staff of 3-5 persons who cou provide him with memoranda give advice on subjects relating to arms central su veillance techniques the NE political situation elements of aid etc ad thus make he mission relatively self sufficient The staff could then remain behin to follow-u on details after the initial approach had been made Mr Polk thoug t i t should b comprised of at least one person from NEAz ----------and one from ACDA nd perhaps the Pentagon Mr Grant ask of the whereabouts of Mr Charles Cremea s who participated in the 1956 Ander on Mission • • - - '_ Mr Cremeans ha been assigned to London and thought t would be di cut to etaci him from this ssignment After further discussion o where a staff might make its hea quarters Athe s mentioned as the most likely pos ibility Mr Grant thought that if staff were rganized it should not be mar than three persons If necessary the man could be briefed by ACDA technicians n arms control and surveillance techniqu There ap eared to be no reason to br·ng in the Pentagon at le in the initia _ ' EO50x1 CIA ·NW# 57160 Docid 34350194 s o II H77 •• j -FOIA b 3 - 50 USC 3507 - CIA -2- thcoming SNIE Special National Intelligence Estimate woul cover most of intel · ce gaps mentioned in the Action List He added that Mr McCone had removed the SNI the USIB a enda and would handle it his own way in order to assure greater secrecy -------- aid the Agency was beginning to gather material on the extent of the French-Israel relationship in the scientific field and that a separate paper would be prepared in draft for the information of the Working Group On the question of Israel's and the UAR's bility to tap the community Mr Grant asked if there were an means of discoura in including American from doing any work country It was believed that the U s exercis e a egree of control over U scientists who had worked on classified projects Mr Grant asked that this be added to the Action List in order to have more precise information ---- - ---------- Ambassador Byroade said ACDA would have the first draft of arms control schemes prepared by Aprilpl B __I_n__d__e_v_e_l_o__i_n i _ __ _ -- a ---- found little difficult on the roblem Mr Grant asked what the Soviet attitude might be if it looked like our approach for some kind of arms limitation might succeed -It was recalled that the Soviet Union had previously shown an interest in 1958 in a possible nuclear free area in the Near East At the time it was understood that the Soviets had Turkey and Iran in mind Mr Strong suggested that if any approach were ever made to the Soviets it should not be in terms of nuclear free zones as this was too restrictive but in terms of pledges not to export nuclear weapons to certain areas It was agreed to add this question to the Working List Mr Grant reviewed a memorandum on administrative arrangements for the Working Group from Mr Strong It was agreed that briefings on the Working Group's activities to the Secretary and the White House should be oral with a memorandum of what was said placed in the file Rather than take the responsibility for personally doing all of the oral briefing as suggested in the memorandum Mr Grant said he would be responsible to see to it that the briefings would take place Mr Grant noted that even Top Secret Limit Distribution documents for the Secretary's own information receive wide circulation on the seventh floor He recently had been called by two different persons on a status report of the Working Group's activities sent only to the Secretary in a single copy Turning 'iE8P Br GRf r• NW# 57160 Docid 34350194 t - 'f8 P 6 fl 8 RB' i -3- Turning to the range of our approach and timing Mr Grant reiterated his general conclusion that in the first stage at least the approach should be limited to advanced weapons which were not in the possession of either side This restricted the approach to nuclear weapons and effective ground to ground missiles If the right person could be found the initial approach might be made early in June Mr Polk cormnented that for planning purposes it would be wise at least to have a second stage providing for no further arms escalation and a third stage removal of certain offensive weapons such as the TU-16 in the back of our minds The meeting concluded with a discussion of the credibility of our approach and what indications might be necessary to persuade Ben Gurion that Nasser would be interested in an arms limitation arrangement Mr Polk suggested that one way would be to encourage Nasser to write to the President indicating his interest Our emissary could then make reference to it when he visits Ben Gurion Mr Strong believed this could put a weapon in the hand of Ben Gurion While it would not embarrass Ben Gurion to come out publicly in favor of an arms limitation arrangement under u s sponsorship it would embarrass Nasser Rather than dream up devices to try to convince the bona fides of both sides the approach should be that both sides have an interest in cooperating with the US in this program and it is to their interest to keep it secret Of SE8M' F ' I NW# 57160 Docid 34350194 FO 8-4-54 • S-747 • ' -· ' 1 TOP SECRET CONTROL NUMIEII DEPARTMENT OF STATE NEA AS 2617 1 TCP 9EERET COVER SHEET 2 COPY INFORMATION Tc t rtncc no or 4 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT S Origin 1ubJcct other pminmt daia · INFORMATION COPY AC JION COPY Working Group Mtg N 5 - Arms Control for th• Near East TELEGRAMS DESPATCHliS ET COPY NO - 5 fORWARDED 1 OF 5 COPIES 3 DATE ANl1 NAME Of PERSON P11£PARINQ FOUi 4 17 63 Helen M Hennessy Tot s a Cm1TOI Offkrr 0111 6 PERSONS TO WHOM ROUTED OR READING DOCUMENT Mr 1 Dickman 7 OfFICI SYMBOL NE -4 17 63 BWalker I 9 10 11 SIGNATURES 11ATE RECEIVED DATE READ DA TE RELEASED 1 111 A 1 A k - '- '1 Ji I 1' r r ' I H I NW# 57160 Docid 34350194 I J
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