FL-2017-13804 B-00002623793 05 09 2024 UNCLASSIFIED 11 h CHARTER _ Includes SYG Solana changes i11 bold italics 0 'l y_ v ----- v· _ _ 3 04 -- 1100 DRAFT CHARTER OF COOPERATION BETWEEN THE NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION AND THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Section I Preamble -- Building a New Europe The North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the Russian Federation commit themselves to seize the unprecedented opportunity before them to build together a lasting and inclusive peace in the Euro-Atlantic community based on the principles of democracy integration and cooperative security NATO and the Russian Federation hereinafter referred to as NATO and Russia intend to develop on the basis of mutual interest and transparency a strong stable and enduring partnership r - • - C Their shared goal is to overcome the vestiges of earlier confrontatio md to strengthen mutual trust and cooperation in order to enhance security and stability in the Euro-Atlantic area This Charter sets forth the goals of consultation cooperation and joint action that will constitute the core of this partnership By concluding this document we reaffirm our determination to give concrete substance to our shared commitment to build a stable peaceful and undivided Europe whole and free to the benefit of all its peoples By making this commitment of national policy at the highest political level we mark the beginning of a fundamentally new relationship between NATO its members and Russia In doing so we acknowledge the extent of the changes that have swept Europe since the end of the Cold War NATO has undertaken a historic transformation -- a process that will continue In 1990 the Alliance declared that it no longer considered the Soviet Union an adversary a year later it revised the strategic doctrine governing its actions to re11ect this basic shift in orientation While maintaining its collective defense posture NATO has radically reduced and continues to adapt its conventional and nuclear forces to reflect the changed European security situation NATO has strengthened its political functions and focused on new missions of peacekeeping and crisis management in support of the UN and the OSCE such as in Bosnia to address new security challenges in close association with other countries and international organizations NATO is i11 tlze process of developing a European Security and Defense Identity ESDI witlzi11 tlze Allia11ce It will continue to develop a broad and dynamic pattern of cooperation with all interested European countries through the Partnership_ 9 c al d-Jhe Atlantic Partnership Council Its members wilraeiielojTNATO's· Strategic Concept to ensure that it is fully consistent with Europe's new security challenges and the goal of cooperation among all European states in meeting those challenges FL-2017-13804 U NC LASS IFl ED B-00002623793 05 09 2024 Russia continues its own dramatic political and economic transformation as it builds democracy Russia no longer regards NATO as an adversary has revised its military doctrine accordingly and is committed to reducing and restructuring significantly its conventional and nuclear forces Russia is already undertaking Rew forms of cooperation with NATO and other European states as in the peacekeeping operation in Bosnia These changes in NATO in Russia and in the European security environment make possible a fundamentally new relationship between NA TO and Russia -- one of strategic partnership NATO and Russia are committed to building an increasingly closer and more cooperative relationship We agree that the development of this strategic partnership is a reciprocal and open-ended process without predefined limits that can make a significant and lasting contribution to the development of a stable peaceful and undivided Europe - Section IL Commitment to Shared Principles -- ·- We affirm in this Charter our shared commitment to pursue and defend together the further development of a stable peaceful and undivided Europe tWe are convinced vt 1 - c ofth importance of giving p_ractical meaning t the conce t o@e indivisibilit of 1 secunty among all the states m the Euro-Atlantic commumty blATO and Russia will c 'fr_J I J work together to contribu e to the establishment in Europe o common and comprehensive secur· thara tte aft c Wrl He'e--and rtanc1r1 snu rv_t'111 Kie l fr v J ___ utsi · · 1- zfl- c °' - - ' T o help achieve this goal we will act together in strengthening and modernizing the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe including developing further its role as a principal instrument in preventive diplomacy conflict prevention crisis management post-conflict rehabilitation and regional security cooperation The OSCE as the only pan-European security organization has an essential role to play in European peace and security In strengthening the OSCE we will s t r i ' fgh ''fiDt _aetiontnogethar to prevent any possibility of returning to a Europe of di vision and confrontation or the isolation of any state '-w al H'-'cl Consistent with the OSCE's model for the pursuit of cooperative security in the 21st century NATO and Russia will seek the widest possible cooperation and coordination among all participating-states of the OSCE Our objective is the creation in Europe of a common space of security and stability without dividing lines or spheres of influence limiting the sovereignty of any nation achieved through a transparent process that itself strengthens mutual confidence and openness The challenges we face on the threshold of a new century require us to find cooperative solutions to common 1 --ta-' -1- 1 _ - problems 1 I e -7 J ' 't- - ce C _ ✓ G c l I _ e r J I_ I J' j crs ''-G ✓• __ I f s jlJ ' FL-2017-13804 B-00002623793 U NC LASS IFl ED 05 09 2024 NATO and Russia recognize that our shared task of strengthening security for the benefit of all countries requires addressing challenges beyond those of earlier eras This Charter signals a new era in Europe an era without divisions or the confrontations of past ye s But it also is concluded at a time when we face new threats Aggr essive nationalism proliferation of nuclear biological and chemical weapons terrorism persistent abuse of human rights and unresolved territorial disputes all pose a threat to 01 -1 peace prosperity and stability O m on effort to meet thes_e ·and other c_halleng s to peace an se_curity to which we u1Ifmut ourselves through this Charter will be bmlt upon the pnnc1ples of mutual respect for the sovereignty independence and territorial integrity of all the nations of the Euro-Atlantic community This will not contradict in any way the central role of the UN Security Council in maintaining international peace and security nor does it contradict the role of the OSCE as the inclusive and comprehensive organization for consultation decision-making and cooperation in its region and as a regional arrangement under Chapter VIII of the United Nations Charter We reaffirm our commitment to act to fulfill in good faith the obligations of the Charter of the United Nations and the prin E t°f the Universal Declaration on Human Rights the Helsinki Final Act and alt'pertment OSCE documents and other basic documents adopted by mutual consent Building upon the concepts embodied in these documents NATO and Russia also will base their relationship on a shared commitment to the following principles • development on the basis of equality of relations that are aimed at strengthening mutual trust and openness • acknowledgment of the vital role democracy political pluralism the rule of law respect for human rights and civil liberties and the development of free market economies play in the development of common prosperity and comprehensive security • refraining from the threat or use of force against any state including against its sovereignty territorial integrity or' political independence - in any manner inconsistent with the Charter of the United Nations and with the Declaration of Principles Guiding Relations Between Participating States contained ill the Helsinki Final Act • the right of all states in Europe freely to choose or change their security arrangements including treaties of alliance as they evolve and in accordance with their international obligations • respect for the sovereignty independence and territorial integrity of states including the inviolability of borders from non-peaceful change and the rejection of any idea of spheres of influence FL-2017-13804 B-00002623793 U NC LASS IFl ED 05 09 2024 4 • ' mutual transparency in creating and implementing defense policy and military doctrines • prevention of conflicts and settlement of disputes by peaceful means in accordance with UN and OSCE principles • indivisibility of security affecting every state in the OSCE area • fulfillment in good faith of obligations under international law treaties and international agreements obligations under the Charter of the United Nations and the principles of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights as well as of the Helsinki Final Act and all subsequent OSCE doc uments including the Charter of Paris and the c ocuments adopted at the Lisbon OSCE Summit • settlement of any dispute between NATO cmd Russia by peaceful means making use oftheframework ofpolitical consultation at all levels both sides have agreed upon Section III Mechanism for Consultation and Decision-Making The NATORussia Joint Council r-c - r · To foster further development of their relationship and to provide the means to address Europe's future security challenges together NATO and Russia will create the NATO-Russia Joint Council hereinafter referred to as the Joint Council The central objective of this Joint Council will be to build the spirit and substance of cooperation and common action between the parties in order to enhance the security of all European nations and diminish the security o none Our goal will be to build increasing levels of trust unity of purpose andi_habit of consensus and cooperation between NATO and Russia When disagreements ise we will approach them in the spirit of pragmatism and e enee which befits the partnership we seek to build We will settle them by peaceful eans within the framework of political consultations f which the parties intend to level at all levels rt J _ rev -- The Joint Council will provide a mechanism for NATO and Russia to consult coordinate and to the maximum extent possible where appropriate act jointly to address security issues of common concern NATO and Russia will pursue these principal goals • to encourage mutual confidence-building and long-term cooperation between NATO and Russia • to reduce and resolve any differences that might arise between them FL-2017-13804 B-00002623 793 UNCLASSIFIED 05 09 2024 • to develop as broad and regular a pattern of cooperation as possible • to seek to coordinate decision-making and promote joint action to the extent possible on decisions that affect the legitimate interests of either party ' Our shared objective is to identify and pursue as many opportunities for joint %1i m as possible V e expect that over time as we further build the relationship r -additional opportunities for joint action may emerge Such joint endeaYors v ould not infringe upon or restrict the rights of either party to independent decision making and aGtion Jor does this Chm1er in any way provide either party with a right of Yeto □ Yer the actions of the other It cannot be construed as a means to disadvantage the interes s of other states in Europe Each side will remain free to decide and act independentfr while taking the results of the consultations into account such endeavors have 110 been successful This will not adversely affect the interests of other states f In the event that the territorial integrity political independence or security of any Joint Council member is threatened by a non-member NATO and Russia will immediately con ult with each other within the Joint Council The Joint Council and related activities to support its purposes will be built upon the principles of reciprocal respons1bilities and transparency In the course of their consultations and cooperation NATO and Russia undertake to inform each other regarding the respective challenges they face and the measures they intend to take of their own accord to address them To accomplish these goals the Joint Council will meet at a variety or levels and in different forms according to the subject matter and the desires of both parties Sessions of the Joint Council will include defense officials as warranted by the subjects under discussion The Joint Council will meet at the ministerial level at least twice annually in conjunction with the semi-annual ministerial meetings of the North Atlantic Council and at least monthly at the level of ambassadors permanent representatives to the North Atlantic Council The Joint Council may also meet at the level of Heads of State and Government including on the occasion of NATO Summits T Je Joint Council may establish committees or working groups for individual subjects or areas of cooperatio11 011 a11 ad hoc or permanent basis as appropriate The Joint Council will also meet at the level of military representatives and CHODs This body will meet not less than twice each year on the occasion o semi-annual meeting of NATO Chiefs of Defense Staffs and at least monthl 11 lllN Ieve l of Ini 1itary representatives It may al so convene experts as appropriate 1 _ _ _The Joint Council will be the principal tool of consultation between the parties in times of crisis or for any other situation affecting the stability of peace throughout the region Either J i JATO or Russia may convene the Joint Council a-t its discretion Extraordinary meetings of the JoilJ Cou11cil will take place in addition to it · regu lr FL-2017-13804 8-00002623793 05 09 2024 UNCLASSIFIED eti11 s the re v · r ·r II n · 1 c se emergencies To supporfthe work of thisloint Council NATO and Russia will establist necessary admi11istrative structures between them These will include ft r e j 1 ti·' tV-' f' - change of permaHent political representati1 •es of ambassadorial ank r ited with the Office of the NAT O Secretary Generaf and V 'ith-t-Re ' ffice of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federatio f • 'tf@Seel the exchange of permanent seeior military representatives acereeitee 1Nith NATO's Militlli ' Committee and with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Vederation respectively The Russian Federation will establisJr ment liaison Missio11 to NATO leaded bv a political represe111a1ivf flll te rank Q Ambassador for the purposes Q fthe Council as well as for Russia'sparticipatio11 in the Partnershis1 for Peace 1nd 11Y Atlantic Parhl ershi p Ctfimcil A senior military represe11tative a11d his sta fJ will be part oftl e Liaisc f jf issfonfor the purposes a ftlte milit 1r 1cooperation The agenda for regular sessions will be established jointly The NATO Secretary General and the Russian Foreign Minister will work out detailed mutuallysatisfactory arrangements for the routine operations of the Joint Council these arrangements will be in place for the inaugural meeting of the Joint Council which will be held no later than DATE The Joint Council will inelude as one of its components a joint military counci I This body will meet flOt less than twice each year on the occasion of the semi annual meeting of Nl TO Chit 1fs of f efense 8taffs and at least monthly at the le el c f military representati1 'es in 1'liVfO's Military C01nmittee ana th eir appropriate Russian counterparts lt may also convene experts as appropriate The Joint Council will strive to engage in three distinct activities • pursuing the broadest possible range of consultations on the topics listed below and on any other political or security issue determined by mutual consent • on the basis of these consultations developing joint initiatives in which the parties would agree to speak or act in parallel • making joint decisions and taking joint action as agreed after consultation i11c udi11g pla1111i11g preparatiott a11d impleme11tation ofjoi11t operaJio11s Ollce llgreeme11t is established for tit em FL-2017-13804 B-00002623793 UNCLASSIFIED 05 09 2024 Any actions undertaken by NATO or Russia together or separately will be consistent with the UN Charter and the OSCE's governing principles Recognizing the importance of deepening contacts between the legislatjve bodies ot the states covered NATO and Russia also will work to promote expanded dialogue and cooperation between the North Atlantic Assembly and the Russian Federal Assembly Section IV Areas for Consultation and Cooperation In building this strategic partnership NATO and Russia will focus on specific areas of mutual interest NATO and Russia commit themselves to explore the broadest possible degree of consultation and cooperation in particular in the following areas • issues of co111111011 i11terest relµted to security a11d stability i11 the OSCE area or to co11crete crises i11cludi11g the co11trihutio11 of NATO and of Russia to security and stability ill this area • conflict preve11tio11 including preventive liplomacy crisis ma11ageme11t a11d conflict resolutio11 taking i11to llccou1zt the role and respo11sibility of tile UN and OSCE amt the work ofthese organisations in these fields • undertaking joint peacekeeping and other military activities includin-g Combined Joint Task Foree CJTF missions in support of the UN or 08CE as outlined below peacekeepi11g which could i11clude planning l reparing and exercising for and execution if joint operatio11s ill support of UN or OSCE a11d i11 sue cases participation i11 CJTF at all e IJ stage • expanding Russian participation in the Partnership for Peace and the Atlantic Partnership Council • consulting on NATO and Russia's changing roles in strengthening European security including on one another's evolving doctrine • exchanging information on defense policy strategy and budgets • i ' • 'l' Jn o II - - - - tiir M-C0nlT01 SSUU anQ confi_dence building and security ml _a_ es I • continuing discussions of nuclear safety issues to include safe dismantlement of nuclear weapons and prevention of nuclear pollution of the sea FL-2017-13804 I 5 k B-00002623793 UNCLASSIFIED 05 09 2024 • preventing the proliferation of nuclear biological and chemical weapons • combating nuclear trafficking and strengthening cooperation in specific arms control areas political and defense aspects ofproliferatio11 of nuclear biological and chemical weapons and their delivery means including in the area of Theater Missile Defense this would include exploring possible defense cooperation to deter and protect against these weapons and their delivery means • striving for greater transparency predictability and mutual confidence regarding the size and roles of their conventional forces • intensifying regular and reciprocal exchanges to the maximum extent possible as appropriate on nuclear weapons issues including their doctrine strategy and force posture • coordinating a program of expanded cooperation between respective military establishments as further detailed below d-t ct f - f cr 1 _ _ pursuing possible armaments-related cooperation through Russian association with the Conference of NATO Armaments Directors • developing initiatives for conversion of defense industries • developing mutually-agreed cooperative projects in the economic environmental and scientific fields • conducting joint initiatives and exercises in civil emergency preparedness and disaster relief • combating the twin scourges of terrorism and drug tratlicking • improving public understanding of NATO and Russia's evolving relations including by establishing a NATO documentation center or information office in Moscow Other areas can be added by mutual agreement NATO and Russia commit to work together within the OSCE to cement further the political foundations of cooperative security among states and peoples throughout the OSCE region They will strengthen and support the OSCE's special role in conflict prevention and crisis management establishing additional means to maintain peace and security in Europe FL-2017-13804 B-00002623793 UNCLASSIFIED 05 09 2024 SECTION V Military Dimension Promoting Mutual Military Transparency Restraint and Confidence I As part of this broader eff01t to build a new relationship and reinforce security within Europe the members of NATO and Russia commit to observe and to implement fully their arms control obligations regarding conventional armed forces in Europe They will meet fully their obligations arising under the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe CFE and related agreements They will work together in Vienna with the other states-parties to adapt the CFE Treaty to more accurately reflect Europe's changed strategic landscape since the Treaty was first negotiated with the objective of concluding as soon as possible a framework agreement on adaptation and the adaptation agreement itself as expeditiously as possible The members of NATO and Russia acknowledge their common responsibility to 1 achieve greater stability and security in Europe They 1 i 1 ill stri 10 for greater r· ltransparency predictability and mutual confidence with regard to tlcieir land aRd-ai-f t forces In particular the members of NATO and Russia will work together with the other states-parties to ensure that an adapted CFE treaty will continue to preclude any ··r ' ·i IT destabilizing build-up of forces in different regions of Europe They will take steps to ·•I t _ · ensure that as the security environment in Europe continues to evolve the military • -- J ' threat to any state will not increase · g · - • To that end they will strive for greater transparency predictabiJity and mutual confidence with regard to their land and air forces the members of NATO and Russia Ihawill work together with the other states-parties to adapt and enhance the CFE Treaty's viability and effectiveness and to comply fully with and to strengthen the Vienna Document's measures to build confidence and security They remain committed to using the tools of arms control and confidence-building to replace military confrontation with a pattern of security relations based on peaceful cooperation Fol wing language is bracketed in NATO version with note that it could be r sed to ddre s tl _e 1uclear aspe ts of the mi itary dime11sio11 Exact wording a d f Olltext n wluch it ts to be used lS to be considered further NATO and Russia will 'f 1te11sify regular exchanges 011 nuclear weapo11s issues including 011 the status of p eir existing respective unilateral i11itiatives i11volviflg elimi11atio11 ofand restraint in _tlte deployment oftactical nuclear weapons to ensure co11ti11ued stability and t Predictability As a first step the parties will conduct regular and reciprocal t'exchanges to the maximum exte11t possible as approp · at 011 tltei 11ucl ar doctri11e r5trategy and resultalttforce posture The exchanges will mclude d1scuss10fis oftl e l f_rocess by w 1icl1 f'- ATO and Russia make d cisio11s co11cern i11g 11uclear issues a ul the manner m wluc 1 t ey have changed the r force posture Ill hgl t of Europe's 11ew str ategic landscape FL-2017-13804 B-00002623793 UNCLASSIFIED 05 09 2024 1W The members of NATO reaffirm their position that NATO has no intention no plan and 110 reason to deploy nuclear weapons on the territory of any new member state nor does it foresee any future need_ to do so NATO and Russia will explore initiatives to enhance regional air traffic safety and to increase air traffic capacity through cooperative efforts focused on modernized techniques for civilian and military air traffic control These initiatives mt¼3 incl1 1de peacetime air soYereignty systems and methods Expanding Cooperation Between Military Establishments NATO and Russia will reinforce the expanded political-military consultations and cooperation through the Joint Council with an enhanced dialogue between the senior military authorities of NATO and its members and of Russia They will implement a program of significantly expanded military-to-military engagement and practical cooperation between NATO and Russia at all levels including through a strengthened Partnership for Peace Consistent with the tenets of the Joint Council this enhanced military-to-military dialogue will be built upon the principle that neither party views the other as a threat nor seeks to di sadvantage the other's security -This enhanced military-to-military dialogue will include regularly-scheduled reciprocal briefings on NATO and Russian military doctrine strategy and resultant force posture and will include the broad possibilities for joint exercise and training involving NATO and Russian forces I To support this enhanced dialogue and the military components of the Joint Council NATO and Russia will establish military liaison missions led by generallflag officers in major NATO and Russian commands This initiative is fully consistent with our shared objective of promoting enhanced Russian participation in the Partnership for Peace As a first stage Russia will establish permanent military liaison missions at NATO headquarters in Brussels at SHAPE headquarters in Mons Belgium and at SACLANT headquarters_in Norfolk Virginia 11 1 tum NATO will establish a mission in Moscow to conduct liaison activities with the Russian General Staff and the Ministry of Defense TJ e missions will be grante l adequate access to all releva11t authorities NA TO and Russia will explore in greater detail creation of additional liaison missions in military commands below the major command level I To enhance their strategic partnership and ensure this partnership is grounded to the greatest extent possible in practical activities and direct cooperation NATO and Russia's respective military authorities will explore the further development of a concept for joint NATO-Russia peacekeeping operations This initiative would build upon the current Bosnian experience and relate the positive lessons learned there to NATO's establishment of Combined Joint Task Forces Once developed this concept could serve as a basis for the Joint Council's consideration of the capabilities FL-2017-13804 B-00002623793 U NC LASS IFl ED 05 09 2024 ll preparations and resources -- to include size level of participation training and exercise requirements -- needed for joint NATO-Russia operations