ENTIAL THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON SENATOR BAKER RECO MENDED TELEPHONE CALL SECURE TO John Whitehead DATE June 26 1987 PURPOSE To stress confidentiality of the U S negotiating position and to stress importance of maximum pa rticipation of CFC 2 I producers consumers in the protocol DI P BACKGROUND TOPICS OF _j DISCUSSION The President's decisions and instructions for the delegation are being communicated through classified channels to the State Department and other principals involved in the Council meeting The negotiating team should be directed to communicate back through classified channels the resuits of the June 29 negotiations as well Since the final agreements are to be signed in the meetings scheduled for Montreal in September we ' d like to have the opportunity to review the results of the June 29 negotiations On another issue the President has instructed the delegation to ensure that the protocol will not go into effect unless a substantial portion of other producing and consuming countries join in This should be well above the 50% I understand your negotiators have in their heads now The argument is a strong one that a few countries that do not join in can spoil all the efforts of those that do So our negotiators should do their damndest to get maximum participation by the other large producer and c9nsumer countries DATE OF SUBMISSION ACTION June 2 6 1 9 8 7
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