- -· 0 0 JOINT COMMITTEE ON ATOMIC ENERGY INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO RECORD FROM George F Murphy@ Deputy Director SUBJECT DATE January21 1969 Israel Nuclear Weapon Capability On or about January 7 1969 there were a series of news and T V stories to the effect that tne Israelis were about t -ilP velop a nuclear bomb These news reports varied so newhat but esse ' 4S£ 2 ESaid that the Israelis already had might have or would shortly have a number of nuclear weapons January 10 1969 I represen 9 - _ use -------- e purpose of determining if there had been any signifiOn cant NW# 38431 3 - 50 3507 - CIA roughs by the Israelis in the field of nuclear weapons develop- Docid 31971047 FOIA b l CIA FOIA b 3 - 50 use 3507 - CIA l 0 I I I FOIA b FOIA b I 7 3 CIA • 50 USC 3507 - CIA Attachment Info on Dr Raymond Fox I pursued this matter with the Director of Security AEC and he provided the attached information on Dr Raymond Fox NW# 38431 Docid 31971047 --------------- 0 __ -i '4- ' ' · OJ f I I ' ' ' I ' · t' · DR RAYMOND FOX I Dr Raymond Fox born in New York City on July 17 1932 was an experimental physicist in the Pluto Division of Lawrence Radiation Laboratory Livermore California from September 1957 to August 1961 when he was awarded a National Science Fellowship for one year at the Weisman Institute Israel I ' He wrote the Laboratory in February 1962 advising that he intended to remain in Israel permanently In December 1962 the AEC was infot'llled that he adopted the Hebrew name of Ben Ari and was a member of the Physics Department Israel Institute of Technology Haifa Israel ' ' l I I I Dr Fox received his B S degree at the City College of New York and his M A and Ph D at Harvard University Before obtaining employment at LRL-Livermore · he had been a student and research assistant at Harvard University '• II i I I I During his employment with the Pluto Division of the Livermore Laboratory he had no direct participation in weapons program nor was he authorized to withdraw weapon data reports from the LRL Technical Information Division However in attendance at staff seminars there is the possibility he had access to information involving the weapons program I I I I i' I l I I II ' i '' 10• • • • I NWW- 38431 · Sbid 31971047 --------- ·-• 1 • c• _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ' • •tr•• · 't · 'r I Io -
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