CONl'IDltrl'IAL To 1r••ident rid•l Caatro tnroug Cuban Ottiee at the United Nation fop officials in waahington who had a proved previouslr have naw equested that I ae ae my colftffluniaatidn with you except to tultill my promise of r••»on•e trom last night Concerning the iaaue ot la lal immigration 1•vela the number of 28 00 wi ll be honored In fairneda l u n6W informed that the Wedn•aday mettin will be ccntinad mor• atriotly to 1mm1grat l on matters than I had earlier b•liavad r orm•t Mlbasaador Mike Soo1e will b• h•td1na the u s del•gat1on t eo14 that othe av•nue ot communication unknown _to ·ma #ill bt u1•4 to respond to the Que1tion1 o a t11cindino recent action a by Pl'e1id e nt Clinton if raft•r-• ar• reatrain•d and b • confirmation ot th• non-aa t•e or r oli y ex ra••ad by f -o 1dent au b -i - -M y 1t- tt w•• regret this development but want you to · know tb•t % nav• been meticulout 1n IDe king eautiou•1Y and only with authcrity Also I appreaiate your f ankne • a and con • tructiv• re•ponse• • d enjof•d our P• •onal • cn•n ••• I will be l•aving thil Veftina for Africa and au• aia and will send yeu a trip •port when I return My hop• i• that you and lrne tcan official• will be • u •••ful in findin« •om• common ground on whi h to r• •ol ve the »r•••nt cri• L• •nd to prepare for a future teaolut1on ct long term d1ftarencea ·ou•pit• th••• pr•••nt ieatraint • X would like to • tay in touch with you You have my tel•phone numbe r• both at home •nd • t 'l'h• eart•r Center • a nc •r•lir -
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