Virtual Reading Room

Freedom of Information Act request
Gorbachev Foundation
George H. W. Bush Presidential Library, FOIA release
George H.W. Bush Presidential Library, NSC Condoleezza Rice Files, 1989-1990 Subject Files, Folder “Memcons and Telcons – USSR [1]”
U.S. Department of State, FOIA release F-2007-03992
George H. W. Bush Presidential Library: NSC Philip Zelikow Files, Box CF01468, Folder “File 148 NATO Strategy Review No. 1 [3]”[16]
George H. W. Bush Presidential Library, NSC Heather Wilson Files, Box CF00293, Folder “NATO – Strategy (5)”
Gorbachev Foundation
State Archive of the Russian Federation, Fond 10063, opis 2, delo 39
George H.W. Bush Presidential Library, Memcons and Telcons
Japan and the United States: Diplomatic, Security, and Economic Relations, Part III, 1961-2000
Gorbachev Foundation