Virtual Reading Room

Published by the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee in 1992 in the three-volume record of the 1991 confirmation hearings on Robert Gates to be Director of Central Intelligence
Released by the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, National Security Archive FOIA request
U.S. Department of State declassification, FOIA 200903790
U.S. Department of State declassification, date/case id: 29 Sep 2011 201105567
CIA declassification
Freedom of Information Act request
Released by CIA for 1999 conference at George H. W. Bush Center for Presidential Studies, Texas A & M University, published in Benjamin B. Fischer, ed., At Cold War's End (CIA Center for the Study of Intelligence, 1999)
Archive of the Gorbachev Foundation. Fond 2.
Translated by Svetlana Savranskaya for the National Security Archive.