Virtual Reading Room

Department of Energy FOIA Release
FOIA lawsuit, National Security Archive v. Department of State (17-cv-0770)
Central Intelligence Agency, National Intelligence Council, Job 88T00528R: Policy Files (1982–1984), Box 1, Folder 1: VC/NIC Chron January–March 1984. Top Secret; [codeword not declassified]
Office of the Federal Commissioner for the Stasi Records (BStU), MfS, Abt. X, Nr. 2020, S. 1-7. Posted by the Nuclear Proliferation International History Project, Translated by Bernd Schaefer.
Freedom of Information Act appeal
CBW Box 1 (Cables, Southeast Asia and Afghanistan), National Security Archive.
Federal Archives of Germany, Military Branch (BA-MA), Freiburg i. B. Call Number DVW 1/71/1040, Hosted by the Nuclear Proliferation International History Project, Translated by Bernd Schaefer.
Dmitrii Antonovich Volkogonov Papers, U.S. Library of Congress, available at the National Security Archive READD-RADD Collection translated by the Nuclear Proliferation International History Project . Document provided by Svetlana Savranskaya.
MDR request to Defense Department (first release)