Virtual Reading Room

Freedom of Information Act request
RG 59, Department of State Records, George H. Aldrich Records, box 6, Human Rights in Armed Conflict 1978
Department of Defense FOIA request
Jimmy Carter Library and Museum. Records of the Office of the National Security Advisor. Zbigniew Brzezinski Material--Country Files (NSA 6). Iran, 9/78-11/16/79. Box 29. Iran, 11/78
Jimmy Carter Presidential Library, Zbigniew Brzezinski Collection, Subject File, box 35, Presidential Directive 59- 9/78-4/79
National Security Archive Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR)
Freedom of Information Act request
Jimmy Carter Presidential Library, National Security Adviser Brzezinski Material: General Odom File, box 59, Weekly Reports, 2/77-12/78
Foreign Relations of the United States, 1977–1980, Volume IV, National Security Policy (FRUS Document 98)
JCPL, Zbigniew Brzezinski Material - General Odom Files, box 7, Chron, 9/1/78-1/79
MDR request to Defense Department, under appeal at ISCAP
FOIA lawsuit, National Security Archive v. Department of State (17-cv-0770)
Department of State Chile Declassification Project
FOIA release to National Security Archive
RG 59, Files of Deputy Under Secretaries of State for Security Assistance, Science, and Technology Lucy W. Benson and Matthew Nimitz, box 9, Taiwan 1978