Virtual Reading Room

Patricio Alywin Presidential Archive at Alberto Hurtado University [transcribed typed version]; John Dinges collection, [handwritten pages]
Patricio Aylwin Presidential Archive at Alberto Hurtado University
Patricio Aylwin Presidential Archive at Alberto Hurtado University
Patricio Aylwin Presidential Archive at Alberto Hurtado University
RG 59, Records of Marshall Shulman, box 6, Secretary- Correspondence 1978, also published in FRUS
Initial inventory of Nixon Presidential Materials collection; copy at National Security Archive
NARA, Record Group 218, Joint Chiefs of Staff, George S. Brown File, Box 30, 385 Exercise Ivory Item
Foreign Relations of the United States, 1977–1980, Volume IV, National Security Policy (FRUS Document 52)
Argentina Declassification Project
National Security Archive Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR)
Obama 2015 Special Declassification on Letelier Case
RG 59, Department of State Records, George H. Aldrich Records, box 6, Human Rights in Armed Conflict 1978
RG 59, Department of State Records, George H. Aldrich Records, box 6, Human Rights in Armed Conflict 1978
Jimmy Carter Library through the Remote Archives Capture (RAC) program
RG 59, Records of Marshall Shulman, box 6, Secretary- Correspondence, also published in Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS), except for Soviet non-paper.
U.S. National Archives - Access to Archival Databases
U.S. National Archives - Access to Archival Databases
U.S. National Archives - Access to Archival Databases