Virtual Reading Room

Freedom of Information Act request by the National Security Archive
Freedom of Information Act request by the National Security Archive, released November 2003.
DOD Chile Declassification Project Tranche I (1973-1978)
DOD Chile Declassification Project Tranche I (1973-1978)
DOD Chile Declassification Project Tranche I (1973-1978)
National Security Archive Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR)
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, Ford Papers, White House Central Files, Agency Series, Box 19, Folder, FG6-2 CIA, 7/1/1975-9/30/1975."
National Security Archive Southern Cone Documentation Project
Argentina Declassification Project, April 2019
CIA FOIA Electronic Reading Room
Department of State Chile Declassification Project
RG 59, George H. Aldrich Records, box 7, Diplomatic Conference on Human Rights in Armed Conflict 1976
U.S. State Department, Argentina Declassification Project (1975-1984)
Department of State Reading Room Microfiche Collection
U.S. State Department, Argentina Declassification Project (1975-1984)