Virtual Reading Room

Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library [GRFPL], National Security Adviser, Memoranda of Conversations, box 2 Memoranda of Conversations – Nixon Administration
National Security Archive Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR)
RG 84, Records of U.S. Mission to IAEA, Classified and Unclassified Subject Files, 1959-1976, box 27, AE 13 ROC 1973
RG 84, Records of U.S. Mission to IAEA, Classified and Unclassified Subject Files, 1959-1976, box 27, AE 13 ROC 1973
NPL, NSC Files, Henry Kissinger Office Files, box 63, Exchange with the UK ‐ SLBMs [1 of 2]
National Archives of Australia (FOIA request)
NPL, NSC Files, Henry A. Kissinger Office Files, box 64, Exchanges with the U.K.-Other, July 12, 1973 [1 of 3]
NPL, NSC Files, Henry Kissinger Office Files, box 63, Exchanges with the UK- Nuclear