Virtual Reading Room

Richard Nixon Library, Higby Chron, Staff Member and Office Files-Haldeman
FOIA lawsuit, National Security Archive v. Department of State (17-cv-0770)
NPL, NSC Files, Henry A. Kissinger Office Files, box 62, U.K. MemCons 1973 Jan.-April
NPL, NSC Files, Henry Kissinger Office Files, Box 63, Exchange with the UK-SLBMs
DNSA; from RG 59, Subject-Numeric Files, 1970-73, Top Secret Files, box 11, POL U.K. Word having reached the State Department about Kissinger’s back-channel discussions with the British, Department officials weighed in on the major options under consideration. Johnson recommended to Kissinger against giving “either an affirmative or a negative decision on the sale of POSEIDON to the UK.” Whether to proceed with Super Antelope or to acquire Poseidon RVs was still being debated in London and the debate needed to run its course. Moreover, Washington needed to “weigh the substantial contribution to our own Balance of Payments position which the sale of POSEIDON would represent against the undesirable effects of the release of this sophisticated weapons technology.” Yet the sale could have adverse implications for the SALT process, e.g., no-transfer concerns. Finally, if the U.S. said “no” it would raise the question whether the U.S. was terminating the “special relationship.” The State Department recommended a “warm, sympathetic but noncommittal response to a Heath request for POSEIDON” as the best way to “advance US interests at this point.”
CIA Freedom of Information Act Release.
CIA Freedom of Information Act Release.
White House Tape 036-018
RG 59, Subject-Numeric Files, 1970-1973, DEF 12
CIA Freedom of Information Act Release.
RG 59, Subject-Numeric Files, 1967-1969. FSE 13 Chinat
RG 84, Records of U.S. Mission to IAEA, Classified and Unclassified Subject Files, 1959-1976, box 15, China, Republic of AE-13
National Archives of Australia (FOIA request)
National Security Archive Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR)