Virtual Reading Room

DNSA, The Kissinger Telephone Conversations: A Verbatim Record of U.S. Diplomacy, 1969-1977.
DNSA, The Kissinger Telephone Conversations: A Verbatim Record of U.S. Diplomacy, 1969-1977.
Digital National Security Archive (DNSA), The Kissinger Telephone Conversations: A Verbatim Record of U.S. Diplomacy, 1969-1977.
Digital National Security Archive
NSCF, box 1007, Haig Vietnam Files, Vol. 1 (Jan - March 1969)
NSCF, box 1007, Haig Vietnam Files, Vol. 1 (Jan - March 1969)
FBI FOIA File No. 117-2564, documents 304 and 305, the former released in less redacted form on September 28, 2009 per FOIPA No. 1091168-000.
Nixon Presidential Library, NSC Files, President's Daily Briefings, box 2, Folder: President's Daily Briefs February 9-14, 1969 (1 of 2)
Nixon Presidential Library, NSC Files, President's Daily Briefings, box 2, Folder: President's Daily Briefs February 9-14, 1969 (1 of 2)
Richard M. Nixon Presidential Library, NSC Files, box 955, Haig Chron Feb. 1-15, 1969 (1 of 2)
FBI File No. 117-2564, document 270, released in less redacted form on September 28, 2009 per FOIPA No. 1091168-000.
RG 128, Records of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, Subject Files, Box 16, Foreign Activities- Israel 1957-1976
FBI FOIA File No. 117-2564, document 268, released in less redacted form on September 28, 2009 per FOIPA No. 1091168-000.
Drosnin FOIA, DoD Reading Room
NARA, Records of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Record Group 218 [RG 218], JCS Chairman Files (Earle Wheeler), box 169, folder: White House Memos (1969)