Virtual Reading Room

RG 383, Director's Office NPT Files, box 7, Memorandum of Conversation
RG 59, Records of Secretary of State Dean Rusk, Miscellaneous Files, 1961-1968, box 68, Memoranda for the Record
National Archives, RG 373, Entry UD-05D 60, Box 4
RG 84, Entry P 339, Jakarta Embassy Files, Box 38 (Dummy Box), Folder 5
Defense Technical Information Center
National Archives, RG 59 (Department of State), 1967-1969 Central Foreign Policy Files, Box 3023
Foreign Relations of the United States, 1964–1968, Volume XXXI, South and Central America; Mexico, Document 439
U.S. National Archives, Department of State Records (RG 59), Subject Numeric Files, 1967-1969, BG Moscow 13
NARA, U.S. Department of State Records, Record Group 59 (RG 59), Subject Numeric Files, 1967-1969, BG Moscow 13; also published in U.S. State Department, Foreign Relations of the United States 1964-1968, Volume XIV, Document 236.
Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library, Alain Ethoven Papers, box 5, Summary Memos and Comments, 1967
Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library, Lyndon B. Johnson Daily Diary Collection
National Archives, RG 373, Entry UD-05D 60, Box 4
RG 84, Entry P 339, Jakarta Embassy Files, Box 38 (Dummy Box), Folder 5
CIA Historical Review Program.
RG 59, Entry UD-UP 141, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Reports Coordination and Review Staff, Intelligence Reports, 1961, 1963-67, box 2, IN-400-499 1967
RG 383, Director's Office NPT Files, box 5, United States Non-Proliferation 1967 Book #4