Virtual Reading Room

RG 84, Entry P 339, Jakarta Embassy Files, Box 14, Folder 7 pol 23-9 September 30th Mvt, dec 1-31, 1965
RG 59, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Reports, Coordination and Review Staff, Intelligence Reports, 1961, 1963-67, box 5, Chrons/Nov 1965 IN's
RG 84, Entry P 339, Jakarta Embassy Files, Box 14, Folder 4 pol 23-9 September 30th Mvt November 1-9, 1965
University of California Libraries
RG 84, Entry P 339, Jakarta Embassy Files, Box 14, Folder 4 pol 23-9 September 30th Mvt November 1-9, 1965
Lyndon B. Johnson Library, National Security File, Country File, Latin America, Box 55, "British Guiana Vol II [2 of 3]."
RG 59, Executive Secretariat Briefing Books, 1958-1976, box 10, Book # 115, The Case for An American Lead to Establish a Collective Nuclear System, 1965
RG 59, Subject-Numeric Files, 1964-1966, DEF 18-6
RG 84, Entry P 339, Jakarta Embassy Files, Box 14, Folder 1-POL 23-9 Rebellion Coup 30 September Movement Oct.20-25, 1965
RG 84, Entry P 339, Jakarta Embassy Files, Box 14, Folder 1-POL 23-9 Rebellion Coup 30 September Movement Oct.20-25, 1965
RG 84, Entry P 339, Jakarta Embassy Files, Box 14, Folder 5 pol 23-9 Sept 30th Mvt Nov 10-19 1965
RG 59, Bureau of European Affairs, NATO and Atlantic Politico-Military Affairs. Records Relating to NATO, 1959-1966, box 6, Def 12 Nuclear NATO 1963-1965
RG 84, Entry P 339, Jakarta Embassy Files, Box 38 (Dummy Box), Folder 3
Drosnin FOIA, DoD Reading Room
RG 59, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Reports Coordination and Review Staff, Intelligence Reports, 1961, 1963-67, box 4, Chron/Sept.1965 Research Memos and Chron/Oct 1965 Research Memos
RG 84, Entry P 339, Jakarta Embassy Files, Box 4, Folder 7 pol 23-9 rebellion. Coups. 30th September Movement 1965
U.S. Embassy in Mexico, Confidential cable
Defense Technical Information Center