Virtual Reading Room

Air Force Declassification Office
CIA FOIA Electronic Reading Room
Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library, John McCone Papers, Box 1, Folder, “Meetings with President 11/23/1963 - 12/27/1963.”
Library of Congress, Averill Harriman Papers
Lyndon B. Johnson Library, Lyndon B. Johnson Papers, National Security File, Intelligence File, Box 5, Folder, "British Guiana Special File."
RG 218, Maxwell Taylor Papers, box 1, CM-1051-63 -- CM-1102-63
Lyndon B. Johnson Library, Lyndon B. Johnson Papers, National Security File, Intelligence File, Box 5, Folder, "British Guiana Special File."
RG 59, Records of Executive Secretariat. The Secretary's and Undersecretary's Memoranda of Conversations, 1953-1964, box , Sec Memcons. December 1963
Record Group 319, Entry NM-3 47-R3, Box #16, NARA
Record Group 319, Entry NM-3 47-R3, Box #16, NARA
John F. Kennedy School of Government Case Study; from original at Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum
Air Force Declassification Office
Air Force Declassification Office
Record Group 330, Records of the Department of Defense, Office of the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense (Atomic Energy), Accession 69-A-2243, "AW- Ecological Study, Volumes I and II"