Virtual Reading Room

RG 218, Maxwell Taylor Chairman Files, box 1, CMs
Courtesy Luke A. Nichter.
JFKL: Roger Hilsman Papers, b. 4, “White House Meetings 8/26/63-10/29/63, State Memoranda.”
JFK Papers: NSF: Country File, b. 204, f.: “Vietnam: Subjects: Top Secret Cables (Tab C) 10/3-10/27/63.”
Record Group 330, Records of the Department of Defense, Office of the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense (Atomic Energy), Accession 69-A-2243, "AW- Ecological Study, Volumes I and II"
JFK Papers: NSF: Country File: b. 204, f.: “Vietnam Subjects: Top Secret Cables (Tab C) 10/3-10/27/63.”
JFKPapers: NSF: Country File: b. 204, f.: “Vietnam: Subjects: Top Secret Cables (Tab C) 10/3-10/27/63.”
RG 59, Central Decimal Files, 1960-1963
RG 59, Policy Planning Council Records, 1963-1964, box 275, S/P Papers Chicom Nuclear Detonation and Nuclear Capability Policy Planning Statement. 10/15/1963
RG 59, Office of the Counselor, 1955-77, box 2, HS Chron File July thru Dec 1963
JFKL, NSF, box 187, USSR, Gromyko Talks, President
Center for National Security Studies FOIA request.
JFK Papers: NSF: Country File, b.200, f.: Vietnam 10/6—10/14/63, CIA Reports.”
RG 59, Records of the Bureau of Intelligence and Research [INR], Reports Coordination and Review Staff, Intelligence Reports,1961, 1963-67, box 3, Chron Sept. '63.
CIA FOIA Electronic Reading Room