Virtual Reading Room

Record Group 59, Department of State Records, U.S. National Archives (RG 59), Records of Executive Secretariat. Middle East Crisis Files, 1967, box 1, Memoranda, and Statements Concerning US Security Commitments and the State of Israel 1948 through 1967 [2/2]
RG 218, Maxwell Taylor Files, box 37, Nassau/Jupiter/Skybolt/MLF (Folder # 2)
National Archives, Records of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Record Group 218 (RG 218), Maxwell Taylor Files, box 36, Nassau/Jupiter/Skybolt/MLF (Folder # 1)
John F. Kennedy Presidential Library, National Security Files, box 120, Countries, Italy General, 12/1/62-12/31/62
John F. Kennedy Presidential Library
MDR request to U.S. Air Force
John F. Kennedy Library, National Security Files box 228, NATO, Weapons, Nassau Basic Documents, 12/19/62-2/7/63 folder 1 of 2. Expurgated version published in U.S. Department of State, Foreign Relations of the United States, 1961-1963, Volume XIII, Western Europe and Canada (Washington, D.C., Government Printing Office, 1994), document 402.
F. K. Library, National Security Files, box 228, NATO, Weapons, Nassau Basic Documents,12/19/62-2/7/63, folder 1/2. Expurgated version published in Foreign Relations of the United States, 1961–1963, XIII, Western Europe and Canada(Washington, D.C., Government Printing Office, 1994), doc.402
U.S. Navy Freedom of Information Act Release
RG 59, Records of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Politico-Military Affairs, Subject Files, 1961-1963. Box 2. Memoranda (5 of 5)
RG 59, Records of the Policy Planning Staff for 1962, box 232, China
John F. Kennedy Presidential Library, National Security Files, box 307, Meetings with the President, General-June to December 1962
RG 59, Conference Files, box 305, CF 2198, NATO Ministerial Meeting/Paris/12-13/63 Memcons
National Archives, Record Group 326, Records of the Atomic Energy Commission [RG 326], Division of Biology and Medicine, Technical Analysis Branch Correspondence and Related Records 1962-1971 [TAB], box 1, Biological and Environmental Consequences of Nuclear War Folder No. 1 1962
RG 59, Central Decimal Files 1960-1963, 751.5611/12-1062
JFKL: JFKP: National Security File, Meetings and Memoranda, Box 319, Folder, “Special Group (Augmented) 10/62-12/62.”
Foreign Relations of the United States, 1961–1963, American Republics; Cuba 1961–1962; Cuban missile crisis and aftermath, volumes x/xi/xii, microfiche supplement