Virtual Reading Room

RG 59, Executive Secretariat, Daily Staff Summary, 1944-1971, box 45, Daily Staff Summary, Top Secret, June 1960
RG 59, CDF, 611.657/6-2160
RG 59, Bureau of European Affairs, Office of Atlantic Political and Military Affairs, Records Relating to NATO, 1957-1964, Box 5, Turkey 144B Agreement
Record Group 84. Records of Foreign Service Posts. U.S. Mission to International Organizations in Vienna. International Atomic Energy Agency. Classified Files, 1957-1963, box 18, Safeguards April 1 - June 30, 1960
RG 59, Central Decimal Files, 1960-1963, 611.5673/5-3160
RG 218, Records of JCS Chairman Nathan Twining, box 39, Chairman’s Messages (Nov 59-July 1960) (2 of 3)
RG 218, Records of JCS Chairman Nathan Twining, box 39, Chairman’s Messages (Nov 59-July 1960) (2 of 3)
RG 218, Records of JCS Chairman Nathan Twining, box 39, Chairman’s Messages (Nov 59-July 1960) (2 of 3)
RG 218, Records of JCS Chairman Nathan Twining, box 39, Chairman’s Messages (Nov 59-July 1960) (2 of 3)
Record Group 84. Records of Foreign Service Posts. U.S. Mission to International Organizations in Vienna. International Atomic Energy Agency. Classified and Unclassified Subject Files, 1962-1972, box 18, Safeguards April 1 - June 30, 1960
SAE, box 304, 12H Peaceful Uses Subject File 18 Safeguards April-August 1960, Part 1 of 3
International Atomic Energy Agency
Navy Archives, Flag Officers "Dope," CNO Personal Newsletter and Memorandum Feb-July 1960
Department of Energy MDR release
SAE, box 304, 12H Peaceful Uses Subject File 18 Safeguards April-August 1960, Part 1 of 3