UNCLASSIFIED TELEx 'CN Mr Colby Secretary Kissinger Septenber 20 1974 8 05 am K What is that sy Herst scic RELEASED IN PART BS story toaay Did t ie do it C He called ne yesterday •• - K I am not asking you what the truckers strike C We did not sy Herst did Did or did we not supp rt He refers to 1972 K The President has said pmlicly we only supported the i olitical parties C 'lbat is the point I na de_•• on the A B C•• K I am getting sick and tired of the way the Intelligence camtunity ••• if this keeps up t ie'll have to talk to the President to see how to keep it under control The President said and I said that we only supported the political i arties Now you say the A B C story C No I said we gave it to the p litical parties We· gave it to the parties to sustain than They did not put it in the bank but what they did with it I don't know K We did not give than noney then C Not to the truckers no K Did we know it w uld go to the truckers C I don't know K Did we Jdm did the 40 Carmi ttee kncM C No because the m mey I'll have to check was given to the parties K It is incredible how the Intelligence Ccmmmity can talk so much C I don't kn OW' who the source is K The 40 can n ittee has existed for years •• the SOB leaders in this country know this is the case and they are all letting us take it as though this is a scandal UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF STATE REVIEW AUTHORITY ROBERT L FUNSETH DATE CASE ID 22 FEB 2005 200102979 UNCLASSIFIED __ ' UNCLASSIFIED -2C We gave supp rt •••• I indicated yesterday that I did not use the word destabilization and it is not a fair representation of our policy and I stick to it My p int is if the President says saoothing and I say it and it isthen made out to be a lie K C But it isn't We gave m mey to the political p trties ••but it is not a •• of destabilization K We did not k ncM this C Let ire check I knOlrl we didn't do it in 73 I knew that the idea was suggested and turned down It alleges that in the fall of 72 airong the ones sustained were the organizers of the truckers strike I am sure we did not give ••• K Did it go before the 40 camdttee C No the 40 K Thank you camdttee approved giving it to the political parties BS UNCLASSIFIED
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