8 101077 15 November 1954 MEMORANDUM FOR DIRECTOR CENTRAL '1NTELLICENCE VJA Deputy Director Plane SUDJECT Project MKULTRA Subproject 35 1 This project con erns cover £or the DD P TSS biological and chemical warfare program and involves an expenditure of $1Z5 000 by CIA and the resultant expenditure of an additional equa amount in matching funds by another element of the Government In the opinion of the undersigned this total investment 0£ $250 000 is fully justified because of bene its t the Ar ency outlined in Tab A 2 Tab A describes a prcposed arrangement whereby the Agency 4 would make a single non-recurring grant o $125 000 to the D Hospital or the construction of a new research wing using the as cutout Agency-uponsored rcaec1rch projects in these sensitive ielda would be carried out in the new wing and Agency employees woulci be able to participate in the work without the Un1versity being aware of CI -int reat Each p r o j e l y funded under existing p ocedurc J ueit the tJ' cut-out _ B · WI • S B 3 • The Hospital will not be aware o Agency p trticipation in either the building £und or future researc '1 projcct J Thia Agc ncy is alno cncouragin3 th l J b to make a contribution of $500 0 0 to0the same construction und The Hospital will be aware of the clonation but not of our encouragement • _ •m TIA 4 Project Ml ULTRA as previously approved by the DCI sets up controls and procedures under which TSS spends a pez-centage of its annual Research and Development budg or highly sensitive projects in certain fields _tncluding covert biological chemical and radiological warfare The establir1hmcnt o the cover to be provided by Subproject 35 was not in mind when Project MKULTRA Copy f of 2 copies 99 3_-_-· RELEASEO--- -_ _ _P_R 1 _ ··-- -- • - - ---- _ - -- __ _ _ _ _ - - - --- • _ • • I I • I' T S 101077 was o riginally approv d z nd permioaion b th c or now rcquec ted to uae it ol' this purpooc No new funds are req1 ired and all « doting MY ULTRA control id a11dit p·oct duu remain unchanged Tab B attached io a mcmor indum to the DD A for your eignature authorizin 6 thi3 procedure ohould it receive your approval • ' Chief DD P TSS Attachment11 Z Tab A • Outline of Plan T S 101077 A Tab B - Suggested Mereorandum to D J A or signa tu re T S 101077B APPROVZD Date Dbt ib• 1tfon Covy C 1 v 4tt'lchments ' and 1cr 1 ' il ' ·• 1 J •j• ' --------- DCI for api'roval then •e urn io l'SS OC p-t y Z w attachmcnt A - TS CD - I - f _ - A Dh'cctor C ntral Intdliz encc - Copy _d _ of Z copies 1 - - T S 101077A 'tab A - R _ ·1 DUDPROJECT 35 • PROJECT MKULTRA For the purpose o establishing a cover oi-ganl3atlon or highly senoitfve projects in the icld ·o covert Biolosical Chemical and Radioloqical 'Tarfare ii - 1 I Il - i · I Background of Project MK ULTRA b1 I In 1953 the DCI approved Project vi KULTRA which eotablished procedures and controls under which research projects in certain highly sensitive ields could be carried out by TSS without the necess of signing the usual contracts The approved procedures apply to of the annual over-all Research and Development budget and no additional unda are required Controls established in the iroject Review Committee approval of tqe Research and Development program other than the signing of a c- ntract remain unchanged and special provisfons for idit are included All files are retained by TSS ' I d I• 't fi I l I i f-f f When Project MKULTRA was approved it was not contemplated that it would be used for the establishmeni of cover Over forty individual research and development projects have been established under this t'ramework and have been carried out extremely successfully both rom technical and administrative points of view 'The experience gained in h indling these projects has emphasized that establishment of better cover both for the projects and or associated Agency acicntilts ts o utmost importance Subproject 35 would establish euch cover f I I I • •- Cnpy 11 _d_ of 2 copie• i ffRfS I ' L I These pr- cedures and controls were approved since it is highly undeoirable from a policy and security point of view that co ltracts be sign d indicating Agency or Government interest in this field 0£ endeavor In a great many instances the work muat be conduct d by individuals who are not and should not be aware o Agency in erest In other cases the individuals involved are unwilling to have- their name6 on a contract which remaina out o their control in our ilea Experience has shown that qualified competent individuals in the field c£ physiological psychiatric and other biological sciences are very reluctant to enter into signed agreements of any sort which would co ect them with this activity since such connection might oeriously jeopardize their professional reputations - Z Tvt - APR 1993 I' ·t RELEASED ------ ' · ' - t • I T S 101077A The was incorporated in in the Dtn tc of _ It has a Doa _d o Directors of oix members one ol whom is Dr • _ who acts as Executive Director o the 1- und Since it hJ a aoHcited unda from various individuals to finance a program o basic rctearch in the chemotherapy of cancer c sthma hypertencion psychosomatic diaordcrs and other chronic di leases Since 1951 the Fund ha cc -opcr itcd with t he Chemical Division of TSS azm acted srnoofoly and cificiently both c1s a cut-out or dealing with contractora in the ield3 0£ covert chemical and biological warfare and as a prime contractor or certain nrc u o biological research Projects presently being handled or the gtrnc · by the Fund are administered unrler the controls and proccclures previously ap_ roved for 1viKULTRA c III Dr · s internationally known as a · in the iclJ 3 c a c r r Jearch and is i rofossor o ' '• 1n tl c paot he has b l n ansociotcd in · ' a rcst arch capacity vith bvth the and the _ _ University During the war Dr served as· in ·the Bureau 0£ 1 edicine and Zurgery m the Navy Since then he has maintained con 1ul ing relationship lo the Havy medical resc n·ch Jrogr m D r TO S ZCRET clt arcd an l witting o P ency sponsorehip o the pro -ams cai-ried out by the Funcl as are two other m mhers o t 1e nd 1 s Board 0£ Directors • C I • • • IV H spital Duilding Fund -·- c • Dr a Pro essor of Pafoology at t3 a s been actively mgai cd in a camr aign lo rai e fond J · for the purpose of erecting a new clinical rc carch ving on lhe ci- ting Hospital ihe r e s e r will coosii t of a building high _ l o n g and w i d e • • • o the space will he research laboratories and offices while research beds will occupy the remainder D r - r t i c i - _ pa tion fa the fund-raising campaig -i outlined below will result in hia having control of one-sixth of the total space in addition to· the base- 3 6 Copy if -2• 0 ·· ' · • r c r ·· · • • • A_ of 2 c ipfos L e _ tY - I ·• l _ • n- nt and 'nc -al 01Jt-pati nt faciUtlen In thh e 9rt Dr las sccu - d the ent tustantlc support o the mP dical faculty and the o llccr o the University w' 10 have carried the prelfminary nrrans mcnto oll'ward to the maximum o tc nt o their resourcc s v Flnancfal Situation 6 • ft The University will require abo t $3 000 000 for the addition This tum i J r xclusive o the cost 0£ land and the heating and power UJ ply which are alre idy available at the site At the present time under Public 1 Law Z2i undo are available to rr atch fonds raised by the University The Unlverslty bas a1loc2 t d $1 000 000 to this prpject ar d will assume upkeep and sta iner obligations Dr llliiiias agreed th it i CIA w¼tl prov de the · r int of $123 000 the Fund will 6 mat- i this aJ'l ount and make n tot 1 donation o $Z i0 000 tn the Unive' t'eity B · 1i1 lng 1u 1d This Agency's contribution will be made 11nder the con• dition that it will be re unded if construction does not take place C SS has disc sF ed thi situ2tion with Mr Chairman C • •• and bas encou agcd the donate $500 000 to the building roject on he b radiological reoearch will be conducted in the new wing f fr - -cbough aware o our interest in the buildin is unwitting o our spe i ic iclds of rcocarch and individual projects 1n oummary the financial situation would be as follows ••• 9 to $1 000 000 - Provided by ZS0 000 - Donation ron $125 000 aupplied by CIA 1 ZSO 000 • _ ' itched fonds from Public Law 221 500 000 - Grant from L 3 000 UUO - TOT AL · 8 Although lt ta recogni ed that the Federal contribution o $1 Z50 000 under P L 221 ls seemingly in t'lated by t eason of the inc luaion 0£ the CIA contribution in that o the····••••ll lctually the value to the CIA is $250 000 and not juet $125 000 the amount of CIA'a contribution urt · crmorc the lncluaion of the CIA contribution in that of the · 3 the beet method of maintaininfi sf curity 1 1111111 Copy -3- ' ' - fWIIO •· T O 0 0 -· • --· l -A _ o 2 copies 0 r ' Jt I • • ✓ # f T S 101077 A VJ Di tcultletJ Faced by TSS It has been generally recognized or some time that the extcrna research ictivitles cf the Chemical Dlvision o TSS in the ield o ccvert biological chemical and radiolo ical warfare are eorely in need o proper cover Although Projt ct '-'1' ULTaA prcvides excellent admlnlstrati'✓ e ar d innncial cover or projects it does not 3f ord cover or ecicnU k or technl al p rsonnel M¥ 9LTP i h ls been u ed for dealing throuih the as a cut-out and for v orkinr t l y with individuals orprivMe companies he u'le o the - i n the uture will be inci-eaeingly lhnlted due to ai The increasing number o people who albeit properly cleared a-re aware o the Arrency connection with the b A c C The feeling b that the Agency e c o Gottlieb etc have no · cover of any sort and on equently expose him to unnP cciisary and highly undcsfrable persona ri 4k and The wiclesprcad intra-Agency awareness of the nature of the relationship between the Fund and the Agency Another serious problem faced by TSS CD as a result o lack 0£ uit• able cover is the cH iculty in plannin careers for tt chnical and scientific personnel in the biological icld A long-1 ·ange career concept o lctivitics in this i lc l inevitably includ s proper cov1 r for the individual concerned mhc availability 0£ reuearc·h facilitieo at the ·J ospital will offer an exccUee opportunity to 9olve many ol the abdve JJrobl ir s and Dr - - 1s willing and able to make any reasonabla arrc nl' ements to t1uit our nced J Up o t rce Chemical Division• employees can be in c gratcd into Dr program lor work in Ute n w hos1 ital win on the Agency's rescarcb projects 1 lthough career pbnning was not a consideration when planning the procedurP s and controls csbblished by Project Mi ULTRA nevertheless this varti ular sub rojcct in addition to its primary objective will be of very great accondary h lp Cof y -4- I_- o Z cople s -· I · T S 101077 A tn elmpU yln and eUmtnatln3 many ot the very a• kward and danserouo c ondlUons acing certain Chemical Divf sf en employees VU Advanbges and Dcne Us J' ccruing to TSS The contemplated arrangements will result in many advantages and benelite including the following a b One-sixth o the total space in the new research wing is to be available to Dr Sind in turn wiU be available to the Chemical Divfaion o 1'SS Thi will provide laboratory ar£d o ice space technical agohtants equipment and experimental animals for uoe ol Chemical Division personnel in connection with specific future projects The cost o Chemical Division rojccts which are to b·e card d out und r tr is cover will be covered by uncls made av ilablc through Project UI ULTR and projects will be subject to t 1e procedures and controls establbhcd or Ml ULT RA The L unclf wi ll be pasi ed throu h ihc · o as has be n dor c in the past The Fand in turn will either pay c p nses directly or transfer the money to the University or this purpose Each project will b inclivi du illy funded based on its particular budget and there will be no other continuing or recurring charges or items Guch as opa·ce facilities etc 411111 c The Agency's sponsorship of sensitive research projecta would be completely doniabl si11ce no connection would exist between the Univcrcity and the l gency d Excellent professional cover would be provided for up to three bio-chemical employees of the Chemical Diviaion o TSS Thi-s would altow O iJCD attendanca at scicnti ic meetings the idvancement o personal standing in the flcicnti ic world and as such would constitute a major efficiency and · o Cb r w _ 1 1 • - 9 T -5- Copy ##d of 2 copies I • W • _ 1 'IJ' • f I I • I 'tii morale booster • T 101077 A Human patients and voluntccra for experimental use will be available under excellent clinical conditions with the ull supervision of th Hospital 0 g There would be a vailabl2 the equivalent of a hos ital sa ehou ic - I lt is expected th t the out ut o uset'ul results of the Chemical Division in the bio-chemical ield will be greatly improved through the more efficient use o tl chnica l personnel who would be able to s end mo e o their time on actual laboratory work h i j Ex cllcnt facilities would be provldc l or rccruitini new ccientific pcroonnel sinct members o th Cher deal Division w u• dng under this cover ·11ill be in daily contact with m mbers of the Graduate School of the University · • The regular Univeraity library and reprint service will be available as a anurce ol technical lr or rr ation Vllt Fundin fi It ls proposed thJ t $125 000 be granted to the - U approval is zr inted TS$ will rranr e tor paym r t to ue n- ade under the procedures and cont -ols 0£ ULTRA These funds would come out o ·the pres ntly ap 1 roved T 3 Research nnd Devdopinent budget for FY 1955 and no new fond are involved 8 Tb unda would be 3 errf l as a sr nt to t h _ _ In turn t•1e d _ will match thci c funds with an equal amount and donate a total · of $Z5o 000 to the University as 01 tlined in paragraph V The sum o $125 000 tould be entirely in the ruiture 0£ a grant and would in due c iibt· i£ e ' '--'• ' ' -6- Copy U e1 _ of 2 copies - T S l010i7A coiJree be merged with the entire 3 OCO 000 rals c l or the confjtructlon o the wing The l gcncy would retain no rc oldual lnte rcst in tho building or tide to any equipment or acUitica purchai d with thh money H Thia singfo grant will co stitute the Agency's entire partici 1 ation in the n w Jiovpital wing and there wilrhc n £ 1 cc 1Jrrtni t t Htationo in the form oi annual support 0£ the hor pital or dditbnal f rant3 'franamtssion o gency fonds to the I 2 Im111rn11 will be made through i r vi usly c tablia _cd cov r _ cha mcl J set u by t 1e I QR or similar transr nitta ls in the pant The don ition on the Fund's books will be s - wn as havbi been received £r 1m an ar onymous trust in · B g In the uture when TSS 1r onso1·s _a cnsiti_ve reG jrch Frojects which are to be carried out in the _ ·Ital c h project will be indivi al y in ince thrct 3h the o it as been in the past in accor fo nce v ith prcviousl c ota lurnt d r- roccuarea and contr' h uoinr allotted portion of th annu il rtP Scn -ch and Development budget ThC Ur versity wi 11 be tot illy ttm· itting of Agency sponsorship ar d _ _ o every outward app- lt'ance will ue sponsored by Dr C C In the event of Dr l ath the Fund will continue in being and any acti- itfas nder fois project will be continued through the Fund and will be una ccted by hh death IX Mcrr orandur of Agreement C A memorandum of i greemcnt wiJt be si n d wfth Or outltni ig to the gr atr 1 t extent poasiblc th'- arranicmcnts under which the bospifal Jp lc ur rlcr his control will be made avail -iblc to Chemical Division per Jonnel and the rr anncr iu which cover will be rovid 1 an l other btine it obtained No cor t ·nct will be sir ncd 6incc D r - C would be u 1 hl to -dkct any the f ency's contr ictual terms in hi i arrangem mt 1 with the University when thr · akes the Jonation in qucstfon The memorandum o a 6 reemcnt ill be' fatainl d in TSS X Security All security matters and details are beinG co-ordinated with the TSS Liaison and Security Office • l • I Co y II o 2 copies -7- ' XI • S 101077A Rcaultant Financial Gavlng The $125 000 to be contributed by CIA plu• the $1ZS 000 in matching widl provided under P L 221 to the BuUdin1 Fund wUl be more tban ollset fn a ew years by the savings which will result rom ug ot this non•pro lt fund Jt a research project at or other educat onal non-pro it inotitutfon hi sponsored by the tJ s Oovernment it l• customary tor the Oov rnment to 9ay' or salaries c 8 eu pliea etc and or overhead as well In the case olthe overhead amounts to 80% ol eal ies However fl a non• · profit foundation such as the sponsors research at a 1 non-profit institution the u work are customarily used to pay or salarl4 s equipment and supplies but no or overhead The CiovernmC nt dollar thus buys considerably more research through the - - - - a n would be the c se ii no cut-out were used XII - • I A Legal lfatters This matter has been discussed with Mr 0£ the O iice of Oeneral Counsel and he ia fully aware' all details s1 1rrounding this grant • • Copy II d_ o 2 copies a ALTERNATE VERSION FOLLOWS I 1 5 November 1954 · MEMORANDUM FOR DIRECTOR CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE VIA Deputy Director Plans SUBJECT Proj ect MKULTRA Subproject 35 1 This project concerns cover for the DD P TSS biological and chemical warfare program and i-nvolves an expenditure of $125 000 by CIA and he resultant expenditure of an additional equal amount in matching funds by another element of the Government In the opinion of the undersigned this total investment of $250 000 is fully justified because of benefits to the Agency outlined in T ab A 1l l 1 J _t j · 2 Tab A describes a proposed arrangement whereby the gency would make a single non-recurring grant of $125 000 to the or the _construc tion of a new rese a rch v ing using UftlUlffli'WiiDB CZMa11a as cutout Agency-sponsored research projects in t hese sensitive fields would be carried out in the new wing and Agency e_mpioyees v•ould be able to participate in the work without the University being a wa e of CIA interest Each proje ct would be separat ely funded under exi s ting procedures using l f i as cut-out lJ - --- Uf l i 1 1 • 3 3 - will not be aware o f Agency participation in either the building fund or fut ure research projects This Agency is also encouraging the 4t aar 17 __ 11111 - to make a contribution of $5 0 0 000 to the same construc tion fund The Hospital will be awat e of donation but _ Ji not o f o u r encouragement 3 -i - 4 Project lvU ULTRA as previously app ro ved by the DCI sets up controls and procedures under which TSS pends a percentage of its a nnual Rcs arch and Development budset for highly sensit ive pro je cts in certain fields including covert biological chemical and radiolog ical warfare The establishment of the cover to be provi ded by Subprojec t 35 was not in mind when Project lviKULTRA Copy # of 2 c op i es ·••r l t J r - o - · • ·1 1J1 - ' • • - I • - -· ·--• 1·1tv o - •· · · 1 1 - -7 1 _ - - vi' O 1 • - ___ · l __· - - ·--·-- -· · ___ _____ - --- o3 5 k I f was originally approved and permission is thel'efore now requested to use it for this purpose No new funds are r equi red and all existing l'vll ULTRA controls and audit procedures remain unchanged Tab B attached is a memorandum to the DD A for your s ignature authorizing this procedure should it receive your approval · · • f ·C Chief DD P TSS Atta hments 2 Tab A - Outline of Plan T S 101077A signature T S 1 01077B Tab B - Suggested Memorandum to DD A for Date --------- gr rJ-Date · -· ' - - - ------ D irector C-' Jtra ence -Distri tion opy If- 1 w attachments A and B - DCI for approval then r et J -n to TSS OC •· · - led to V ' ''T''k Copy# 2 w attachment A - TSS CD · ---s ' Orl ty of L 1 u WI ' 1 87475 ' '••·10 -7 •· • V -· - '7 'J I -··· _ - - ------ ' ·-· BY 37 75 1 ¥ v JYL - t - I r - -Z- C py fl _j_ o _ -- -' r ' --I ___ 2 copil s
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