Document 02
This document outlines the basic concepts of information warfare and gives an overview of implementation as of 1996.

Document 01
This document outlines Saudi Arabia's information security objectives, frameworks, and infrastructure. The strategy document also makes recommendations related to implementation.

Document 03
This presentation assesses the DOD's ability to produce a clear budget estimate for cyber operations and concludes that budget difficulties are due to unclear organization and definitions.

Document 04
This document outlines Estonia's cyber defense capabilities, policies, and legal frameworks.

Document 05
This bulletin explained to law enforcement ways in which the "hidden internet" was being used by criminals.

Document 06
This report gives the history of Section 702, legal and policy assessments, and makes 10 recommendations addressing privacy concerns.

Document 07
This publication outlines procedures for cyberspace operations and examines emerging capabilities within the Marine Corps.

Document 08
This report examines social engineering as it relates to multi-layered information operations.

Document 09
This IG report examines the FBI's use of the "business record" provision of the Patriot Act.

Document 10
This report documents the results of a workshop by the same name and finds six themes in workshop discussions.

Document 11
This document notifies all departments and agencies in the executive branch of the issuance of a directive to discontinue use of Kaspersky products.

Document 12
This opinion gives the court's reasons for dismissing the class action lawsuit against the OPM for failing to control access to the personal information of federal employees.