The National Security Archive’s Cyber Vault Project is announcing the launch of the CyberWar Map. This resource is both a visualization of state-sponsored cyberattacks and an index of Cyber Vault documents related to each topic (represented as nodes on the map). Clicking on each node will reveal hyperlinks and document descriptions. In some cases where key analysis was done under copyright, the link will direct readers to sources external to the National Security Archive. In a few other cases nodes do not yet have documents to display. The CyberWar Map is a living research aid: documents and nodes will be added on a regular basis.
This is a particularly useful way of presenting information related to cyber actors, tools and incidents. The complexity of the field makes it increasingly challenging to conceptualize a “bird’s eye view” of the cyber-battlefield; therefore, the topic lends itself especially well to a dynamic graphic representation.

Note: Since each edition will have a new URL, bookmarking the CyberWar Map will not incorporate running updates. Please access this resource through the link on the Cyber Vault Project home page.