Virtual Reading Room

George H. W. Bush Library, Memoranda of Meetings and Telephone Conversations (Memcons/Telcons), Memorandum of Conversation
George H.W. Bush Presidential Library, National Security Archive FOIA
Mandatory Declassification Review request
George H. W. Bush Library, Record Group: Bush Presidential Records, Office: Scowcroft, Brent, Files, Series: Presidential Correspondence, Subseries: Presidential Memcons, File Location: Presidential Meetings – Memorandum of Conversations 3/3/92 – 4/28/92
Evgeny Primakov to President Yeltsin, "About Considerations of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation on the Issue of the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons," March 16, 1992
Freedom of Information Act release
Foreign Broadcast Information Service
Broadcast on Cuban Television on February 28, 1992, translated and published by the CIA’s Foreign Broadcast Information Service.
"Secretary Baker's Meeting with Russian President Yeltsin, January 29, 1992," State SECRET cable 059079, 26 Feb 92, declassified 2015
FOIA request to U.S. Air Force
State Archive of the Russian Federation, Fond 10026, Opis 5, delo 453
Freedom of Information Act request
Department of Defense Mandatory Declassification Review request. Published in William Burr, “’Prevent the Reemergence of a New Rival’: The Making of the Cheney Regional Defense Strategy 1991-1992,” National Security Archive Briefing Book 245