Virtual Reading Room

“The Carter Administration and the Arc of Crisis: Iran, Afghanistan and the Cold War in Southern Asia, 1977-1981,” briefing book for conference prepared by the National Security Archive
NARA Argentina Declassification Project, April 2019 release.
Jimmy Carter Presidential Library, NLC-96-122
RG 218, JCS Chairman David Jones Records, Box 28, 385 Exercise Ivory Item
Jimmy Carter Presidential Library, Walter F. Mondale Papers, box 112, Vice Presidential Chronological Files, 11/1978
Foreign Relations of the United States, 1977–1980, Volume IV, National Security Policy (FRUS Document 105)
Jimmy Carter Presidential Library (JCPL), National Security Adviser, Staff Material, North/South, Pakistan: Nuclear, 6/77-12/80.
National Security Council, Confidential Presidential Review Memorandum [extract]
DIA Freedom of Information Act Release.
Smith records, box 6, Ambassadorial Letters