Virtual Reading Room

National Security Archive Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR)
Foreign Relations of the United States, 1977–1980, Volume IV, National Security Policy (FRUS Document 93)
United Kingdom National Archives (TNA), Kew, United Kingdom, Records of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, file FCO/37/2113
RG 59, Department of State Records, George H. Aldrich Records, box 6, Human Rights in Armed Conflict 1978
FOIA lawsuit, National Security Archive v. Department of State (17-cv-0770)
RG 59, Department of State Records, George H. Aldrich Records, box 6, Human Rights in Armed Conflict 1978
RG 59, Files of Deputy Under Secretaries of State for Security Assistance, Science, and Technology Lucy W. Benson and Matthew Nimitz, box 9, Taiwan 1978
FOIA release to National Security Archive
National Security Archive Southern Cone Documentation Project
MDR request to State Department
MDR request to State Department
President Obama Argentina Declassification Project
Personal papers of John Hadden, Jr.
CIA Historical Collections Division AR 70-14