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President Obama Argentina Declassification Project [Tranche II]
RG 218, JCS Chairman David Jones Records, box 28, 385 Exercise Ivory Item
TsKhSD, Fond 89, Opis 76, Delo 28, pp. 1-9
President Obama Argentina Declassification Project
RG 218, JCS Chairman David Jones Records, box 28, 385 Exercise Ivory Item
The Carter Presidential Library
This memorandum discusses Soviet treatment of dissidents, as monitored by Joyce Starr. Aragon notes that the overall Soviet campaign against dissidents continues despite Carter's forceful public stance on human rights. He writes that if anything dissidents have become further shut out of Soviet society since Carter came to office. He specifically mentions the Helsinki group, and Slepak, Orlov, Shcharansky, Nadel and Ginzberg as dissidents in need of United States help. He goes in depth into the Slepak case and the state of his family, characterizing Slepak as the Soviet equivalent of a Martin Luther King, Jr. However, he writes that while the administration so far has made public statements in support of the dissidents, it has failed to act on the diplomatic level. Aragon concludes that Carter cares deeply about human rights, but that this reputation is at risk due to the failure of low-level officials to follow through on the initiatives outlined in the Helsinki Final Act. Aragon calls for a meeting in which he and others will discuss a course of action for the President.
RG 59, Department of State Records, George H. Aldrich Records, box 6, Human Rights in Armed Conflict 1978
CIA Freedom of Information Act Release.
President Obama Argentina Declassification Project
(Program Analysts & Evaluation) to Secretary of Defense, "Interim Report on the PD-18 Study Modernization of the ICBM Force -- ACTION MEMORANDUM," 26 June 1978, with "Introduction and Summary," "Paper # 2 Launch-Under-Attack," and "Paper #3 "The Strategic Options Matrix," attached, Top Secret, excised copy MDR request to Defense Department
Department of State Argentina Project