Virtual Reading Room

National Security Archive Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR)
Richard Nixon Presidential Library, PPS 325A VP Period, Secret Service Reports, 1959
FBI FOIA File No. 117-2564, document 520, released in less redacted form on September 28, 2009 per FOIPA No. 1091168-000.
RG 59, Records of Monroe Leigh, box 15, Secretary’s Papers and Records File 2
Church Committee, Supplementary Detailed Staff Reports on Intelligence Activities and the Rights of Americans, Book III, April 14, 1976. GPO. 1976.
Gerald Ford Presidential Library
Nicholas Steneck Papers, Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library
National Security Archive Cuba Dialogue collection
National Security Archive Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR)
RG 59, Records of Monroe Leigh, box 11, Unlabeled file
National Archives and Records Administration
National Archives and Records Administration
Southern Cone Documentation Project FOIA Request
RG 59, Office of the Counselor Helmut Sonnenfeldt, Country and Subject Files, Entry A1-5339A, Soviet Union- Jan-April 1976