Virtual Reading Room

NARA, JFK Assassination Records, GRFL, Rockefeller Commission, Testimony, Castro Speeches, and Rockefeller Files Inventory, Box 11, folder, "Testimony - 04/14/1975 (Chamberlain and Warner)."
National Security Archive Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR)
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, Rockefeller Commission, Parallel File, Box 5, Folder, "Assassination Materials (2) A-I (j)."
FOIA/National Security Archive Cuba Collections
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, Rockefeller Commission, Parallel File, Box 5, Folder, "Assassination Materials (2) A-I (j)."
National Archives, Department of State Records, Record Group 59 (RG 59), Records of Monroe Leigh, box 2, Chronological File 1975 (January-April 1975)
RG 59, AAD, MDR release by State Department from P-reels
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, Rockefeller Commission, Parallel File, Box 5, Folder, "Assassination Materials (2) A-I (j)."
NARA, JFK Assassination Records, GRFL, Rockefeller Commission, Mr. Hunt, Clapper, Baker, Weidner, Gellhorn, etc., Box 10, Folder, "CC-H (II-B) Clark Clifford Interview."
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, Rockefeller Commission, Parallel File, Box 5, Folder, "Assassination Materials (2) A-I (j)."
Sneider records, box 2, Amb. Sneider Telegrams - January-April 1975
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, White House Operations, David Gergen Files, Box 2, Folder, "Central Intelligence Agency."
RG 58, AAD: MDR release by State Department from P-reels
RG 59, Richard Sneider records, box 2, Ambassador-Eyes Only
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, National Security Adviser Presidential Country Files for East Asia and the Pacific, Box 9, Korea (4), copy from South Korean Nuclear History Collection, Nuclear Proliferation International History Project.
RG 59, AAD, mandatory declassification review (MDR) release by NARA