Virtual Reading Room

U.S. Navy History and Archives Division, Seventh Fleet Records, box 128, Soviet Fleet Operations October 1969
U.S. Navy History and Archives Division, Seventh Fleet Records, box 128, Soviet Fleet Operations October 1969
Nixon Presidential Materials Project. Special Files. Hand-written Journals and Diaries of Harry Robbins Haldeman
Lyndon B. Johnson Library, Papers of Lyndon B. Johnson. Special Files, Tom Johnson's Notes of Meetings, box 4, October 14, 1968 - 1:40 pm, Foreign Policy Advisory Group Meeting
RNPL, NSCF. Box 123, Vietnam Operation Pruning Knife [2 of 2]
RNPL, NSCF. Box 123, Vietnam Operation Pruning Knife [2 of 2]
NARA, RG 218, JCS Chairman's Files (Wheeler), box 109, 381 World-Wide Increased Readiness Posture (October 69)
Richard M. Nixon Presidential Library, National Security Council Files, box 352, Schedule of Significant Military Exercises Vol. I; DNSA
NARA, RG 218, JCS Chairman’s Files (Wheeler), box 109, 381 World-Wide Increased Readiness Posture (October 69)
Mandatory declassification review released by Department of Defense
Kissinger Telephone Conversation Transcripts, box 2, October 1-13, 1969; also, on DNSA
RPNL, Henry Kissinger Telephone Conversation Transcripts, box 2, September 19-30, 1969; [also published in Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969-1976, Volume 6, Document 126 ]