Virtual Reading Room

LBJL Files of C.V. Clifton, box 1, Hold for CVC, Volume 1
RG 84, Entry P 339, Jakarta Embassy Files, Box 12, Folder 8 Pol 12 PKI-Army
RG 59, Conference Files, 1949-1972, box 379, CF 2521 Visit of Chancellor Erhard 6/4/65 Admin & Substantive Misc and Memcons
CREST database
RG 59, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Reports Coordination and Review Staff, Intelligence Reports, 1961, 1963-67, box 1, Intelligence Notes (1965) May 9 to May 22,
Nicholas H. Steneck personal collection
CIA Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room
RG 84, U.S. Embassy Tel Aviv, Classified Central Subject Files, 1962-1966, box 4, AE 11-2 Dimona Exdis 1965
RG 59, Entry UD-UP 141, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Reports Coordination and Review Staff, Intelligence Reports, 1961, 1963-67, box 1, Intelligence Notes (1965) April to May 3
RG 128, Records of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, Subject Files, Box 16, Foreign Activities- Israel 1957-1976
RG 59, SN 64-66, AE 11-2 ISR