Virtual Reading Room

Defense Technical Information Center
National Archives, RG 373 (DIA), Entry UD-05D 60, Box 1
RG 84, box 4, AE 11-2 Dimona (EXDIS) 1965
RG 84, box 4, AE 11-2 Dimona (EXDIS) 1965
RG 84, box 4, AE 11-2 Dimona (EXDIS) 1965
National Archives and Records Administration, Records of the Department of State, Record Group 59 [RG 59], Formerly Top Secret Foreign Policy Files, 1964-1966, box 5, Def 12 US.
U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
National Archives and Records Administration, Records of the Department of State, Record Group 59 [RG 59], Formerly Top Secret Foreign Policy Files, 1964-1966, box 5, Def 12 US.
RG 330, Entry UD-06W #31, 471.96 File; NARA
DNSA; from RG 59, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Reports Coordination and Review Staff, Research Memoranda, 1965-1966, box 155, REU-7-RM
Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library, Meeting Notes File, box 1, "[February 17, 1965-10:00AM Meeting with General Eisenhower and Others,]";
Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library, Meeting Notes File, box 1, "[February 17, 1965-10:00AM Meeting with General Eisenhower and Others.]"