Virtual Reading Room

LBJL, National Security File, Robert W. Komer File, box 30, Israel Dimona 1964 #1
RG 330, Entry UD-06W #31, 471.96 File; NARA
RG 59, INR, Reports Coordination and Review Staff. Intelligence Reports, 1965-1966, box 155, REU-4-RM
RG 59, SN 64-66, AE 11-2 ISR-
Records of Foreign Service Posts, Record Group 84 (RG 84), U.S Embassy Tel Aviv Classified Central Subject Files, 1962-1968 (TA 62-68), box 4, AE 11-2 Dimona Exdis 1965
RG 59, Israel 64-66, box 8, Arms Control. Nuclear weapons 65,66,67
National Archives, RG 330 (Office of the Secretary of Defense), Entry UD-06W 30, Box 10
LBJL Files of C.V. Clifton, box 1, Hold for CVC, Volume 1
LBJL Files of C.V. Clifton, box 1, Hold for CVC, Volume 1
Defense Technical Information Center
RG 59, Israel 64-66, box 8, Atomic Energy Israel AE 7 Visits Missions
RG 59, SN 64-66, AE I1-2 ISR