Virtual Reading Room

John F. Kennedy Library, Arthur Schlesinger Jr. Papers, Box 28, Folder, "British Guiana 2 of 2."
Mary McAuliffe, ed., CIA Documents on the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, (CIA Center for the Study of Intelligence, October 1992), pp. 91-93.
Volkogonov Collection, Library of Congress, Manuscript Division, Reel 17, Container 26. Translated by Gary Goldberg for the Cold War International History Project and the National Security Archive.
RG 59, Records of Bureau of European Affairs, Office of German Affairs, Records Relating to Berlin, 1957-1963, box 5, Berlin-Military Sub-Group 1961-63
RG 59. Bureau of European Affairs, Office of NATO and Atlantic Politico-Military Affairs. Records Relating to NATO Affairs 1959-1966, box 6
National Archives, JFK Assassination Records, Document No. 178-10003-10090 & 157-10002-10102.
National Archives, JFK Assassination Records, Document No. 178-10003-10090 & 157-10002-10102.
RG 59, Entry UD-UP 131, INR/DDR, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Reports Coordination and Review Staff, Research Memoranda 1961-1963, box 133, RSB-152-RM
The National Archives (United Kingdom), Ministry of Defence Records, DEFE 13/323 (copy courtesy of Matthew Jones, London School of Economics)
James Donovan Collection, Hoover Institution Archives
Dino Brugioni Collection at the National Security Archive.