Virtual Reading Room

John F. Kennedy Library, National Security File, Staff Memoranda, Ralph Dungan, Box 391, Folder, "British Guiana, 6/1/1962 - 8/15/1962."
For version A: Gerald R. Ford Library, Gerald R. Ford Papers, President’s Handwriting Files, Box 31, Folder, “National Security Intelligence (8).”
For version B: John F. Kennedy Library, National Security File, Box 15, Folder, “Country British Guiana 6-62 - 12-62.”
Defense Technical Information Center
Library of Congress, Paul H. Nitze Papers, box 221, folder 14 (copy courtesy of Matthew Jones)
RG 59, Executive Secretariat Conference Files, 1949-1972, box 291, CF 2163 Secretary's European Trip, June 18-28, 1962 MemCons
NARA, Record Group 128, Records of the Joint Committees of Congress. Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, 1946-1977, JCAE Executive Session Transcripts, box 53, Item 7369
John F. Kennedy Library, Arthur Schlesinger Jr. Papers, Box 28, Folder, "British Guiana 1 od 2."
Foreign Relations of the United States, 1961–1963, Volume XII, American Republics, Document 405
John F. Kennedy Presidential Library Mandatory Declassification Review Release.
John F. Kennedy Library, National Security Files, box 336, NSAM 160 - Permissive Links for Nuclear Weapons in NATO 5/62-10/63
John F. Kennedy Library, National Security File, Box 15, Folder, "Country British Guiana 6-62 - 12-62."
Volkogonov Papers, Library of Congress, translated by Raymond Garthoff and published in Cold War International History Project Bulletin 11, 1998