Virtual Reading Room

John F. Kennedy Library, National Security Files, Robert W. Komer Files, box 410, China (CPR) Nuclear Explosion (folder 2 of 2)
Original CIA Special Collection, The Berlin Wall Collection: A City Torn Apart
National Archives, John F. Kennedy (hereafter JFK) Assassination Records, Document No. 104-10229-10059.
John F. Kennedy Presidential Library, John F. Kennedy Papers, National Security File, Meetings and Memoranda, Box 319, Folder, “Special Group Meetings 6/8/1961-11/2/1962.”
Foreign Relations of the United States, 1961–1963, Volume XIV, Berlin Crisis, 1961–1962, Document 28
Department of State, Central Files 611.61/5.2461 (redacted version published in FRUS, complete version here)
Department of State, Central Files 611.61/5.2461 (previously unpublished)
Department of State, Central Files 611.61/5.2461 (previously unpublished)
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library (hereafter GRFL), Rockefeller Commission, Parallel File, Box 6, Folder, “Assassination Material, Miscellaneous (5).”