Document 01
This report examines the potential for command and control warfare, or battlefield information warfare, and makes recommendations for its implementation and integration into US doctrine.

Document 02
This document reports on cyber-enabled economic and industrial espionage between 2009 and 2011 and makes projections for the impact of new technologies, shifting workforce culture, and changes in the focus of foreign collectors.

Document 03
This document outlines a framework and methodology for developing a complete national strategy for cyber security.

Document 04
This document reports on how terror groups use the internet as well as multiple aspects of internet counter-terrorism including the frameworks within which nations have to work, investigative efforts, prosecutions, and cooperation.

Document 05
This document updates the Dutch cyber security strategy by emphasizing strategic coalitions, delineating stakeholder relationships, improving capacity building abroad, shifting from a general to a risk-based approach, more clearly outlining policy goals, and developing national capabilities.

Document 06
This document outlines a 5-year plan for securing information and communications technology while meeting long-term societal and economic needs.

Document 07
United States Coast Guard
This journal issue contains a collection of articles on various aspects of cybersecurity and maritime security.

Document 08
This document outlines different measures of effectiveness for network and cyber operations analysis.

Document 09
This document reports the threats assessed by the Dutch intelligence and security apparatus and includes a section on digital threats.

Document 10
This document contains research on Air Mobility Command's Global Air Transportation Execution System (GATES) and the reduction of the Air Force's capabilities in the event of a cyber attack on GATES.

Document 11
This document contains a collection of articles surveying different perspectives and approaches to international cyber norms.

Document 12
This document reports the State Department's strategy and accomplishments in support of the 2011 US International Strategy for Cyberspace (International Strategy).